I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

795 I Gained An Aquatic Army! Hooray!!

The bronze light kept taking me away while I was lost in thoughts.

This battle… It wasn’t just the typical fight I had so far!

The wits of that king, the last struggle he pulled, and the desire to win and live were all remarkable and new to me.

I never faced such an opponent before, ever!

I always read records back in my time, always read stories about great figures and how they struggled to keep themselves victorious.

But for the first time ever, I had the privilege to witness this in flesh.

This wasn’t a man fighting for his race, he was fighting for his gains, for himself.

It wasn’t a crime to do that. But against someone like me, shouldering an entire race over my shoulders, that king paled a lot in comparison.

He became a prestigious king, hailed over worlds and many races, brought glory and pride to himself and his race.

But what did he do in the end? He came here, enjoyed such a pathetic life and even went into deep slumber.

A sword must always be sharpened by blood and hardened by the fire of fights… I once read it somewhere in the records and it seemed whoever said this was a wise man.

I should never allow myself to end up like him. Everyone had a date, but mine should come after I’d achieve everything possible and visit every single place in this entire universe… No, in the entire big cosmos!

The light faded and I returned again, on top of my chariot, standing against a brutal scene of fighting.

It seemed that what I worried about before was true… That king summoned all his forces here.

I saw tons of ground forces gushing out from massively big whirlpool-like portals in the distance. The big castle was still there, hovering over the ground, attacking with ranged weapons.

My valiant generals were facing ground and flying forces alike.

The weapons and items I bought earlier proved themselves worthy. The sky was filled with tons of flying beasts and winged races which kept coming hot at my forces inside the shield.

But from the shield, my forces launched their attacks, killing a large number of these forces.

These items… They were really worthy of each bone I paid.

Bones… Recalling this made my heart ache!

I lost a lot! Spent too much before to strike the deal with Silverlining, then spent the rest at that arena.

However, just when I was feeling this deep pain of losing so much in such a short time, I got a series of messages that made my mood change at once.

[Congratulations! You won the king Vs king challenge]

[You now have half of what king Silvador had]

[You gained half of his belongings inside your inventory]

[You gained control over half of his forces in this world]

[You gained control over the Fearful Castle]

[You gained a king medallion]

I looked up at these messages before it suddenly hit me!

I gained half of his forces? How come this is? And an answer popped up in my mind, a very daring answer that I didn’t take for granted before checking my profile first.

“Damn! It’s true! That dude held his forces by contracts, just like me!” I looked up and there I found in the contract page lots of additions that just came in at the last minute.

They were a bunch of many races, mainly Hectors. I looked up at this screen before laughing.

Such gain… It was truly unexpected at all!

“Listen up” I held my horn and shouted amidst my laughs, with the thought of contacting the recently joined forces to me, “break free from the enemy and join my forces now! Disobey and you will all die by the power of the contract.”

This was a game changing! I just gained half of what he had here, but he already brought out much of his forces.

I didn’t feel any bitterness about losing the forces that didn’t come here. It seemed it was forbidden for me yet to use them.

Who knew? I might get these forces later on when I’d leave this world and go venturing the vast wide universe.

I stood on top of my chariot while watching a very shocking and exciting scene.

Half of the forces started to suddenly break apart, move away from their allies, group together, turn around before forcing their way towards my shield.

My forces kept themselves all this time inside the shield, giving them a good chance to kill the enemy without getting killed.

The sight of such a move startled my forces, and that reminded me that I hadn’t spread this great news yet.

[Don’t attack the incoming big troops, they are on our side] I sent this to all the generals here, while another battlefield piqued my interest.

It wasn’t the fight going on at the walls, led by my generals there. It was way beyond!

The aquatic battle was long ended by my loss and retreat. The size of forces there were simply too much to handle, and there were lots of other stressing issues here to handle.

But now? And just at the far distance I saw a huge number of forces coming out from the gulf and trying to gather up together.

Damn! He also owned the huge aquatic forces up there at the ocean and gulf? If so, then this war brought me such a pleasant surprise!

What was my sole weakness against Hectors? Of course lacking decent aquatic forces!

Damn! I got myself such a large number of very well trained and much experienced aquatic army! And it had to go on land and fight their way towards my walls?

No way! No f*cking way! This would be suicidal!

“Listen up,” I instantly held my horn and ignored all the messages that came from my generals asking about what the heck just happened here, “all aquatic forces near the gulf, go into the water and group there. Find a safe zone outside this battlefield and wait for more instructions.”

Like they got electrified, the large wave of forces that was getting formed by the sh*The load of forces coming out of the gulf paused for a second there.

Then as if they were all controlled by a higher force, they all turned around and returned fast towards the gulf.

I even saw many forces in the middle of the dense enemy army turning around and started running.

This came all of sudden and the enemy didn’t have any decent generals to give them orders. I killed their king, and they were now like headless giant pythons.

As I secured my aquatic army and saved it from getting unneeded losses, I shifted my eyes towards a certain direction.

“So… You aren’t a normal castle built by the Hectors after all… You are an artefact! Just like my chariot!” I grinned evilly the more I looked at my new baby.

She… Was awesome! Able to keep me breathless for days even while looking at her beautifully huge sized area and the lots of defences over it.

This baby… She was mine!

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