I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

835 The Mysterious Relic Site

First there was a big dome of energy covering the entrance and the big opening leading to it.

It was a thin layer of energy, shimmering with golden and red light lines from time to time, like running serpents running over that dome.

It wasn’t that thick to shield what was inside from my eyes. And what I saw there made me frown.

What did I saw? A bustling city! A city that looked just as lively and vibrant, looking alive as if nothing happened to it after the long passage of time.

Using Hawk Eye skill I could see many things deep down through that shield. It seemed that the opening and that shield was like a hole in the sky, overlooking a very prosperous world down there on the ground.

That… Was shocking! How the heck was such a thing there? Didn’t this world end up destroyed a long time ago or what?

[Lily, I want you to come and see something with me] As I was lost, it was good to ask for another opinion.

I saved that place and then returned back to the training camp at the trait before sending this over to Lily.

[Is it urgent?]

[It is]

[Ok, give me a minute. I will ask that kid to oversee my people until I’ll return]

Her minute expanded to almost an hour!

“Sorry, I had to explain many things for him,” she said in such an apologetic tone before looking around, “are we going to explore a place here? Or do what?”

“There is something that doesn’t add up,” I said with such a long face before taking out my staff and opening a portal there.

“Like what?”

“Come in and you’ll see for yourself,” I passed through the portal and summoned my chariot again. Once the two of us rose high in the air, the fine scales covering her face all rose up and down, like getting stirred by her emotions.

“What the hell is that?!!!” her tone told me she was as shocked as me, or even more. She looked at me and waited for my answer.

Girl… I brought you here to give me answers, not the other way around!

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “this was supposed to be an ancient relic site of some sort of a long gone civilization. But as you can see, it looks like they are still alive!”

“This…” she returned again to inspect that shield and the lively city down below, “it looks like we are seeing them through a tiny hole in the sky!”

“I got the same feeling,” I nodded, “but… That’s impossible!”

“Tell me what you know about this place,” she seriously looked at me, “something is fishy going on here. You do realise that we all considered this world as a piece of heaven, free of any threat or danger. But…”

“I know,” I sighed, “that’s why I called you here to hear out your thoughts.”

This was the grand threat I had in mind once I spotted this city.

Fearing a single city? No way! I’d just summon my soulers who were now helping to secure the Hector continent with others and let them crush this city to shreds.

That wasn’t the threat, not even close. The real threat was in what Lily guessed and thought about.

We came here and felt how peaceful and calm this world was. We all dropped our guards down, even I did the same.

But this site… This sight of such a lively old city under the ground was threatening! If there was such a life going on under the ground unnoticed by us, then it was bad! Very bad!

Who knew when they might target us! If that proved to be the case, then I should give orders and form armies to protect every single inch of this world.

I even would start raging wars, killing those people or dominate them to secure my world.

“All I know is that site was long discovered by Hilary and Angelica long before we first came here…” I started to narrate what I knew about this place.

And frankly speaking, I got little to tell about that.

“Who said this site was a cosmetic relic place?!!” from what I said, she just picked such useless intel and showed a reaction I saw before.

It was the same face the other two girls showed to me while speaking about this site.

What the heck was wrong with them? What the heck was wrong with this site?

“I… Don’t know about that. The girls said it, and both seemed convinced about it.”

“One is missing,” Lily slowly said, “but we got another to ask, right?”

“Hilary? Is it necessary to get her here?!” I was surprised by what Lily said.

First, Hilary was mad about letting Angelica get full access to this site alone. And second, I was with Lily alone!

Before what happened at the beach, I wasn’t that interested in her. But after seeing her hot treasures, I couldn’t help but feel that Hilary got a point in getting wary of her.

“This isn’t a cosmetic site! I went to many before myself! Something is fishy here, and the only people who know about it are these two. We need to know how they deducted such info about this place! Who told them about it?”

“Told them?” I raised one eyebrow.

“Can’t you see? There are tons of people living down there. Didn’t it cross your mind for a second that they were lured to open and activate this place?”

“Activate? You aren’t possibly thinking this was really happening! This… All this must be an illusion!”

Well, I didn’t just bring her up without thinking about this mystery and forming my own theories about it.

My best guess? This was all an illusion! Not real!

My second best guess? This was some sort of a stored up memory, reinforced with some sort of ancient energy or magic to let anyone be able to experience what the people of this city experienced before.

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