I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

843 [Bonus chapter] Wait! Sign A Contract First!

[I said my price, and it’s not negotiable!] I didn’t give him any room to slip away this time, [You got one hour. If by then you didn’t agree, then I’ll just consider us enemies for good]

I didn’t wait to hear any of his useless sh*t. As I closed the chat with him, I turned to see the dome.

This all started because of this damn thing. A pocket time loop world? Would I also face the same thing when facing the angels’ pocket time loop world as well.

I looked at the dome and started to see what I knew so far. I knew… Nothing that might help, nothing worthy of note!

And that made me more frustrated.

I turned my eyes over to the soulers. They were really doing great work turning this entire zone upside down, showing the heart of the ground and throwing away many rocks as they dug deeply.

They found many of such weird writing stones, but what was the use? I couldn’t read such a language!

Ok… I had to find something I could work on from… Trying to get anything from this place seemed useless for now.

If I just got my Silverlining, I’d have asked him about such language. If I didn’t manage to read it, he or other sovereigns would.

But that was out of my reach for now. So I had to think about this in a different way.

It was similar to the pocket time loop world of the angels, right? So that meant whoever did this had the ability to control time just like angels.

Also as Lucias said, they also had space powers. Were there two races then here? Or one with such terrifying ability mixing time with space powers?

A dead race, a race mighty enough to be targeted by the hostile universe. But the angels managed to keep the remaining lot of them safe using this way.

Why didn’t this race do the same? Were they stopped before completing their technique? From the look of it, they had all the time to prepare and finish such a world.

So why didn’t they try to save part of their people inside? Or was Lucias wrong and there were lots of people inside without noticing their auras?

Thinking this way wouldn’t help so I stopped considering this issue for now before thinking about something else.

The words the soul that controlled my Hilary spoke about the relation between me and the world’s will, taking me as the bad guy here.

What was that all about? I looked up at the bright and clear sky while wondering what was wrong about this world.

Why wasn’t there a single mention about this race in the all detailed records of history about this world.

I read everything, and not just once but a couple of times. Yet I was sure there was never a single mention about a race who could control either time or space.

There was something missing here… I didn’t get why everything was mentioned, everything but this race and empire.

And what was with that empire thing? I got to read all about kingdoms, never heard about this term before except at the ancient human records long before the apocalypse.

As far as I knew, the last empire in the world before the apocalypse hit was the British empire, something that existed many years before.

Well… I had to get more info about empires then. If they were just what humans had before, then this empire would be much more powerful and bigger than any kingdom I ever heard or read about.

So I got that they were like the angels, might have survivors hidden down below. They might be two races with two different abilities, and they were a big and famous race and empire, stretching over more worlds than any kingdom ever did before.

That meant they were famous, known even after their disappearance. Finding their name wasn’t going to be a hard task.

I just had to ask about the list of the famed and extinct empires, with races mastering both time and space abilities in the universe.

I doubted this list would contain more than five names at most.

[What’s your answer?] since the last messages of rage and insult he sent, that sovereign went all silent and didn’t send anymore.

It seemed he either gave up, or was seriously thinking about my offer. Or perhaps he might have been thinking of another way to get what he wanted without telling me any of his secrets.

[I agree. Let me tell you a story then…]

[Wait!] I didn’t even read the entire message, [We will sign a contract first]

[Contract? Are you f*cking kidding me?!!!]

[Sorry pal, but you aren’t that trustworthy at all. Who knows, you may even plant lies in the middle of the truth, or even give me an entire bullshit story as if it was real]

[Come on! I’m a sovereign of the Toranks! How in the world did you get such lewd and dirty thoughts about me?]

Screw you! Do you even think I’d be content and satisfied by this bullshit? Even if your race was mighty and all, having bad weed in the middle of all green was inevitable!

[Then you won’t have a problem signing a contract with me, right?]

[F*ck you! I will never do such a disgraceful thing!]

[Then bye bye, I’ll send a message to Ludan now. Expect a visit from him soon]

[I’ll leave, leave far away and he won’t be able to find me, no one will! And you’ll lose your precious dude here]

[Stop bluffing! Either agree or refuse! I won’t accept such useless sh*t again! Enough wasting my damn time and give me your f*cking answer]

He started to get on my nerves! If he wasn’t ready to help me out, then it was better to waste this time looking for someone else who would.

[Damn! Send me the contract then to review]

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