I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

577 Seeking The Help From Gods

For the first time, that dude didn’t know something.

[Can you look into it for me? I heard that people of your kin are visiting these places]

[What? Are you sure?]

[Not only them, but people from all races are visiting these places]

[That’s… suspicious!]

[I know, and I plan on crashing down over their heads]

[Count me in! I’m interested to see what’s such maze doing in our world]

[It’s not that easy pal, there are tons of tunnels all over the world]

[Are you sure? How did you detect them? Tell me and I’ll start searching the area under my control]-.

Let him search? [No, don’t do it!] I rejected the idea almost instantly, [or else you will alarm them]

[Why do I get the feeling that you are afraid of something there?]

[Sigh! It’s one hellish of an enemy who is controlling all this] I didn’t like admitting it, but that foe was really hard to deal with. [Prepare your forces and when the time is right, we will attack the tunnels together. I already have a team looking for these tunnels]


[Also try to dig for information about this. Any Selvator going there must be related either to you or one of the archlords in the region. Try to investigate secretly and tell me what you found]

[If there is a traitor… I promise to make that bastard suffer like I did!]

For a reason I felt like he was taking this matter personally. Anyway, it would be good for him to dig at his side.

As for Wryly, he was away from here. So this dude wouldn’t be able to help. Humans here were under my control, and I didn’t get the information about anyone walking outside and vanishing for hours or days!

So the humans going there must have come from a place… Where is it? Were there humans here I didn’t know about?

An answer flashed in my mind the next moment. “Damn! I totally forgot that there was a mysterious army of humans just when I started hitting the central plains! They also were entrapped with my forces at the illusion. But…”

They were gone! Not a single one of them remained… Or did some infiltrate my forces without me knowing it?

I looked at the direction of my capital. I went all out on amassing all humans, making me feel more uncertain about their identity.

Should I start searching for them? But how? Should I force a contract over all? Would that solve the problem?

It might solve the problem, but if they decided to hide and not sign the contract, I wouldn’t get them from all the numbers I had here.

Sigh! I overlooked this human army before. And now I was faced with a bigger problem.

“I need to form an intelligent unit,” I reached this conclusion. My kingdom was destined to grow exponentially, reaching great heights.

The number of humans here would keep growing on such a scary scale. So forming this group early on was a must to save me from great trouble later on.

I read that there were once intelligence agencies in the old world before the apocalypse. They worked to dig through any threats towards their nations.

I always thought this was a waste of time and effort when I read such things. But now, and when I was faced with such a test and threat, I had to admit they were right.

Having such agencies was a must! And I had to start forming up my own as well.

But how? I had to select one capable person to lead this. That person wasn’t the problem, the entire team was!

I had to select very carefully who would join this team. They had to spread into my humans, see and hear what was going on, try to sniff any schemes or trouble before happening.

Such a decision must be made by the presence of the entire team. In fact, the best one to lead such an annoying task was the more annoying jumper.

He was just perfect for it! Such cold hearted son of b*tch would lead a fierce team around and make sure a fly would slip through his net.

But would he settle on such a low task? He was a fighter! Someone who loved the intense fights and the heat of battles.

“He… Is just the best,” I had to sigh when I recalled how fierce he reacted when I tried to take him off the battlefield. “If I have to do it, I have to plan a trap for him first…”

I started thinking about what I should do with him. He was so cautious and meticulous, but also reckless and impulsive as well.

And he wasn’t in his right mind at the moment. So just a little push was needed to make him accept such a task and not argue or reject.

[You know one hour just passed… Tick tock… Tick tock…]

[Come on! Give me more time for old times sake!]

I thought for a moment before sending to the lady nymph, [Ok, you got five more hours. But really after that I’ll look for others to help. I won’t wait anymore]

[Five hours is enough, but we have to review the deal again]

[My deal is final, take it or leave it!]

[It’s not how friends should act with each other!]

[We are friends indeed, but right now we are closing a business deal. Don’t mix the two, please]

[Damn! I’ll see what I can do and then return to talk with you about it]

I had to cut all the roads on her to do such a thing. Giving her an inch would end up with a mile! I had to secure my own interests and make her believe my words.

Five hours then… I believe it’s enough for my gods to spread the word over the universe.

“I know I neglected you recently,” I opened my channel, opened the lock on the notifications and messages, before adding, “but I want you to spread the word around. I’m looking for big impacts, ones that can make big deals and honour their words. You know what I’m going to trade here, but try to not expose too much info, ok?”

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