I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

750 Getting A Taste Of The Strength Effect

[Because if he tried to attack you, your glaive will hold him back]


I now knew which glaive he was speaking about. Out of the three I got, only one would be monstrous enough to hold back such a deadly beast.

Just as I was going to say that I wouldn’t be able to hold it out of habit, I recalled the sacrifice ability I gained from upgrading my class.

Now I could add not even enough strength to hold that glaive with one hand, I could also arm myself with a shield of protection and even healing and speed effect.

“How can I use my glaive then?”

[Write down your name, and do what your balls did in the middle of forming the end balls. Insert your glaive in the middle of the forming technique, and stand your ground]

“This looks quite dangerous! Then I’ll add a defensive effect as well,” I decided to go all out during this process. How much would it cost me? Ten million souls at most?

But in the end I’d raise up my odds in getting this technique done. And if that monster tried to go loose or do anything funny, I’d have more confidence in dealing with it..

I opened my class interface and reread all the details about the new ability of it.

“I want to sacrifice one million souls and add a strength effect to my right arm,” I started first with the strength effect, hoping to get a taste of how useful my effects were.

[You will need to pay one million souls to get this done]

[Are you sure?]

“Do it!”

[One million souls are deducted from your souls]

[One million souls are going to get sacrificed and enhance the strength of your right arm]

[The process will start in three… Two… One… Now!]


The moment the countdown reached zero, I felt like fire started on my right arm.

The pain I felt was immense, and the worse part it was sudden. I didn’t imagine gaining such power would come with such pain.

Gradually I controlled myself and started to first see what sacrifice really meant.

I was standing in the middle of an empty piece of the ground, surrounded with sand and few plants and trees scattered here and there.

But now I was engulfed in the middle of a big mist of greyish colour. The explanation was clear and simple, this was what the sacrifice meant.

I could see hazy silhouettes of the faces of those souls, flashing fast all around me in such great numbers, with masked faces and opened mouths like they were screaming.

Yet I couldn’t hear anything from their wails.

At the same time, my right arm was surrounded with thick and dense layer of grey layer of energy, forming another glove above the rudimentary dark blue glove of mine.

I could see a thick connection between my arm and that greyish ball of wailing souls.

“So the souls are going to be sacrificed in front of me? That’s…” I couldn’t find the right word to describe what was going on here.

Brutal? Inhumane? I couldn’t find the right word, but at the same time I only resigned to this result.

Apocalypse wasn’t a merciful place where civilised ways of life would exist. I could only lament on their bad luck for ending up stored inside my class, and hoped that one day I wouldn’t face the same fate.

The other remarkable thing about this was the time needed for such a thing to be over. I thought it would be done in a flash, but it took almost one hour to get the greyish ball around me to slowly fade away.

“Phew… That was intense!” I wiped out a few sweat drops over my forehead while looking at my right arm.

It looked the same, with not a speck of greyish energy left over it.

In fact, it looked like nothing of this ever happened.

I tried to close and open my fist to test the mighty strength I got, but felt nothing.

“Time to put it up to test,” I had to test what just happened. I didn’t have any confidence in myself to hold it, but I summoned it anyway.


Once it appeared, it fell on the ground and landed heavily with such a loud booming sound. I looked at this monstrous glaive and watched the deep groove it created with its edge.

It was heavy and sharp enough to dig almost a few metres in the ground. I looked at its handle that was just popping outside this groove and sighed.

“Please work,” I paid two million souls out for you, and endured such torture all this time for you.

I extended my arm and clenched it firmly over the shaft of it. It felt cold, but once I tried to move it, a weird whistle appeared while it moved in such a beautiful arc in the air.

It looked amazing while being held and tamed in my hand. I looked at it, waved it a few times while feeling zero of the pressure it exerted on me before.

Damn cool! That was the thing I had in mind when I watched the beauty of this baby.

Each time it moved, it created such a whistle, as if it was cutting through the air directly, challenging anything standing in its path even if it was emptiness.

Next time I was trying to smash anything with it, to feel if it would return to its berserk status or would be docile like now.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

During the next half an hour, I kept running, jumping around, hitting anything that I could find even if it was the ground itself.

And with each hit, a massive explosive sound would erupt, and the thing I hit would be smashed to pieces.

It was annihilating anything that stood in its path, even the ground itself! I left behind deep grooves and holes caused by my baby.

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