I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

697 Gaining Tons Of Bones

“Thanks lord for such great honour,” this time he didn’t doubt my words at all. Instead, he fell on one knee and bowed his head in veneration and respect.

He knew I meant every single word I said. And securing such a position over him was something he deserved thanks for being the first to join me.

Sometimes luck plays a great role in one’s life. Being first like this might be the once in lifetime opportunity anyone would get.

As he led his boys over to the direction of the bridge, I turned to the dragons and krakens of mine.

“Down there, on the sides of the big bridge, lots of dead bodies lie. Go, bring them all to me. Gather them up all out there,” I pointed towards an empty place outside the northern big walls.


The two races roared before they left in a hurry to execute my order. The first to vanish off my sight were the dragons. These kids were really brutal and domineering.

I entrusted such tasks to these two. I would never let a single bone or inventory untouched..

Especially when putting in mind that the race killed over there was Hectors! These dudes were much fiercer and richer than the Dragons.

I was sure my gains from the Hectors alone would be much more than all the gains from this war battlefields combined.

I started my collection spree, working all over the few miles surrounding my capital.

Mostly were monsters, and much less were various mercenary races. The capital didn’t get hit by anyone else during this war.

After five hours, I managed to finish clearing the entire battlefield, adding more green, blue, and silver bones to my inventory.

Few occasions I got golden grade and higher bones. But their amount wasn’t much compared to the other three low grade bones.

Green bones were useless to me, yet they kept popping up a lot. Right now the most bones I got in my inventory were the blues, followed by the green then silver.

I didn’t complain as silver bones were useful, alongside the blue ones.

However, this all changed the moment I started claiming my loot from the dead bodies brought over by my boys.

During the past five hours, they managed to pull hundreds of thousands of bodies, and were still working till now.

The size of this dead army reminded me of the big army that I faced at the last moments of this war.

I was sure the number of the aquatic monsters in that army were in the tens of millions! That meant my boys were about to get busy for days!

I started my work over the bodies. Every now and then I’d face a Hector race fighter, claiming lots of valuable things from his inventory.

As for bones, the lowest grade I got was silver! That would give you a closer image of what I got from all these Hectors.

I even got many black bones during the first five hours alone! Not to mention the ten red bones I got as well.

This start made me drool over Hector’s bodies. So instead of waiting for me to finish here, I summoned the remaining warriors of the one hundred thousand I got before, and sent them over to the other continent to bring me the dead bodies from there.

There were less than half of their initial numbers, telling me a lot about how the war was brutal.

As I sent them over to bring the dead Hectors over, I kept clearing the bodies brought over by my aquatic two warriors.

Just in the first half an hour, another huge pile of dead bodies was formed by the bodies brought over by my ground warriors.

I thought I’d take a day to clear the entire battlefield. But just clearing the eastern battlefield took half a day alone!

That proved how bloody hell this right over there was!

But that didn’t matter. Just my gains from bones alone was enough to make my smile last for the last time already.

As for the other things, the biggest gain was the weapons I crushed and detonated at the last show of this fight.

I anticipated lots of these weapons and their ammunition, but what I gained exceeded my wildest expectations.

The number was enough to arm hundreds of thousands of fighters with such deadly weapons! And the best part of it was their versatile uses.

They could be used to join ground, aquatic, and even aerial fights. However, what I seriously planned for these weapons was something else.

Imagine forts and towers armed up with such deadly weapons! Nothing would pose a threat against them, no matter what kind of enemy dared to try and fight my kingdom.

I intended to not only use them in strengthening my capital vast and different defences, I also planned to give a few to the MIT boys and the genius talents helping them.

Together, and by using this as a model, they could speed up the process of evolving the human arsenal.

I had to not miss this long term project. I have planned for it since my arrival here, and I knew it would take a long time and lots of effort and resources to give results.

After I finished clearing all the dead from the eastern battlefield, I finally had time to check over the armies that came from the western fight zones.

They came almost five hours ago, looked pretty exhausted. So I decided to keep collecting my loot while they rested.

The four generals came on my chariot and got to rest inside the rooms there. I waited for a couple more hours, while flying over the capital and checking over the current situation of forces inside.

In this war, most of my people turned into fighters. I lost many of them, but that was the true horrifying face of any war.

The capital looked more like a grand war camp than a civilised city. This would change in the upcoming weeks for sure.

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