I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

737 Closing The Pass

They flashed past me, and even a few slammed fiercely against my shield. Just for a moment, I felt genuine worry over the integrity of my chariot’s shield, and even checked the status of the fuel in it next.

“Damn! Just these couple hits took away almost one third of the fuel in it!” I was shocked by this, but the most shocking thing was the end result.

Aside from the explosion caused by my pillar, I counted at least twelve islands smashed directly into my shield.

The good news was that my shield sustained such an impact with just losing one third of its fuel reserve. The greater news was in the direct annihilation of these islands, turning them all into fine dust in mere seconds, killing almost everyone on it.

Only the paragons and their elites managed to shield themselves before the big moment, even jumping off towards the ground directly.

They were nuts! Reminding me of that jerk on my side for such a long time. But their craziness saved their lives, at least.

But for others, they got hell waiting for them to deal with!.

I didn’t let my baby release its fart and watch. I started controlling the explosion, moving it around to fire everything up like the sky on July five!

For the entire five minutes I ruled this sky. Nothing escaped from my attack, and whoever tried to run, I chased him and showed them all how damn fast my girl was!

She ran all this time with just its intermediate speed. I didn’t want to scare the kids away, and now it was time for fireworks.

“Good!” The end result was satisfying. I destroyed almost eighty percent of them, and the rest were getting showered by my boys’ attacks.

They kept firing, helping my girl’s explosion to take down these islands and forts like damn flies getting killed with a spray.

Phew! At last I got rid of those flies and could focus now on the big fight going down below.

The remaining flying islands and little forts who survived this hell went fast away without even turning back.

And with this, I regained my freedom once more.

The situation down at the ground wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that good either.

Right now my forces were all surrounded in between large forces from the inside and much larger trying to get inside through that pass.

They were in such a tight situation which didn’t give them any chance to breathe.

The spearhead was leading the army at the forefront, releasing his ability and maintaining the situation slightly under control.

But the size of this fight was very broad, expanding for tens of miles already. He had to travel right and left, using his ability all the time.

He was doing fine, what it was needed to just keep the frontline secured and stable as a mighty rock.

As for Sara, this girl was really brutal! She listened to my words and didn’t let her boys inside the pass, but let the enemy control a fixed area inside the basin, around the pass, and kept killing them nonstop.

Things weren’t that hard at that pass. I got the feeling that Sara could easily crush this little force, yet she kept toying with them by her forces.

This girl… She was getting much bloodier the more she grew up in this damn world! I watched what she was doing and hesitated.

Should I stop her? Give her a couple of words? Would that even help?

For a moment I seriously considered acting like a good friend, but the next I dropped the entire issue.

In this cursed world we were living in right now, every single one of us had his own way to deal with it.

I wouldn’t act as their guardian or god, or even their wise friend. We never asked to be here, and they had to do it their way to handle this damn pressure.

The last army that was here was the one that jerk left in the hand of one of the warriors. This jerk never showed his admiration to anyone before. But this time he selected someone and even praised him.

Just watching him for a few minutes made me feel he was worth this chance. He didn’t lead his army to fight at the frontline like the spearhead or to play this useless game back at the pass.

He arranged his army into hundreds of teams, each started to act as elite forces, hitting the enemy whenever a chance appeared, then retreating fast as if they were ghosts.

This way they managed to aid the frontline and help them sustain such immense pressure. It was a nice tactic from this dude, giving me an impression about how capable he was.

But such a situation in this big battle was going to change soon.

“See this pass?” I came closer from the pass, “turn this damn place into a big pile of rocks!”


I didn’t know if they overdid it or what, but the first wave of their attacks was enough to not only close the pass with a huge amount of rocks, but it was also enough to bring down parts of the two mountainous sides down as well.

Just like that, this pass was closed for good for a long time. It meant we closed the way of our retreat, but it didn’t matter.

We didn’t come here to just find a way to run away. It was either a do or die job.

[Nice job!] Sara sent this the moment the pass was closed, [So I can go to the front now and have real fun?]

[Go] I gave the order, [Push the line with everything you got. Don’t leave a single soldier back, lead them all towards that damn monster up front]

[You still didn’t find a way to solve the problem of the army behind us] She sent while I watched her army starting to change its direction, [They won’t leave us have our fun without trying to ruin it]

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