I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

754 My Little Turtle

It just grew for five years before its growth was halted. Damn! This bastard’s size was already huge from the start! How big would it become then? Enough to cover up this entire continent or the ocean?

“You are now master, I get it, and you deserve to be. But you are weak. Even after gaining such immense power you are still weak. What do you think? I can mentor you on the dark ways of the shadow world. After all, my soul was formed by the purest darkest energy of the entire cosmos. I can teach you great things, show you ways you never imagined to even exist, let you wield power beyond your imagination. What do you say, little master?”

“First I’m not your little master,” I wasn’t yet able to see further than one hundred metres around me in such thick fog. Even if it was fading away, it was doing this slowly indeed.

“I’m your lord, call me this from now on,” I stressed over this point first. Little master my ass! Damn this bastard! Who did he think I was? I’m a weak and useless human kid or what?

“Lord? That doesn’t suit you… If you want, I can call you my dark lord then.”

“Whatever,” I shrugged, “as for your request, I have to drop it.”

“Why? Dark lord, I may look like a kid, but I’m fierce! I lived over a hundred years in your world, but took thousands of years in the endless shadow dark world for my soul to get formed. Although I slept for a long time there, my conscience was awakened for a long time as well.”

“Thanks, but no.”.

“It’s an offer you won’t meet again. Please, please dark lord, please consider. My memories from that time are still intact and fresh like it just happened yesterday.”

“No thanks, I prefer to explore things on my own.”

This jerk! He was so desperate to make a deal with me.

“Damn! Why did you… Get smaller?!!!”

At this moment, the fog cleared enough for me to see its body. Before, at the time when I fought a bloody fight with it, this bastard was so massive it made me feel like it was an entire island floating on the ocean!

But now? Now it grew smaller, much smaller than before. Its body wasn’t all clear to me, but from the darkness I spotted in the middle of this reddish world, I could tell at first glance that it got smaller.

I never expected that! I thought it would grow bigger or something.

Was maturing meant to shrink in size or what?

“Dark lord, I was young and weak to control my power, so my body had to enlarge to contain it. Right now I’ve gained lots of benefits from your shadow world, and so I can shrink my body to such an extent. It’s not over yet, the more I stay in your shadow world the better I’ll be able to control my energy. Can you let me inside again? Please?”

“Weren’t you sealed in a lifeless place before?!!!” His words shocked me! This bastard… I felt such empathy and even thought of releasing it to this world to play a little.

“No, dark lord, I was confined inside your shadow world. Staying there is like being in heaven! You got an awesome pure shadow world with such a direct link to the immense and boundless shadow cosmos.”

“Shadow cosmos… Ok, I’ll get you back once we finish our task here.”

“What task? Tell me and I’ll do it right away!”

This dude… It was so damn impatient to get back to my shadow world and eat up my dark energy there without paying back!

Instead of feeling empathy, I felt intolerance to such an attitude!

I hated those lazy folks, who got everything ready, spoon-fed with success and power without the need to break a single sweat for it.

No pal, you weren’t going back anytime soon, I could promise you that!

“Not right away,” I rolled my eyes, shrugging as if this was out of my hand, “there is a big war right now going on. And I’ll need your help with it soon.”

“When is it soon?” This dude was just as sly as me, “if it takes too long, I can return to your shadow world and evolve there to get stronger.”

Nice try, pal! You thought this was going to be a free lunch? No way!

“Tell me, what else can you do other than fighting and spreading death around? Such a mighty monster like you can do more than just killing, right?”

At this moment, I got to see the full picture of its body.

It was still huge, but it shrank by ten folds at least. Its body was towering like a small sized mountain, covered with its small tentacles that brought me trouble before.

But these tentacles got something new. They were shining and ending up with such globular bulging, all in dark red and blue colours, giving me the impression they were like ticking bombs.

“I can train other forces,” it said, and at this moment I got to see its face for the first time ever.

Before, at that epic fight between me and it, I didn’t get the chance to inspect its face or get a glimpse of it.

“You… Are you a turtle?!!” This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw its short and thick neck, hairless head that was like a turtle.

“I’m not a turtle! I’m a mighty dragon turtle!!”

“Dude, that counts as a turtle as well.”

Once it heard that name, it got all pumped up for it.

I didn’t know what was wrong with being called a turtle. It was a turtle in shape and in nature.

But it got a point. Unlike turtles, it didn’t have any shell surrounding its body. It got covered with a thick layer of skin that looked so damn hard and covered up with these tentacles.

But looking at it from the sky, from my chariot, gave me the impression it replaced the hard shell of turtles with such thick and hardened skin and tentacles.

“I’m not a turtle! I’m a dragon! I will be once I complete my evolution, a mighty dark shadow realm dragon!”

“Ok little turtle,” I kept teasing, “from now on I’ll call you that.”

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