I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

757 I'm Going To Hit The Capital

I opened the gates of hell over the three basins, and now I had to stand down and watch the show.

I knew I told Lily to send just one group before I left. But as I took a long time here, she would realise things must have changed.

Forces gushed out in large amounts without any hindrance at first. I followed the last batch I summoned and went after them towards the fourth beast’s location.

It wasn’t any different than the one I fought at before. Tall and towering thick layers of mountains with big passes in between at a distance of tens of miles apart.

But the only difference here would be the absence of such a large number of forces defending this place.

From far away I could see the interior of the basin, while a big beast was at the end of my sight. I could hardly see lots of forces there, but I couldn’t tell what they were doing.

Yet I could easily guess what they were doing.

“Listen up,” I took my horn out and thought about talking to the generals of the army here, “one army will handle the outer zone, defending the passes. As for the rest, two will scatter to defend any incoming hostile forces, and the last two armies will go directly towards the beast. Once secured, all of you will converge there at once.”.

I was too far from them to hear their answers, but in the next hour, I jumped over the other two places and issued the same orders.

Like this, the five armies coming here would be arranged properly in case any hostile enemy appeared.

And just as I reached the second beast location and gave such orders to the generals there, I saw many portals flashing inside the basin, seemingly scattered all over the place.

“They are here,” I evilly grinned, while staying back to watch what they would do.

They focused most of their portals near passes. I knew what they aimed for. They wanted to stop my forces from getting inside the basin.

But even with such a large number of portals, against my readily full in number armies, they got nothing to do but to get here and be killed.

This arrangement seemed great on paper, but in reality it was the worst thing they could do.

If I was in their shoes, I’d simply focus my portals in groups, scattering them inside the basin. My top priority should be to secure the most priceless asset I got; the beast far in the front.

But they seemed to be taken by surprise, not prepared for my sudden assault. And as I made sure the three places would be hit at the same time, it seemed they freaked out.

That was good news for me. They could bring as many monsters and weak forces here as much as they’d love. But in the end, they wouldn’t be able to do anything major.

Unless they managed to pull part of their elites at the first basin, they wouldn’t stand a chance against my forces here.

[I spotted a large number of forces coming together at the direction of the capital] the jumper suddenly sent this message after the passage of six hours.

During this time, I kept jumping in between the basins, and now I was stationed at the fourth and last basin the jumper discovered.

[Are you near the capital!] I was surprised to hear that. Wasn’t he supposed to roam the areas around it first before going there?

[I searched everywhere in an area of a couple hundred miles radius with no result. That fifth beast… It’s there at the capital. So I went there]

[Ok] it seemed the capital battle would be epic, [Are these forces a lot in numbers?]

[They are, but it seemed they are weaker]

[How so?]

[They came in such a disorganised manner, giving me the impression of being hastily summoned. If they got any fighting experience, or led by a general who has, then they should gather up first and not come at the capital in such disarray]

[I see… Keep watching them and keep me posted]

I closed the chat with him. Such a move was useless anyway. There were two options for these forces; either to get stationed at the capital for defending it while the capital’s mighty fighters would be sent all over the basins.

Or they would be sent here.

Tactic wise, it was smarter to let them back at the capital to defend it. Sending the elite forces here would help to stabilise the situation on their side.

But this also came with a bigger risk. If the royals got frightened of my sudden attacks, they might guess my final target; their capital.

So they might just bring more fodders to buy time for them to better arrange their forces. If they did that, then hitting that capital right now was better than later.

The thing to determine this would be what was going to happen during the next hour. I kept my chariot flying over the fourth basin, attentively watching the bloody fights all over the place.

My focus was over the portals. In less than ten minutes, flashes of more portals appeared.

They were here! Either the elites or the fodders, that would be known in the first clashes that would happen next.

Just from the early clashes I knew which of the two possibilities they were.

“Damn fodders!” I rolled my eyes in such a helpless way.

So they decided to give up defending the beasts, and decided to gather their most capable forces back at the capital.

It was… A lame move! One that would only come from cowards, terrified to the bones.

“These royals… Legend has all the right to hate them,” I sighed while moving my chariot. [Send me the direction of the capital]

[Are we going to hit it now?]

[I’m on my way to do this]

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