I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

827 Arranging Things At Earth

Just as she sent this, I spotted a chariot rising up from the distance to the north.

“He is coming,” Angelica pointed at the direction of that chariot, “he isn’t far off. It’s just the next cluster to the north.”

“Lucky for us, or else finding him would be a problem.”

This part of the kingdom was like an open maze for me. If she tried to give me directions, I would eventually have been lost.

“You took long enough to come here,” as she boarded the chariot, Isac said in mockery.

For her, I didn’t take longer than a few hours to come here. “I thought you’ll take days before coming.”

“Yes, he also startled me,” Angelica rolled her eyes, joining Isac in commenting on my fast appearance in front of them.

I warned them that I’d take days, but was the time manipulation thing my fault?

“I saw what you did back at the capital,” I said, shifting the topic towards the business, “and I can see you are already preparing for the zombies.”

“They are a threat we have to be ready for,” Isac said, “and the kingdom is already very big, and I got little hands to help. And whose fault is that?”

“His, not mine,” Angelica pointed at me in such a way that made me want to kick her out of my chariot.

“I’m going to deal with that,” I paused when Isac raised an eyebrow in response, “very soon, I promise.”

“It’s your kingdom, if you didn’t fulfil your promises then I got nothing to do to help more than this,” she shifted her gazes around, “I’ve already pushed all of my workers over their limits. And yet we can’t work on more than twenty clusters at the same time, each will take roughly five days to seven from us.”

“I get it,” I knew she was giving early excuses for the poor results she was expecting. But I wasn’t joking, this issue of limited manpower would be solved soon.

“And we need materials, equipment for the new boys comings… Not to mention the lack of dragons.”

“Do you want to form a dragon rider legion or what?” Angelica objected, but I raised my hand to stop her as I nodded.

Such a grand project would definitely need lots of hands, and capable and enough messengers.

“How many dragons do you need?”

“For the current workers? Just a couple hundred can do,” Isac paused before seriously adding, “but if you are going to get me much more, I’ll need thousands, tens of thousands even… That’s in case you are really serious about that.”

Tens of thousands? Girl, you are dreaming about forming a dragon rider legion indeed.

“Fine,” I didn’t hesitate to call ten thousand of my dragons out. In addition to that, I also summoned ten thousand more, costing me ten million souls in total.

After the last battle, and after sacrificing one hundred million to get my second life ticket, I got close to ninety million souls. And that after deducting all the costs of activating my other sacrifices before that battle with the Hector king.

“Here you got them,” I said while motioning towards the twenty thousand dragons here, “they will follow your orders from now on and the girls you will choose as well.”

“You are really serious…” She seemed to doubt my intentions. This girl… Did she think I’d leave her with just the few workers here?

It wouldn’t only be humans, but all races I could get. I’d fill up my entire kingdom to the brim with citizens. Not to mention my other world.

“Just be ready to receive those people I’ll send,” I looked at Angelica before adding, “she will handle them, arrange them into different teams ready to help. All you need to do is to leave people here to welcome and assign tasks to these citizens.”

“Citizens? Are you planning to let them live here?!”

“Of course! Or else who will defend these clusters of yours?” I rolled my eyes over the weird question of Angelica.

Isac was smart enough to read through my intentions and the entire plan.

“I’d need to train more people then,” Isac said, commenting on the task of leaving people behind to welcome the new people.

“You shall start this process fast,” I said in warning, “I’ll go into the other world now and start bringing people.”

“This… Ok, I understand,” Isac knew about the time difference between the two worlds, so she got to know that she had little time left before new people would arrive here.

“Good luck,” I said before turning to Angelica.

“Are we done here?” she seemed eager to return to the world of peace back there.

“You know this is just a temporary assignment, right?” I had to tell her that when I felt that she was mistaken about this task.

“What can I do without an army?”

“Lily will help with that.”

“When she will wake up.”

“She will, and she won’t be alone there,” I also got Legend with us to help. This kid would do a great job helping Lily in that hellish training.

I got the idea of assigning my generals into stages, making the new fighters go through different training steps so they’d get stronger fast.

However, all my generals were busy right now. So, I had to entrust such a task over to these two, and I knew they’d do great.

I opened a portal to my other world and went directly there. What welcomed me was the all silent world there, with only the fierce sounds of waves crashing at the shore nearby.

“This place… This world… It looks really peaceful than Earth,” Angelica was shocked to see such quietness and feel such tranquillity. “It feels like… All this apocalypse and killing is just a nightmare.”

“It’s not,” I seriously said, “and this world isn’t all void and empty.”

I motioned my head towards the far distance, where many towns and cities were built deep in the paths between the mountains.

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