I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

711 Dude... I Need Materials!

“Ok,” I didn’t get what she meant by this, however I trusted her decision and turned my eyes towards the two sides of the continent and the large number of islands here. “What do you have in mind for the camps and training here?”

“I planned it to have one training camp at that side,” she pointed at north where we came from, “but as we spotted a similar zone down there, we can have two camps then.”

“I don’t have any objections to that,” I nodded in agreement, “what about these islands?”

“I’ll arrange them according to the level of difficulty, with the central ones having the easiest difficulty, and the outer ones having the highest level,” she said before adding with a sigh, “it’s just a regret that we don’t have more dense to use.”

“I’ll bring more quite soon,” I said.

“You should bring races and humans first.”

“I know,” I opened the chat with Silverlining and asked him about the races and humans I asked for..

[We have the first batch ready. Do you want them right now?]

[Send them when I say] I decided to wait until we’d arrive at one shore first. The closest one was the southern shore, so I headed over there at once.

[Send them over] After six hours I arrived at the southern shore and sent this message to Silverlining.

[On the way] as I paid for their price, many portals started to appear at the flat area down below.

At least a couple hundred portals opened, with tons of races gushing out in packs.

Humans also appeared. I knew that not all of them would turn into fighters.

“They are under your control now,” I started signing the contracts while giving them a single order; follow Lily’s arrangement. “But for those who aren’t suited to fight, they should build cities and towns on the other side.”

I pointed across the mountains, and she nodded in understanding. “I’ll turn this entire region into a training camp,” she pointed at the flat zone before adding, “as for the areas around mountains, I’ll turn them into normal cities and towns. But the designs…”

I got what she meant. This area was lined by a vast wall of mountains, but the mountains didn’t closely line this shore.

When we went to the open ocean zone, it was clear that these mountains stopped tens of miles offshore. The flat shore area extended in a wide route in between mountains, linking here to the depths of this continent.

She meant to allow the normal people to live in such a route and through which they could expand towards the behind terrain. “I’ll get you people well versed in building cities and towns,” I said, as I intended to ask Isac for people to do so.

“I also need my people,” she said, referring to the grand number of her race we left on Earth.

“Leave this to me,” I said before pointing at the portals around, “I’ll go and bring your boys here. You can start right away.”


I opened a portal and returned to Earth. The process of signing contracts or giving orders to anyone under the authority of my contracts could be done from anywhere.

Despite spending more than a day out there, only a few hours passed here. The world didn’t show much change at all. And my pocket world was still raging wild with fierce torrents of air.

“Come, pass through this portal and go towards Lily,” as I returned, I opened a big portal linking here to the second Earth world and ordered the Hectors here to go through.

I didn’t need to wait here for them. I knew they’d take long hours to arrive at Lily’s place. So I went directly back to the capital, intending to bring more experienced and skilled builders from there.

The most experienced builders actually would be the ones who were at the second Earth world. But those were hard to find right now, as all the races and humans in that world were brought over here.

This war… The biggest losses I got weren’t in the ranks of my armies but in my talents and people.

So my only hope was that Isac still held a few capable personnel beside her. And as I met her up, I found my guesses to be correct.

“Take this group,” she selected a small group of a hundred humans, “they already trained under me and helped in the building process of the capital, the forts and defences here, plus the cities and towns back in your second world.”

“Are they enough?” I knew the size of the building process I wanted this time was big. Only a group of a hundred wasn’t even close to being enough! Not at all!

“Don’t belittle my boys,” she rolled her eyes, “they are few but each one is capable of teaching tons of builders and leading them to build anything you want. In fact I thought about sending a group of thirty or fifty with you, but a hundred is more than enough.”

“Ok,” I liked her confidence and hoped it wasn’t misplaced, “come, go into this portal now and look for someone called Lily. tell her I sent you to lead over the building process.”

“What about the resources? Talents to help them?” As her boys went through the portal, she asked as if she was a mother caring about her kids getting away.

“I’ll bring these now,” we had lots of materials and enough talent to work over them in the capital. All I needed to do was to go there, select a group of tens of thousands of blacksmith disciples at most, with enough high grade talents to lead them, before sending them over.

As for the resources needed, I didn’t think about taking anything from here.

[Dude, I need materials] I went to ask Silverlining for help. And this dude was the right choice as expected.

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