I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

863 The Fight Spreads Inside

Instead, I’d control the frontlines, then send them all the way deep inside their lands to spread my threads there. Each single one of them would be a good focus to spread my threads, allowing my control to expand.

Then they’d clear the place for the incoming forces to come and attack me. Then I’d use my technique to control them as well, repeating the same.

Of course the time when I was getting hammered down wasn’t that nice and everything. I suffered, and had to replenish the stock of my chariot with more crystals, reminding me to buy more from Silverlining later on.

This fight kept going in such a smooth way for almost an entire day! Then things started to take a turn to the south when I heard loud booming noises coming from the inside.

“Damn! Those son of b*tches! They will kill their own people just to keep themselves in power!” I clenched my fist controlling the technique. Right now, the consumption rate was best described as being scary!

I had to replenish my bones once per minute. At some point, I started to use my blue bones just to keep up with the increasing demand on my energy.

“Listen up, scatter and find the big leaders of the resisting forces. If you can, just stand beside them for as long as you can. If not, fight them to the death,” after an hour of hearing such loud bangs, I grew tired of this.

If they wanted to fight, then I’d fight them in my own way.

The thing that created all this pressure over my energy was that I didn’t break a single connection with anyone. Not even when I controlled such a massive number of forces, I knew they were going to help increase the area of my control.

So I had to sacrifice more bones in return for more control, shortening up the time needed to infiltrate the inner zone to not exceed a day or two at most.

But with the sudden eruption of war inside, I didn’t know how many of them would be left.

Their number? To be honest I didn’t have time to check the controlled ones yet. I started using the big contracts, the ones that could sign tens of millions for this operation.

So it was hard to know exactly how many I controlled so far, but at least they were in hundreds of millions.

And that made me think about something… How would I take all of them out?

I was going to smash this world into pieces, collapsing the entire world. But what would that end up at? Would every single living one be able to get out? Or were they going to fall here and die with the world?

If so, then it was better for me to find a way to open a gate to the outside. The outside world was the one controlled by me, with nothing there to fear about.

Would they run away? Humph! They were controlled with the power of contracts. So they had no chance of running away.

Even if they did, I’d just order them to come back and they’d comply or die.

Well… even if I ended up with one tenth of their original number, the number I got in my mind, then I’d be satisfied.

The fight inside got intensified for the next few hours, as a sign of the retaliation of my forces. I kept sending out my orders, asking those controlled to stop ordering their forces to kill their people.

This was the simple order I could give, followed by my order to get near the generals and leaders of the opposing forces and try to control or kill them.

Gradually, the sounds coming from the inside started to calm down, alongside the calmness over the frontline.

Reinforcements started to grow scarcely since the sounds of fight erupted inside. Yet I couldn’t go inside and get to see what was happening there myself.

After all there was that big shield stopping me. Trying to take it down with power was feasible, but I refrained in fear it might cause harm to those inside.

So I had to wait, give orders to those under my control to try and find the source of the shield once the fight inside started to grow calmer.

I asked them to take the shield down, a thing that happened only after ten more hours.

“Let’s go,” I led my chariot to move towards the inside, not caring about the remaining forces that kept firing their big guns and attacks at me.

I flashed past over their heads, ending up entering the inner zone at last.

And once I got myself there in a span of a few seconds, I got to see all the devastation caused by the war going on here.

There was once a prosperous cluster of big cities, towns, and even villages here. But now? Only a similar image to the apocalypse, places filled with rubbles and ruins were left there.

Many dead bodies lay on the ground, dying the ground red with their blood.

I looked at this grand place. It was much bigger than I initially thought, at least triple in size. Fights were still going on, as one side amassed their forces to form five big armies that started to kill and hunt down everyone else.

They even dared to kill normal people, who weren’t yet infected or controlled by my power.

“Fine! Retreat!” I controlled my threads, recalling them all of a sudden back. At the same time I moved my chariot, heading directly towards the first group of them.

Each group was formed of a coalition of all the tribes here, with lots of others standing back, not joining the fight and just tagging along.

My best guess? They were their families. It didn’t make any sense for them to kill their people, or risk doing this.

So they brought their people behind, to make sure they wouldn’t harm them.

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