I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

661 War At My Capital

“Come out!”

I summoned one hundred thousand soulers, plus one hundred various warriors I got from before. Using these two hundred thousands to fight against almost five hundred thousand enemies was enough.

I also summoned my fallen gods. I didn’t want that bastard to doubt my intentions here.

My signature? Aside from the chariot, this would be soulers and my fallen gods. The two were my strongest weapon to fight against any formidable foe.

“Attack!” I simply gave this order to all. My fallen gods were the first to create a big damage in the enemy forces. While my soulers and other warriors down at the ground started to overrun their enemies.

Just in the first ten minutes of this fight, almost most of the enemy forces here got exterminated! They were weak. There wasn’t even a single flying monster here.

But just as I killed most of them, more started to come out from Niagara falls. Things were heading exactly as I expected.

This fight lasted like this for ten full hours. During which, I kept my full attention over the movements of the enemy forces over my entire kingdom..

During these hours, the enemy tried to ambush the jumper’s forces more than once. But each time he failed.

Isabella did great by arranging with the jumper. She sent many small armies out to relieve the pressure over the jumper’s forces, crushing any portals nearby, or keeping the enemy coming from nearby tunnels busy.

Like this, the jumper managed to pass through the linear formation of the enemy without much losses. As he went towards Pennsylvania, he had to face more attacks from various directions.

I knew that my enemy placed a trophy over the head of my jumper. So I had to ask for Isac to keep all the forces in Pennsylvania working to secure the passage of the jumper’s army.

As the jumper’s forces were heading towards my capital in steady steps, getting the help from all nearby forces, other places also showed new development.

Few tunnels were located near my capital, and they started gushing out forces towards my two armies there. I gave the task of dealing with them to Leo, leaving Sara to the end.

As for Lily, she already arrived at the capital and took charge of all the forces there.

She had to wait for the jumper to arrive before she, him, and Sara would move out to hit Hector’s continent.

Fang also moved up north with a big army of his. He stopped just below the southern gulf at New Jersey, and he had to fight his way through as everyone else.

He was smart, knew what his real goal was. So even with all the incoming enemies, he didn’t stop for even a second, or sent much of his forces to deal with these enemies.

During these ten hours, only the normal monsters and mercenaries kept pouring out everywhere. But there was no trace of that bastard or his big army yet.

As for Hectors, they moved in two directions. One for the big northern gulf near me, and one at the gulf at New York.

They moved just as I expected, yet they stopped there and didn’t take a single step forward. They were waiting, and I was waiting… We both were waiting for the sly enemy of mine to make an appearance.

And just by the tenth hour, he started to move at last!

[Lord, this is big! This is huge! Lots of enemies are coming out from portals all around the capital!]

[Lord! Enemy is spotted! They are around the capital]

[Lord! It’s urgent! Many portals flashed and appeared out of nowhere. They are releasing tons of enemies, monsters, races, and even Hectors!]

[Lord! There are Hectors, Dragons, Illusionists, Succubi, and other weird races and monsters coming at the capital from every direction!]

“Oh,” when I received all these reports, my eyes shone in cold light. “So you are going to directly hit my capital?”

It was a weird move to be honest. There were many armies in and around my capital. Even if he tried to throw tons of enemies at my capital, I was sure it was going to stand tall against all.

Even if he used the help of other races, Hectors and others, they would all fail.

So what was the use of such a weird move?

I looked again at the big map on the back of my chariot. Something seemed amiss!

[Where are you now?] as I felt uneasy about this, I had to safeguard against any unforeseen tricks.

[At New York. I heard the capital is under attack, so I’m racing up to help]

[Don’t!] I sent this to my jumper, [Stay at the New York gulf. There are Hectors there]

[Do you want me to stop them from getting to the capital?]

[No, I want you to just lay in wait for them to do that]

[I don’t follow…]

I had to explain the doubts I had. In my opinion, that enemy sniffed what we were trying to do here.

So he decided to keep my forces at the capital busy. And that meant he shifted his gaze towards another target.

From what I knew of that bastard, there were two targets he would aim towards; the jumper and my Hilary!

For a reason, that enemy seemed to know how special the jumper was. As he targeted the jumper more than once and tried his best to kill him, then why wouldn’t he know also about Hilary?

[0)ᴠʟ If so, then coming at the jumper or my Hilary would be his next move. Besides, he might also aim at clearing most of my forces scattered all over the kingdom.

If he did so, and even if he failed to demolish my capital, he would achieve more results. He would stop me from setting foot over the Hector continent.

Also he would leave me with severe losses, enough to hinder my moves in the upcoming quests.

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