I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

888 I Suffered Heavy Losses In This War

I watched that pillar pouring its energy fiercely inside the black hole like a ball of mine. Nothing changed at this ball, and that was expected.

After all, it was connected directly to the core of my shadow world. Trying to destroy my shadow world with such a pathetic pillar? It was like trying to damage a planet using a stick of wood!

All I needed to do now was to wait. My right hand was over that den of bones, and my left hand was controlling that technique.

It didn’t need any energy from me anymore as it got more than what it required from that orb. At some point, I noticed that pillar growing fainter, as if that orb was trying to sever the connection with it.

Yet when that happened, my ball trembled, and as if a gigantic and irresistible suction force was born from it, that pillar didn’t only get back to its previous state, it grew brighter as well.

This was what you’d get when messing with me, son of b*tches!

I was worried about dealing with that orb. It was the most troublesome thing here. But thanks to my idea, it went from being such a scary weapon into such a helpless and docile one.

It tried, tried to form another pillar and come at me. But the next attacks of pillars were much weaker than the first one. Besides, I blocked most of them using my ball as I could move it freely by thought.

The issue lied in its slow movement speed, allowing few to fall and get detonated over my pillar’s shield and my chariot’s as well.

These exploded and slammed over my forces. But the impact this time wasn’t even close to one hundredth of what it was at the first attack.

And during that time, that giant bastard was still alive! It kept shouting, threatening me with anything it could think about, yet it couldn’t even continue speaking for more than a few seconds before getting slammed heavily again against the ground, and its words turned into screams of pain and agony.

After stabilising the situation here after half a day, I had time to freely check over the status of my forces.

Well… They were just doing fine. Trying to fight against such angry forces? Fighting ones who got the bitter truth in front of their eyes, naked to be seen by any blind, and got how they and their ancestors lived in such hell and such lies?

Humph! It was better to kill themselves than face such an army!

I used my Hawk Eye skill to see a glimpse of terror these forces were doing to their enemies. Sigh! The rage and desire for vengeance and justice were really calling fiercely at their souls, blinding them and turning them into such fierce and bloody beasts.

But I didn’t stop them. They had to vent all such suppressed feelings, or else they’d end up doing it against my people later on.

I turned an eye over these horrors, letting them do whatever they liked. And then I checked over my soulers.

To be honest, the biggest losses I got during this journey was in the ranks of soulers. All the mighty soulers army I gathered since coming back from that meeting at the Bringold impact was almost gone!

I could only sigh and bitterly accept such a hefty price. Soulers… Necromancers… They were all forces precious to me, just like my fallen gods.

But these two got many losses in this war. Necromancers just joined the fight late, when I had that brutal war against the coalition ten races army of the other universe.

Initially I got one thousand of them. But now? I was left with only a few hundred, not exceeding five hundred.

As for my soulers, I came in here with a few millions of them. And now? I got almost close to two hundred thousand!

That was… A very big loss! But what could I do about that but to sigh and accept such a price?

The most losses came from the last two fights. Fighting these one eyes race wasn’t a big problem, but the aftermath of the exploding pillars coming from that orb was.

Especially the first attack, it really took almost one million soulers away in front of my eyes!

It was something I never wanted to see again. I took a vow on myself to start focusing on replenishing and nourishing their forces after coming back.

I got many souler race descendants from the surface world, but they weren’t like my warriors. They couldn’t be summoned to any battle, and would need me to mobilise them all the time.

Besides, I initially planned to keep them hidden for a long period of time.

It was also the same case for necromancers.

I had to get more soulers, more necromancers, as much as I could get no matter what the price was.

I returned to keep myself busy with the endless amount of bones I was getting all this time. I tried to look at the messages to guess what their grades were, and even started this fun game of deducting the grade of bones from the colour of light dots flashing fast towards my hand.

“Green bone… Golden bone… Damn! What the heck was that? Was this a scarlet purple grade? Does such a grade exist?!!”

And as I kept watching and guessing, I kept seeing weird colours in the form of a mixture of more than two or more colours.

Were these new grades? Or variants of the same grade? I never saw a purple grade before… Was it blue or red? Or a mix between the two? Or something else?

I grew itchy, so damn itchy to open my inventory right now and start checking what I got in there.

But I resisted such an urge. I had to leave this surprise fester into a grand shocking scene when I got done from this den.

Then I turned to look at that pathetic looking orb and couldn’t prevent myself from laughing.

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