I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

783 Scram!

[A duration of three minutes delay are calculated]

[A fee is decided. You either pay or fail and you’ll be considered a loser!]

[The fee is calculated upon your currency]

[For each minute, you will pay ten million green grade bones]

“Only… That?!!” I was taken aback at first, before laughing out loud. “Damn! You got me here for a second, hahaha!”

[Will you pay or won’t pay?]

“I will, yes I will indeed pay,” I laughed again before taking out one dark gold bone of mine, “Transfer the change to upgrade to my soldiers.”

[It’s done!] the moment I took the bone out, it turned as usual to bronzed dust. That dust thing ate away tons of my bones so far.

If I could find where all my bones went, I’d gain a fortune! It wouldn’t only have the bones I paid, but also everything other kings paid since the creation of this Bronzed Coin.

[The fee is paid successfully]

[You are eligible to enter the battling arena]

[You will enter in three… Two… One… Now!]

As the countdown reached its end, I got surrounded with bronze light before it vanished in the next moment.

[Welcome to the battling arena, champion]

[You got ten minutes to study everything and decide which and where to deploy your forces]

[You can only deploy things at areas under your control]

[The spawning soldiers will start in ten minutes]

[Good luck champion, and may the luck be on your side]

The first thing I noticed was how big this place was! When I saw that my castle zone covered one mile, I grinned in satisfaction.

“It seemed what I prepared before is going to show its worth now,” I laughed before looking around.

The thirty towers were arranged all over this vast distance. Luckily I added more towers or else this place would look empty.

Each tower rose up high for almost one hundred metres. They got a shining diamond shaped bronze crystal there that hovered on their top like an eye, in a horizontal way.

Then it came down to the walls in the distance. They were towering, rising up for more fifty metres. And that wasn’t all. There were lots of defensive items there that I bought before.

Then the world outside looked all lavish green as dense forest expanded a few tens of metres away from my walls.

I looked again, and inside the castle I saw three wide paved roads with lime stone before they passed through three big gates at the walls.

By the side of each gate, one triangular tower was there to defend the gate.

I looked at the side of my vision as there was something flashing in bronze light. It looked in diamond shape. “What is that?” I touched it, and the next thing happened was for a big map to unfold in front of my face.

I already read much more detailed and more complicated maps than this one. So reading this one out wasn’t that hard for me.

“Hmm… So the forest stretches from here all the way to the other castle. And this world… It’s circular…” I muttered while noting in my mind the info I was reading from this map.

Then I saw the three passes with points that marked my ten towers. Looking at the vast distance between them, I regretted not buying more.

Yet when I checked the forest zone, I smiled. There were two zones in between the three paths, and each zone had ten void rounded places.

“So… I got twenty zones to place my posts at… That means I have ten extras… Interesting…”

This time, I overbought this item. However I didn’t feel any regret.

This was an all open war between my forces and that king’s. So I would aim at damaging his defensive posts, ending up for me to have void zones to summon my posts.

I had ten extra posts to use, either to replenish any damaged ones by his forces, or to damage his and use mine to narrow down his forces movements.

All of sudden, this fight turned out to be an all out mind game. I looked at many possibilities considering that the distribution of the posts at his fog covered side of the map would be identical to mine.

I couldn’t decide right now. After all, the fight hadn’t yet started, and I didn’t know if my posts would be damaged first or his.

So I had to wait, and during this time I started to go towards the free areas for my posts.

“This… There is a monster guarding each zone?!” Once I arrived at the nearest post, it took me almost two minutes.

I was using a speed boost effect, so that said enough about how big this place was.

“Ok, let me get rid of you first,” I took out my deadly glaive, and waved it high in the air before jumping and landing fiercely over that monster.

*Roar!* The monster was all bronzed in colour, covered with thick fur that looked like a thick carpet. It has two long and curved tusks coming out from its mouth, and a body in the size of seven metres length and five height.

It got eight legs, all ended up with sharp looking claws. But they weren’t as sharp as its teeth.

As it roared in challenge to my incoming glaive, I could see three rows of different shaped teeth. They were all sharp, but they went in different directions from each other as if they came out with an anomaly or something.

They looked weird, and so damn dangerous as well. In response to my glaive, that beast raised three of its legs to meet my glaive, and three more to hit me.

As it stood on its two rear legs, it arched its body, opened its mouth wide open, seemingly ready to swallow me.

“Scram!” But what was it facing? It was my deadly glaive, and it was augmented with my strength bonus.

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