I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

594 Can You Provide A Kingdom Heart For Me?

Closing the chat with her, I got nothing else to do except training. I got a slight push when I absorbed that core energy. But I had to keep training.

I got the feeling that with each upgrade of my energy, more work was needed and much longer time it would take for my energy to get to the next level.

So I sat on my chariot, closed my eyes, and started my training.

Time flew fast! When I ended my cultivation session, I found many messages coming from many people.

Most of the messages came from Silverlining. This dude seemed to take my deals and requests pretty much seriously, making me smile in content.

He was informing me of delivering more talents to the second Earth world. Also he sent me the lists he got from other subsidiary impacts of his.

The lists had the price tag. Like the list of talents, these lists all had cheaper prices, dealing with my bones in the right way they deserved.

[Thanks dude. I’ll think about the orders I need and tell you about it]

[You will order through me then?]-.

[Sure, I hate dealing with many folks]

[But that will cause a bit of delay]

[How long?]

[Hmm… From few hours up to one day at max]

This dude… He was dealing with me on a total level different from what the lady nymph did with me.

Few hours? I was delayed many days many times!

[I have two questions to ask] as we were going to do business like this, I had to ask about what I truly need.

[Anything, human Hye, you can ask me anything]

[I’m looking for two items, they are precious and might take effort and time to get]

[Tell me what they are. If the impact doesn’t own it, we will find a way to get it]

[A kingdom heart]


[I know, I know it’s precious and rare. But I’m in desperate need for it]

[Well… It’s not that hard to get you one]

[This… Are you sure?] Was it this simple? No f*cking way!

[Of course trying to get it from the impact will be quite hard! But I had another way to get it for you]

[How? Tell me!] I was willing to close such a deal on any price tag! No matter how pricey it was, I’d just accept the price without any bargaining with him.

[Through my race. We have lots of kingdom hearts. Of course such thing is considered as a no for trade treasure, but I can speak with my friends and secure you one]

[That… How much will that cost?]

I knew he wasn’t this sure of completing this deal if it didn’t include lots of bones. He said it himself, it was a no for trade item. Yet he was sure to close such a deal.

Such confidence came from one simple fact, he would ask for lots of my bones in return for it.

[The price will be your bones indeed, but we will ask for a much higher grade than what you offered back at the impact]

[And the price? How much?] I knew he was smart to guess it on his own. If I used a higher grade of bones than the one I used to trade with the Bringold impact, then that meant I had a higher grade of such bones.

[A treasure must be traded with an equal in value treasure] he sent such weird word before adding, [So you have to select your highest bone, one that will force anyone to accept offering the kingdom heart to you]

[This… Isn’t it a bit loose condition?]

[If you are smart, you will know this is a hard condition to fulfil. You have one chance to convince my friends. So you can’t just select any bone. You must be aware of the immense value of a kingdom heart. With it, and in such early stage of the apocalypse, you will be invincible]

He was right, indeed. Sigh! He was acting sly this time with me. So he asked for a high grade bone. Something told me this wasn’t just for the kingdom heart deal.

It seemed he wanted to start building a good relationship between me and his race. Such a loyal fellow! He didn’t even ask for anything for himself.

Not like that nymph lady, who kept pestering me all the time with personal demands and gains.

This Silverlining was just the kind of a person that I liked!

[But… What if the bone I offered held a greater value than the kingdom heart?]

[This… Is there even such a thing?]

It seemed he underestimated me! He thought I wouldn’t be able to honour such a deal, and mostly would offer a bone that was close to the value of the kingdom heart.

But dude… I got even red grade normal bones here! And they weren’t my top graded bones. I still had my dark monster higher grade bones, that diamond grade bone.

[Yes, there is] I send with such confidence, [So, how will you deal with such a problem?]

[In that case… We’ll assess it closely and give you a fair price! If we have to add more treasures, we will]

[Better to be war related treasures] I looked at my mighty chariot. Since I got it, I was feeling untouchable! My girl here saved my life countless times.

If I managed to get more treasures like her, I’d be satisfied with this deal. I had to secure my teammates here, especially that impulsive jumper and my chick.

These two were the strongest of my team. They also had enough experience in this apocalypse to set them apart from anyone else.

So if I could, giving them a treasure to secure them would be nice.

[That depends on the value of your bone]

[Can I add more than one?]

[A treasure with more than one copy isn’t considered a treasure] he said something deep again. What went wrong with him? Why was he acting this wise with me?

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