I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

838 A World Filled With Souls

“It says this is the relic site of the cosmetic empire, a cosmetic relic,” yet Hilary spoke again, seemingly able to read through these writings.

“There is no such an empire in the history of this world…” I narrowed my eyes, slowly recalling the names of the kingdoms in this world. “There was never an empire before,” I firmly said, and that was something I was sure about.

“No! Our history got obliterated by our enemies!” Just as I said these words, Hilary turned to me and her face gave me a fierce expression.

For a second there, I saw another face overlapping over hers.

Damn! Was she possessed by a vengeful soul or what?

“We won’t go into oblivion! This is our place! Our site! Our marks that will last for aeons! No one has the power to remove our name from this damn world’s history, not even that f*cking the world’s will! Ah!”

Just as she bellowed out in such a deep and loud voice that didn’t belong to my sweet Hilary, but to that mysterious soul taking over her body right now.

“Anyone coming here must go there, must see our glorious empire. You can’t stop us, we are immortals and will always find people to deliver our heritage to.”

Just as she said that, she turned around and started running towards that dome.

“Sh*t!” and this time I knew she was going to jump inside that dome. Not under my watch!

*Bang!* I didn’t hesitate to take out my light glaive, ran faster than her before hitting her with my glaive’s shaft.

And like a dead rock she fell on the ground, far from that dome.

“You… Are you an agent of that b*tch? Why is our power not affecting you?” and as I thought she got a good hit and fell on the ground, she slowly stood up from the middle of a dense dust cloud, and spoke in that weird tone.

Sigh! Why did that happen when I had my scissors away? Should I call it back? Damn!

“I will kill you!” without warning, she got her sword out, and then came at me.

“Pathetic!” Just seeing the steps she took, the stance of her sword made me realise whoever was taking control over her right now wasn’t a veteran in fighting and killing.

He was a noob!

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

I gradually sent her flying back using my glaive. One time after another I evaded her simple charge and slow and expected attacks, hitting her with the shaft of my glaive.

I didn’t want to truly wound her. She was my chick after all. But that bastard seemed to not stop.

“I won’t stop, I won’t get tired, hahaha! This isn’t my body to begin with! Nothing can stop me, not even a dirty agent of that b*tch! I’m a soul, and nothing can harm souls!”

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow before suddenly snapping my fingers, “Lucias, come down here right now!”

*Fwoosh!* and without waiting for a second, Lucias stood on my side, with all his shocking orange fire.

And the appearance of my Lucias here caused the face of my Hilary to change.

“You can harm souls, right?” I ignored her, and turned to Lucias as I had to make sure of this, “you can hunt down one soul and leave the other intact, right?”

“Yes lord, let me do it for you.”


“Stay away from me! You damn beast! Stay away or I’ll kill her!”

Just as my Lucias moved in a fog of orange smoke, that soul controlling my Hilary got a scare.

She raised her sword and seemed to aim at her heart! Damn! That was slightly unexpected. This soul might not be a true fighter, but he was cruel enough to take down his life with my girl.

But the next moment my Lucias flashed passed her body, and all I heard was a heart curdling wailing scream that started to grow coarse.

“It’s done, and his soul… Tastes unique and good,” Lucias returned back to stand by my side, while his words made me feel he really enjoyed such a meal.

“Damn!” Just as he said that, Hilary’s body got all weak and fell to the ground. I moved fast and just held her before her head would hit the ground.

What is wrong with my people these days? They were getting controlled and ending up losing consciousness later on.

Sigh! I examined her and she looked fine from outside. But I didn’t know if that soul left any damage behind.

“So… The soul controlled whoever came closer to here, forcing them to open this relic site…” I muttered while leaving Hilary inside my chariot’s one of the many rooms there.

“Tell me, did you feel anything different about this soul?” If it was a soul, then my Lucias here was the best to tell me all about it.

“It felt unique…” but that was all he said.

“In which way?”

“It looked old, felt with great rage and hatred. I ate it but I felt full, like eating one million souls or even more.”

“This…” So it wasn’t just a normal soul. My Lucias was glutinous in terms of eating souls. One million? That was barely enough to make him survive a day, not to get such a full feeling.

“Anything else?”

“Yes, that place… It’s filled with such souls… I can already sniff them from here. Lord, can you let me go there? Let my boys have a bite?”

“Bite?!” I looked at him in a weird way before turning my eyes towards the dome, “you are saying this place is filled with souls?”

“It’s weird… But It’s filled with souls. It’s like someone trapped billions of souls there for such a long time.”

“Then… Can you see life appearing from this dome?” I pointed at the dome and even moved closer to it.

“I can see that.”

“So it’s an illusion?”

“Hmm… My best guess is time ability.”

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