I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

879 The Last Struggle

I just did it at the start of this battle to give my boys a hand. But right now? This fight was going in my favour.

The enemy was losing at all fronts, and my forces got bulks of reinforcements each few hours, to make it look like they never lost a single soul to begin with.

At some point, I decided to let the alien race forces fight each other while my personal army would work as firefighters.

The situation kept growing in my favour in such a way that I dared to do this. At some point, I even gave an order for my forces to rest, wait for any hot zone to appear and jump in.

Yet Lucias didn’t agree. That dude was a really fierce warmonger general. In his eyes, his soulers would rest by killing and consuming their foes’ souls.

Per his stubbornness, I decided to let them fight and let my other forces rest for a day or so.

Even after the passage of five days, the fight was still brutal, making me wonder when it was going to stop.

I was sure I killed hundreds of millions of my enemies so far, enough to make them scared and think about retreat. Yet they didn’t! They kept coming, sending more forces here, as if they got no end to their forces.

At some point, I even suspected they were calling their families and kids to fight! Damn! What did these motherf*ckers who created this prison do to make them get all such wrong ideas about me? About anyone coming from the surface world?

Seeing all these lives thrown away thanks to such a dirty scheme was really painful. And yet that told me the sooner I’d controlled them the better.

So I threw aside all these disturbing emotions for later, and focused entirely on using my technique to control more, more, and more!

The fight extended for another three days before the scope of the battle went to a far extent that I couldn’t just stand in my place and control it.

My forces went for thousands of miles in all directions, fighting their enemies close from their living bases.

It was this close from getting over, but it was also getting risky.

I had to get out from the reign of protection of my shield, risk getting targeted by all the different techniques that showered my chariot once I did.

Anyone with a simple mind would realise that killing me would put an end to this entire battle. Even if they were on the losing side here, even if they lost hundreds of millions of their people, and got hundreds more getting controlled by my technique, there was still hope to turn things around once they took me down.

So taking such a step was something that came with tons of attacks, to the extent that I doubted they abandoned fighting the other forces standing in front of them and focused entirely over me.

I didn’t care that much actually. I already filled my chariot with enough energy to sustain me for days like this. But from time to time, some fierce techniques would merge together and form a much fiercer form of attacks that left my shield full of cracks.

Such attacks gave me a scare once I appeared for the first time, especially when I was already flying on top of the main bulk of their forces in one zone.

But thanks to my energy reserve, these cracks got all healed in a blink of an eye, making me heave a sigh of relief.

This thing got repeated more often the more I delved deeper into their ranks. But I had to do so.

I was quite sure they were mobilising all their families and even kids to join this fight. I didn’t want their future seeds to be lost in this fight. I didn’t know how long one of them would take to give birth to kids, and I wouldn’t risk losing these youngsters thanks to their adults’ foolish decisions.

So I had to push forward, attack them with my threads, spanning the field of my technique’s activity to cover most of the battlefield.

Going to such lengths placed great pressure over my bone consumption. But I never hesitated to replenish the golden bones again and again, until at least one entire zone fell under my control.

It happened on the twelve day since this entire hectic fight started. And once I did, I gave them one simple order.

“All the kids and mothers stay behind, old men as well… the rest will move, pick up your arms, and follow my chariot.”

One zone was down, taking me almost five entire days to secure. But there were still four more left.

Just after taking down the third zone, the remaining two felt threatened and got what I was doing. Instead of fighting in separate ways, defending their two remaining zones, they merged together, and started fighting for their survival and the future of their kin.

That turn came at the expense of losing much more in such a short time for such a merge to happen. Yet when that happened, the remaining lot of them stood like a mighty and formidable wall of steel in front of my forces, fighting with everything they got, costing me lots of casualties in the process.

I knew this wouldn’t end well. Coming at a cornered beast was the last thing any wise leader would aim for. But to win this, to secure this entire core, I had to do so.

So I let my boys fight with all their might, closed an eye over the rapidly and terrifyingly increasing rate of death in my forces, and focused on controlling the enemy with my technique.

If this battle would be won, it would be won by my threads, not my soldiers.

At the end of the twenty-eighth day, the last group finally fell under my control. I looked at this vast zone, where the ground was covered in thick pools of blood, mixed from the dead bodies of my side and theirs.

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