I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

818 My Shocking Necromancer World

“So…” I started taking the contracts I prepared for them. They were in such huge numbers that occupied the entire chariot of mine. “You are going to have enough of these contracts. Each one is enough to sign one hundred thousand people at one time.”

I bought lots of these special contracts then waved all over the chariot, “get what you need, get more than enough as I’ll be busy during the next week.”

“Where are you going?” the jumper glared at me. What? Did you think I’d run away and leave you to face your man of the angels on your own?

“I have a few things to do,” I wasn’t lying! I had to first check my necromancer world. Then I had to use the other two artefacts I gained.

The grand planning of the entire kingdom’s defenses must be discussed and revised with all staying back in the capital Isac.

I didn’t summon her here, fearing the enemies would take such a chance and come to attack the capital. Also she was planning the entire defences of the capital and the regions around.

After finishing all this, I’d go to my second Earth world and start my work again there.

I had to use the time difference for my benefit. I needed to train more troops, expand the area of civilization there, and also train and stabilise my cultivation.

I also gained two new beasts and had to summon and test them.

“Mr. Busy guy, you do know how hard the upcoming quest will be, right?” the jumper rolled his eyes and I just harrumphed in response.

“Just make sure to control the entire continent before that deadline,” I returned to the main topic again, “you will execute the orders coming from the capital about the rulers and planning of the entire continent.”

“So you are going to be busy allocating people and drawing maps? Terrific!”

I ignored the mocking tone of that jumper again and added, “then you will all move towards the west. Things there aren’t that good yet at these parts. Besides, a grand reforming plan will be underway there.”

“Are we going to move Hectors to fill in the gaps there?” one of the Hector generals asked.

“No, let your people live in their home,” I thought about this but dropped the idea soon after.

It was better to let people know that continent to remain there and defend it. Also it would be better to not move them this early, as this might add more resentment to these Hectors.

“What about the western parts then?” Angelica spoke and when she did, I recalled something.

“You will stay behind with me,” I said. And once I did, I attracted the serious angry gazes of Hilary in my arms.

“She has something to do back there,” I said in defence, but that didn’t stop the glaring eyes from my chick.

“Let me go with you then.”

“It’s not a field trip! We are doing something serious here,” I rolled my eyes. Why the heck did she get all stirred up when I used Angelica or Lily?

Mentioning this girl, she was still lying asleep inside my chariot with Legend, seemingly the two would need more time to wake up.


“This is final!” I didn’t give her any chance to object anymore, “I need all of my capable generals to do their tasks, and that’s all.”


She pouted her lips, complaining about my attitude and decision. I turned towards the rest and added, “The fifth quest will start in less than one month from now. Before that, I’ll bring lots of people there to help. You just do your part and don’t slack or else zombies will eat you alive.”

The Hectors were also aware of the zombie’s serious case like my girl and jumper. So they all nodded in a serious way. As for my teammates, they weren’t that aware of how horrible these zombies were.

But when the fifth quest would start, they’d get to see the true horror of these.

“Go now. Your armies from before will remain the same,” I said in the last part while looking directly at the eyes of the jumper, “you can have the army of the little turtle. But the aquatic forces are all off the table.”

“What are we going to do with them?” Hilary left my arms in a complaining way, asking while her left leg kept knocking on the floor of my chariot.

“Just let them take post in the space between this continent and our capital,” I had future plans for them. But now, they had to be stationed there, securing that side for good.

As I cleared things out for them, I started my journey back to the capital. And Angelica was on my side during this trip.

“I know she is just jealous of me.”

“I don’t know what you see in her!”

“She is just like that, always complaining about me and other girls!”

“Doesn’t she have any confidence in herself? For real it’s getting on my nerves!”



“Shut the hell up!”

She kept blabbering such useless comments for the first half an hour of our journey back to the capital. I got fed up with what she said, and had to act this way to stop her from going overboard.

And since then, she kept her thoughts to herself, making the atmosphere all calm and silent.

“What the heck is… That?!!!”

But when we arrived at my necromancer world, she couldn’t help but shout in such shock.

And she got the right to feel so.

I left this pocket world while absorbing large and fierce torrents of air towards it. And after all these days away from it, this world showed a fierce change for the first time.

“It’s my world,” I said while controlling my chariot to rise high up, to get a better look at this world.

And the more I saw, the wider my smile became.

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