I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

865 The Core Of The Pocket World

So this pocket world was created for them? All the souls here came from their people? Damn! Just how many people died during their stay here? I could say there were billions over billions of souls here!

But that wasn’t the end of shocks he’d given to me it seemed.

“The world was created when our coalition army of the ten races was fighting a very huge war against forces of another universe. Then all of sudden, a seemingly endless dark cloud encompassed the entire battlefield, making everyone get sucked into it.”

“You speak as if you saw this yourself,” I couldn’t help but question the integrity of his stories.

“We have a race that can record events in their bloodline. So we can see and even experience the terror of these moments, as if we were actually there.”

“Interesting, what’s the name of such a race?”

“The Krogs, my lord,” he mentioned one of the names I didn’t recognise, “they got power of time running through their veins.”

“You got the power of time here and didn’t use their help to get out?” I asked in doubt. After all, using either the power of time or space would end up for them breaking free.

“It’s… Not that simple, my lord,” he sighed, “we tried, our ancestors did. But all they had was such devastating defeat after defeat, losing lots of our strongest forces in the process, making us stop trying in the end.”

“Why is that?” After all, I planned to get out of here using my time abilities. If using such an ability would fail then I had to know the reason.

I would never accept failure. Any problem they got would be solved by me in the end.

“There… Are a group of terrifying beasts at each path leading out from here,” he drew the world in the shape of a circle. When he said these words, he paused, shifted his attention from the inside to outside, and drew twenty-five lines getting out from the circle.

“We found twenty-five paths, each blocked by a terrifying beast. They… Can devour our time and space powered clansmen, with the power to seal all the stat abilities for us.”

“Ah, I see…” I got to know what he was speaking about. They were just like the beast I enslaved before coming here.

There were twenty-four more of them? Wow! Would I have a free space at my back after ending enslaving all of them or what?

“Why didn’t you use your cultivation power then?” This was a question I had to ask.

“Cultivation? What is that, my lord?” but he gave me another surprise here.

Damn! It seemed the initial races didn’t enjoy the blessing of cultivation bases. That meant the system developed these later on, mimicking what the other universe got.

I understand many things now. The message of that mysterious dude from the other universe spoke about our universe ancestors using rudimentary and weak forms of power compared to them.

That meant the old folks did use the power of system and stats only, with their best strength coming from their bodies and bloodlines, unique abilities like these races.

That explained why the hostile universe, or the dirty dark people controlling it now, focused first on eliminating these races off the board.

But the system then used a brilliant move of borrowing the power of the hostile universe, creating cultivation bases for our people, giving us a chance to survive much longer.

“So you decided to stay here, and succumb to the fate of turning into souls?”

“We got nothing else to do,” he sighed, “if we can’t get out, then what else can we do?”

I couldn’t find any other solution other than trying again and again until they either would get out or die trying.

“Getting out of here is impossible. No one can do it, it’s futile!”

“Don’t place me in the same spot as you lots of people,” I harrumphed, “continue about how you all came here. I see only ten races in our universe. Where are the other universe people? Staying in other places or what?”

“They got killed the first moment this world was formed,” he gave me such weird news, “don’t get surprised lord, after all this world was formed by the bodies and the immense power inside the other universe people. Whoever did this created the world in such a way, making the world get in shape by sacrificing all the other universe fighters at the spot, leaving us to turn into souls and become fuel for what lies underneath.”

“What lies underneath? The weapon?”

“Weapon? I don’t know, no one ever knew… But lord, there was once a group of our elites went down to the core of this world, and only a message was sent from them before they all died.”

“What message?”

“Never dream about leaving, never attempt to get here or else all of us will die… That’s what they sent.”

“Interesting,” I muttered, comparing what this message said with what the mysterious dude left on the stones as a message for me.

How ironic! Two different opinions about what happened, and yet they both came in the form of messages from ancient folks.

Who was right? Who was wrong? I couldn’t tell. But as there was a core, and they sent people there once, then I could simply go there and check things out.

It seemed… My journey here wasn’t that simple or going to be short as I expected.

But it was worth it! I wouldn’t only get rid of such a weapon, but get more races, ones that went extinct or grew scarce to form warriors at my current time.

Not to mention… Those twenty four other beasts were a big harvest indeed.

“Continue…” I urged him to continue speaking.

“Well… Aside from that, there isn’t much to tell. We resigned to our fate, living in this world where each year few of us would die and turn into souls.”

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