I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

829 Lily Is... Hot!

Putting aside her scales, Lily got such a fiery curvy body. Her waist was so thin that I could hold it with my arm entirely!

“Tsk, if not for these scales…” I watched her jumping into the fierce waves like they were nothing, wearing only two thin semi-transparent pieces of cloth that revealed almost everything.

From time to time, she would stop swimming, raise her head and start moving both hands over her hair. She stole gazes at me from time to time, seemingly not irritated by me looking at her in such desire.

And that made me doubt she did this on purpose.

At some point, I couldn’t control myself and decided to go into the ocean as well. However, I lacked any suitable clothes for that.

All I got was gears! Just as I was in the middle of looking for something suitable for swimming in the market, I got a message to save me from all this trouble.

[It’s done!]

It was Silverlining! This dude finished the meeting in less than three hours. [And? What’s the decision of your higher ups?]

[It’s a go] he sent such a great piece of news, [But… They require you to do something first]

[What? They want bones?] It was the only thing that I had in mind when he said that.

[No… They ask for something else. A proof of sincerity]

[Like what?] I felt that something bad was coming my way.

[They need time to arrange their forces anyway, so don’t take this as a way to hinder you or something]

[Just say it]

[Have you heard of the betting world before?]

Betting world? Wasn’t that the world where strong powerhouses would send their people to fight over bets and arranged according to their cultivation bases?

[I heard… What about these worlds?]

[Well… They ask you to prove yourself and your power there. A test with one month period before assessing your performance there]

[Hmm… Any specific conditions for that?]

[Just come in top ten and it’s a go]

Top ten? I planned before to send my troops there and aim to win the entire bet. [Ok, but I lack tickets to such a place]

[I’ll provide you with one. But… I need to warn you, sending too much powerful forces there won’t help]

[I got it. Thanks bro. I now need lots of races and humans, warriors as well] as this point was closed in this way, I had to ask for what I needed.

As for that test thing, they gave me one month to do it.

I still had to deal with the fifth quest and the golden quest, and both would arrive in less than three weeks from now at most.

So I’d just finish them and then hop into this test.

[I will give you a surprise this time. I got the support from many sovereigns, and they are eager to get your bones]

[Great. By the way, tell them that I might need more time than one month. You see I got one big quest waiting for me, the fifth one, besides the golden quest]

[The golden quest? Are you taking part in that? Then… Let me see what I can do]

[What about that quest?] I felt he acted differently when he learnt about that quest.

[It’s a much fiercer battlefield than the one at the betting worlds. If they learnt about this, then this test will change to be coming in top twenty in that golden quest]

[For real?!!] I was surprised, not because the test can be changed, but the fact that the requirement would be a little loose.

That told me how hard it was to excel at the golden quest.

[Yes. just give me an hour or so. Damn! I have to go back fast before they’ll leave]

[Ok, but don’t forget my stuff]

[Don’t worry, I will get them in the next couple hours. Will send the good news soon, wait for it]

I knew he could be trusted. This capable dude never failed to deliver what he promised.

As I had to wait again, I returned to watch the sexy Lily playing amidst the big waves like a princess in fairy tales.

Time passed fast, and Lily didn’t seem to intend going out as long as she was getting my attention. Without knowing it, four hours passed and then I got the good news from Silverlining.

[They agreed on changing the test over to the golden quest. And you have to come in the top twenty list at the end. I hope you are prepared for that]

[I have lots of powers right now but lack intel about that kind of quest. What is it? An open war? Or something else?]

[That… Let me send over a complete guide to the nature of these quests. But you have to know that each theme can be changed according to the will of the system higher ups]

[So… This information will help or what?]

[They can change themes, but they won’t be that creative to bring forth a new one from scratch. You have to study the themes used before and their variations, just to be ready]

[Cool. Thanks bro. What about the humans, races, and warriors?]

[I got you lots of races. As for humans, they were never a hot item before. We got little of them, but I already notified all the sovereigns on your side to move and try to bring more. Expect much more next times then]

[I can understand] I knew humans were considered losers before, [Then what about my warriors?]

[I got almost ten million this time, I hope this will help]

[I need more soulers and necromancers]

[Damn Hye! What’s wrong with these cursed races? Are you sure you want them?]

[Just find as many as you can, especially from necromancers. I got only one thousand. What can these do for me?]

[One thousand is already too much! Can you even handle them?]

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