I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

629 A Scientific Debate!

“Only five?” She raised one eyebrow and her fine scales moved slightly in a way to express her surprise, “we can do more than that.”

“It’s enough for now,” I said, “we are just going to test the potions. The time for mass production will come later on. We just need to confirm the results. It will look bad if we amassed production and the potions had a fault in them.”

“I… See…” she seemed a little annoyed by what I said. After all, this technique was handed down by her ancestors.

“I’ll go to look for more alchemists, you prepare the place for the test. I’ll be here in six hours.”

“Got it.”

I let her descend with her trusted people before moving slightly away.

I had four things to do here. First close the deal with Silverlining and his sovereigns. Second, I had to ask for alchemists.

Then I had to close the deal with that greedy nymph lady, and finally I had to look for Isac..

This place… It should be heavily fortified! And this should be done before the start of the big war coming in a few days.

That meant we had little time left here to do things right.

[Any news?] I sent it to the lady and to Silverlining. But the answers I got made me sigh.

They weren’t yet ready. Silverlining’s people didn’t yet give a response. It seemed they were busy preparing the lists of exchange for my bones.

As for the nymph lady, she said she needed more time. I knew she was trying to prepare a greater deal to gain more bones from me.

These two weren’t ready yet. So it was time to go and look for Isac.

I didn’t know where this girl was. I stopped one of the dragon rider girls and asked her to find Isac for me.

I knew Hilary would be in the coastal region. But Isac could be anywhere.

I thought she might be near Hilary, to help her in strengthening defences. But when the girl returned and told me about her current location, I was slightly surprised.

“At MIT campus? Cool!” I thanked the girl and went towards the other side of the river to the MIT campus.

Of course this place couldn’t be considered a campus anymore! After all the destruction that happened from the last battle here, and adding the extra damage created by the explosion of the capsule’s energy, this place looked much different.

Most of the buildings were demolished, totally or partially. Rubbles were scattered everywhere, but that didn’t stop the small army of brilliant minds to work here.

I saw lots of groups of youths working in different spots here. They worked in the middle of all this chaos, without caring about cleaning the area around them.

Scientists… Sigh! Once their attention was piqued, nothing would be in their minds but to test and try.

Finding Isac wasn’t that hard. After all, she was standing in the middle of a large group of different races, seemingly in a heated discussion with a few youths of the MIT team.

I saw the girl who I appointed as the leader of this team. What was her name again? Damn! I forgot about it!


Once I arrived with my chariot, all of them greeted me with such respect and fear.

“What brought you here?” only Isac had such an attitude, “and where are my aquatic boys?”

“I will get them over in a few hours,” I totally missed this point. I had to wait then for the lady nymph to return and finalise this deal with her. I’d ask for all the aquatic races to come here. Hopefully they wouldn’t come in large numbers.

Or else they would cause more chaos than help!

“Better do that,” she harrumphed, seemingly looking in such a bad mood.

“What’s wrong?” I moved my eyes around. The bunch of talents here were a mixture of different races that I never saw before.

Few covered with scales, others were covered with thick skin, layered over each other in different sized patches. Few had horns, others had spikes, and some had smooth skin like the most sexy girl in the world.

They weren’t too many, making me believe they were the leaders of the different talents I brought over from the petal impact.

“We are having a problem,” Isac said, focusing her eyes over the group of human youths here, “your talents don’t accept the ideas proposed by my talents.”

“How so?” I moved to the girl leading my human MIT geniuses and paused for a long moment. She sighed, before speaking up:

“They want to change the entire procedure of producing energy,” she pointed at Isac before adding, “they want to just use energy ready items to produce energy. We are researching how to extract energy from various sources to form new and unique ones for our people to use.”

“This will take longer time, much effort, and will garnish the same results!” Isac seemed to be leading the other talent group, speaking up for them.

“But we need to create a new source of energy, solely for our race!”

“It’s pointless! Why reinvent the wheel? Just use that damn wheel!”

“Stop it you two!” This was the last thing I wanted to see here. I asked for the talents to come and help, not to cause such disturbance and bring trouble to my MIT youths.

“I brought you here to help, yet instead of getting to know what others are doing here, you wanted to impose your opinions?” I said, speaking to the talents and not Isac.

“They are just trying to help,” Isac spoke in defence, but I wasn’t convinced.

“My youths are trying to create something new here. You might think this is nothing much, but it’s a very important thing to my kingdom, to my people, to me!”

Of course their opinion was right and wise. Wasting time in reinventing the wheel wasn’t a good thing.

But who said I was looking for an energy source to feed my capital, cities and towns, my kingdom?

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