I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

849 There Is Something Terribly Wrong!

One had to know that the more they moved outwards, the bigger the space they had to cover. More circles appeared, with each having unequally and irregularly distributed deeper special stones.

Circles weren’t the issue, triangles were. Circles just kept expanding outwards in such a regular pattern. But triangles didn’t follow any pattern at all!

They might just appear to link two or three circles together or might expand over tens of circles over. They might even interlink between each other from any angle, or even trespass each other’s body without any reason.

Slowly things started to look messy to my eyes. I was first able to follow this design. But now? I couldn’t even follow those outer ones, even if I focused on part of it.

This design… It was a high form of technique, much higher and more complicated than anything I even thought about.

And looking at it made me more unsure about mimicking this technique. I felt like it was too early for me to try such a high technique.

Even if my bloodline and energy matched, my power would fail me in the end. I might even face a greater disaster than just a backlash!

[I met them and dude… They all advised against going there!]

The message Silverlining sent was simply this warning again. This Silverlining… Did he go there to take their agreement to dissuade me from doing it?

[And what about the writings?]

[This… Didn’t you just read what I sent over? You shouldn’t go there or else you may not return!]

[I can survive this, don’t worry about me] I sighed, [What I need right now is that language to be deciphered and read. Did you find any sovereign able to read it?]

[Actually… They also felt the same like me]

[What do you mean?]

[This language… It isn’t close to any known language present now or was at the past]

Not known?!! This came as a surprise for me.

[Are you sure? It’s not even close to any language?]

[Nothing, nothing at all! It even piqued the curiosity of many sovereigns, promising they’ll start searching it]

[This… I never expected such an outcome to be honest. All the sovereigns? All of them?!]

[Well… I couldn’t ask all of them as many already left. But those in the capital are all the big shots. So if they didn’t know, I doubt anyone else would]

[Ok…] I could only resign to such a depressing outcome.

[Oh… There may be one who might know… But…]

I first didn’t get what he wanted to say, but in the next few seconds I guessed it. [Damn! Are you sure it’s him?]

[Well, if there is anything mysterious like this then he will be the first to be asked about]

[Sigh! Ok, I’ll send him a message]

He was referring to that crazy Golane. I could only endure what he might say or ask for, in return for knowing what his writings meant.

[Can you check this out?]

[Do you think I’m your servant or what? I’m a damn sovereign! You can’t just jump in my chat and send a message whenever you want!]

I expected more actually. His temper… He got all the right to act like that, after all he was a formidable figure in his race.

[Just check out what I sent over]

[I won’t!]

[It’s the writings over the stones around the pocket time loop world. And no one knows what this language is!]

[For real? Whom did you ask? Your pathetic friends? Or that useless piece of sh*t dude of my people?]

[I asked all the big sovereigns at the capital, and none got a clue about what this language is! They even couldn’t find any similarity between it and any old or present language!]

He didn’t answer me for the next half an hour, and I knew he was interested and was checking the recording I sent.

Well, at least he was going to check these writings. Hopefully he might find a clue about them.

[Are you telling me these stones are allocated all around that pocket world? Are you sure?]


[Can you take a recording of that pocket world entrance with the stones around from air?]

[Sorry, I can’t fly] damn! It seemed he already got something from the writings I sent! Asking specifically for that meant he already suspected the arrangement of stones in certain shapes.

[Don’t lie! I already searched out the universe for any info about you. You got a chariot that you stole from a formidable dragon race big shot!]

[He is just a paragon! And I won it in a fair bet!]

[That’s not what he is saying about that. But anyway, you got the chariot and you can fly high in the air, enough to take a full recording of the entire place. Do it then and stop wasting my time]

[Sorry, but I can’t do that]

[Oh… Then… Damn! My friend’s guess is right! Damn lord!]

His friend? Did he take all this time to send the recording over to his crazy friend? And what did his friend see or say about these writings?

Or did he see through more than these writings, and knew the stones were arranged in a predetermined order?

[What did he say?]

[He said… Why should I tell you for free? Give me the location of that world of yours or forget about it!]

This again… Why was this dude acting a little childish with me?

[I told you, I can’t!]

[And I’m telling you, you can’t control that world!]

[Control? I’m the sole ruler here with no one to oppose my dominion!]

[Come on, you can already feel it, right? There is something wrong, terribly wrong about this little precious world of yours. You can feel it, don’t deny it!]

Well… To be honest what he just said was true. I was feeling more threat coming from this world the more I tried to understand this pocket time loop world here.

[I’m not! I’m just curious about this pocket thing]

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