I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

852 Translated Into English!

Should I do it now? Or wait until the entire technique and stones would get revealed?

“I should wait,” I decided, “It’s not that good to read just part of the message.”

This was the thing that made me decide to read the stones first before doing anything else.

If someone was trying to do something using this pocket world to do the merge, then why would he leave the stones arranged so damn close to the pocket world entrance?

If it was me, I’d rather build such a technique far, far away from here. Besides, I never noticed the existence of these stones without the help of Hilary and the soul that controlled her.

Or… Was this something that came outside the planning of these souls inside the pocket world? Was there something else trying to interfere with the dirty plans of these souls?

I got answers, and yet I had many doubts and answered questions. And the latter were much more disturbing than what I knew.

Something… Something felt amiss here. And I had this irresistible urge to unveil it before setting a single step into that pocket world.

I decided to wait, and this wait extended to long hours. As I waited, I started to think about all the options I got.

And so I moved back to the training grounds, asked Legend to select an army and make them ready to get deployed at my mark.

I could send them using my staff directly towards that site, saving them lots of time if they crossed the distance on foot.

Legend was doing great back there. He led the entire forces into such hellish training. The evolution of the monster lifeforms here helped him in doing that as well.

He got many monsters to let his forces kill and train over. Few were small and moving fast, others were huge and moving slower, and there were some who were like calamity, killing tons of my forces if not for the intervention of Legend and the elites he selected from all the forces here.

Well… He was doing just fine. At least one of us was doing great here.

Just looking and watching my forces train, getting a look over the towns and cities filled with life in the middle of mountains, made me sigh.

This world… It must be cleansed clean and saved for me and my people to live in. such paradise… I wouldn’t give up on it this easily.

Finished from doing this, I returned back and waited for my soulers to finish. I slept for half a day, ate and drank, rested and waited.

After two days, the entire grand technique was excavated completely. It spanned over a huge area of two hundred miles around that pocket world, filled with tons of stones, all got the writings all over them.

I looked over this and would only sigh. Such a scale… Such an arrangement… It was scary!

And the scariest part was that this was hidden off my eyes all this time. If not for what happened, I wouldn’t have found out about this place or knew anything about this.

It was good that it all got revealed this early, before I’d depend entirely over this world for my future plans.

At least if I lost it, I wouldn’t lose too much. I could just adapt, change tactics and plans, without losing a lot.

“Humph, let’s see what all this is all about then,” even if I thought about this problem from such an angle, I wasn’t that satisfied about it.

I had to do everything I could to save this world and not lose it no matter what!

“Go,” as I performed my first technique, I waited for ten minutes, consumed bones to form a dense amount of my threads.

I didn’t know if I should cover up the entire place at once or else reading these writings would fail or not. But to be sure, I decided to go all out, unleash enough threads to cover up every single stone, even the ground in between as well.

And once I got ready, I released all these threads while replenishing my bones on the chariot.


The moment my threads touched the stones, I felt this earth shattering rumble coming from nowhere else but my inner soul.

It was unexpected! And what happened next was much more unexpected!

The world… It went all blank all around! It was like someone turned off the lights, and there wasn’t a single speck of light anywhere.

I felt a little uneasy with this. I tried to feel anything, but even my technique with my bloodied left fist inserted in its centre felt like it didn’t exist.

Nothing existed but me. “Is this something I triggered or what?” I just said it before I heard my voice coming from my mind.

And then the entire darkness started to get filled with shiny little dots. They appeared faintly at first. But even the weakest fire in the middle of all this darkness was enough to look like a shining star.

One, ten, a hundred… Specks of lights started to coalesce, shine brighter, force the darkness around away, eating it as if they were fire.

It started with pure white, turned slowly into silver, before ending up in golden colour.

Dots of lights started to join together to form threads. Small lines started to appear, joining together to form some sort of letters.

“This…” and to my surprise, the letters that appeared were of the same unknown language I didn’t manage to read before.

But the moment these writings appeared, they got masked, flashed brighter for a second, got hazy before they started to rearrange themselves as if someone was controlling their movements.

And instead of the unknown language, a familiar language of my race appeared. The unknown letters and words changed to form sentences I could read and understand.

One line after another appeared, each showing the same changes. They appeared first in that unknown language, before changing all into English.

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