I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

785 The Battling Arena - Part 2

“So the southern region is going to be my area of activity,” I checked the map when the vision ability came again for thirty seconds.

The map was now filled with lots of red and green dots. My forces were all green, and the enemy’s were all red.

The three paths were all filled with forces fighting at the midpoint in each pass. That king scattered fifteen towers in each path, five above me.

But what was the use? He was preparing for a big path battle to entangle me there while he’d lead his forces through the forest to infiltrate my region.

He expected me to go through the three paths as it was the most logical approach. So he heavily fortified the paths, and seemingly didn’t expect me to go towards the forests from the start.

I looked at the green and red dots fighting against each other, while a long line of green dots appeared all the way from my castle towards the frontline.

The first impression I got was that my soldiers were having the upper hand in terms of number and strength. Just during the first few minutes of this clash, the frontline was pushed towards the direction of the enemy’s castle.

“Your forces are now pressured, what will you know, Hector king?” I grinned evilly before deciding to make my next move.

“Come out!” I selected one of the monster summons I purchased before and threw it towards the forest around the last post I deployed.

If I was the king, then the first thing I had to do was to clear my region from all the hostile posts.

He played this arena for a long time already, and won every single time. That meant he was so damn experienced about how to get rid of the posts.

I had to surprise him using monsters.


The monster that popped out wasn’t much different from the ones I killed so far. But it was much fiercer indeed and hellish stronger.

It was at level ten, and that told me these monsters were at level one or two perhaps.

This monster didn’t have the same fur as the other ones. Its fur was replaced with spikes, short and sharp, thin looking like needles. And its tail got a sharp long needle that was dropping some sort of dark green liquid.

Anywhere that liquid touched released a small green fog before the spot turned from green to dark green. “Toxic needle… Interesting!” I liked this monster, and had high expectations for it.

I didn’t leave before scattering two more monsters around this post. What I noticed was that the number of monsters I previously had increased by thirteen.

That meant the monsters I killed already were added as my summoned ones. However I had such belief they would be stuck at their low levels, not showing the same fierceness of my purchased and upgraded ones.

It was a regret that I couldn’t access that market again, or else I’d be able to upgrade these newly acquired ones.

I moved towards the next two posts and did the same. I never thought about going to help my troops at the three paths for now. I needed to turn my forest region next to a hellish place if that king thought about infiltrating there.

The last vision given to me exposed the king’s location. He was heading back to the castle, seemingly wanting to get his fourth forces and come to invade my forests.

However he had to cross the entire distance going and returning. Unlike me, he seemed to not have a staff that could memorise places and let me jump at.

I saved lots of places already, yet never used the staff so far. I was sure this king bought the fog clearing item as I did.

So if I was at a location and after a minute I appeared at a far away one, it would make him guess it all about my staff.

Instead, it was better to keep him in the dark.

The next thing I did was to return back to my southern forest, and started to deploy the monsters I had in it and at the northern one later on.

I deployed thirty monsters, divided up into fifteen ones in each forest. One was stationed around each post, and two were located in the distance between posts.

Like I expected, the monsters I killed and added to my arena special inventory were all low levelled. But they already gave the king a hard time to deal with.

I summoned ten low levelled monsters, and twenty high level ones. I scattered the low levels to be beside the high level in the areas between the posts.

Like this, I already used thirty-nine monsters out of the sixty-three I had, leaving me with twenty-four monsters for later battles.

It took me around five minutes to do so. And when I got done, the king already arrived with a big sized force, heading towards the total opposite direction of mine.

I was up north, and he went directly towards the south. “Trying to get rid of the posts? I’d love to see how you’ll do it,” I started to run again all the way down, taking three minutes to arrive at the post just near the middle path.

When I crossed the path, I got to see my spawned soldiers. They were all giants, rivalling my Bulltors in body size and their bulging muscles.

They got square shaped big heads with three big rounded eyes at the middle of their foreheads. They looked fierce with such long harp bones expanding from their elbow joints, acting as deadly short and curved swords.

Each held a thick and heavy looking shield, wore a full body armour that was made of fine oval shaped metallic small rings. Some held swords, others held spears and sledgehammers.

Every wave had almost fifty of such infantry soldiers, followed by twenty archers, ten mages, and five flying soldiers with big bronzed wings that gave them an angelic appearance.

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