I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 999

Chapter 999: Xiao Chou’s Unrequited Love

An Lin, Da Bai, and Tina remained silent.

Xiao Chou stared silently at the bewitching smile on the woman’s face, and it was as if time had stopped for him.

Her smile was like a sharp sword stabbing viciously into Xiao Chou’s heart.

He should be feeling happy for her, but why did his heart ache so profoundly?

After looking at her for what seemed like an eternity…

“Let’s go, Big Brother An.”

Xiao Chou spoke in a slightly hoarse voice.

He didn’t mention taking Bai Yao away with them; nor did he choose to reveal himself to Bai Yao.

Perhaps Xiao Chou had already made a decision. A very logical decision.

An Lin heaved a faint sigh. Relationships couldn’t be forced.

A one-sided love like this was destined to end in tragedy, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

Perhaps this was all for the best. The plan to crash the wedding wouldn’t eventuate, and he would silently go, just as he had silently come. It would be as if he had never made this trip at all.

An Lin was a little concerned as he looked at Xiao Chou’s dejected figure.

Xiao Chou’s heart might be bleeding now, but there would always come a day when his wounds would be healed by the passage of time.

The mutual love in his mind was nothing but a misunderstanding. This was something that he would gradually come to terms with. Even though the process would be quite a cruel and painful one, it was the only way these emotions could be resolved.

At a certain fruit shop in Qing Hu City…

Xiao Chou began to gorge himself on fruits.

The fruits of Qing Hu City were not cheap. Even though many people developed addictions to them, this was the first time the surrounding foxes had seen someone binge on fruits like this.

All of them turned their eyes upon Xiao Chou and they were first shocked by his horrendous table manners, before being aghast at his ugly face.

The members of the Fox Tribe all yearned for beauty, so their human forms were all quite beautiful and handsome. As such, most of them had never seen a creature so hideous before.

“Holy f*ck! What an ugly monkey!”

“My God! That face is going to appear in my nightmares!”

“To think something like this could exist in this world!”

“I don’t even feel like eating now.”

All of the foxes around them began to discuss among themselves in subdued voices.

However, their words were obviously unable to escape An Lin’s ears, and he immediately stood up.

To his surprise, Xiao Chou laid a hand on his arm.

“You don’t have to. It’s alright. I’m already used to it.”

An ugly smile appeared on Xiao Chou’s crooked lips.

An Lin didn’t want to let things go like this, but he finally sat back down upon seeing Xiao Chou’s beseeching gaze.

Xiao Chou continued on his binging spree, and he shed tears as he ate.

“Slow down, you’re going to choke at this rate! Get me another one thousand Green Fox Fruits!” An Lin yelled as he casually tossed fifty thousand spirit stones onto the counter!


Each and every one of the fox onlookers drew a sharp intake of breath.

They were afraid of eating themselves into bankruptcy.

However, the people on that table were instead concerned about choking on Green Fox Fruits and tossed out fifty thousand spirit stones without even looking!

This was a super tycoon!

The boss of the fruit shop accepted the money gleefully before bringing out the requested fruits.

Green Fox Fruits were soon piled up on the table like a small mountain.

A peculiar and addictive aroma wafted through the air.

Xiao Chou continued to gorge on fruits. “She had given me a few Green Fox Fruits back when we met at the Myriad Mountain Domain, and I really liked them. She told me that if I was to come to Qing Hu City, we could eat Green Fox Fruits to our hearts’ content…”

Xiao Chou’s emotions gradually settled, perhaps because he was reminiscing about the past. “She gave me a bag of Green Fox Fruit seeds and told me that they could be planted to grow into Green Fox Fruit trees.

“I tried that, but none of the seeds would sprout seedlings.

“We had made an agreement that we would see each other again. I knew that there was a large gap between us, so I worked really hard to cultivate and catch up to her. I finally reached the Soul Formation Stage and became an elder of the Four Nine Immortal Sect. Just when I had worked up the confidence and courage to see her, she…”

Xiao Chou began to choke up with sobs again.

“I had always thought that being with her was the most glorious feeling in this world. We didn’t even do much. All we did was talk about the most mundane things, play together, hunt together, catch fish together… But we were happy…

“She even asked me whether I would be averse to having a fox as my dao partner…”

Xiao Chou swallowed the fruit in his mouth. “I didn’t know what she meant at that time. I felt like I had already fallen for her then. Even though we didn’t do anything special together, I really did like her and always wanted to be with her.”

Xiao Chou looked at the Green Fox Fruit in his hand and was momentarily dazed as he immersed himself in his recollections.

After a while, his tears began to flow again.

Xiao Chou was quite a sensitive monkey with slight delusional tendencies.

It was just a pity that his delusional tendencies had led down a path to heartbreak.

An Lin heaved a faint sigh. “Sometimes, things simply aren’t meant to be. It’s simply the heavens telling you that this was not the right one for you and that someone better is out there waiting for you.”

Xiao Chou nodded before chomping on more Green Fox Fruits.

“Keep eating. Eat all of these fruits and forget her by the time you’re finished!” An Lin encouraged.

Xiao Chou nodded again as he gorged on Green Fox Fruits.

An Lin, Da Bai, and Tina also ate with him.

Soon, all one thousand Green Fox Fruits had been devoured.

“I’m so full, woof!”

Da Bai patted his bulging stomach with an expression of contentment.

Tina smacked her lips as if she hadn’t had enough and wanted to eat more.

With her advanced cultivation base, she was naturally able to resist the temptation of these fruits, but she didn’t want to! They were simply too delicious!

An Lin turned to Xiao Chou, and he heaved a sigh of relief to find that the grief on Xiao Chou’s face seemed to have been eased.

“Let’s go back, Xiao Chou. Bai Yao is pursuing her own happiness, and you should start thinking about a new relationship as well,” An Lin encouraged.

“Yeah, Big Brother Chou! With your cultivation base and your position in the Four Nine Immortal Sect, you can easily get a harem of beautiful female monkeys, woof!” Da Bai slammed the table with his paw.

Da Bai’s words brought a hint of an ugly smile to Xiao Chou’s face.

Tina immediately chimed in, “That’s right! After leaving this tree, there is an entire forest waiting for you! Besides, you’re not alone because you have us with you!”

Tears began to well up again upon hearing these words of encouragement. “Thank you. Thank you all so much! I’m so lucky to have met all of you!”

A smile appeared on An Lin’s face. Xiao Chou had finally shaken off the pain of his unrequited love.

Xiao Chou continued, “However, I’m still going to attend Bai Yao’s wedding. I have to confirm with my own eyes that she’s entering a happy marriage.”

An Lin: “…”

Da Bai: “…”

Tina: “…”

Why the f*ck would he do that?! It would just be piling more abuse on himself!

It looked like Xiao Chou’s fixation on Bai Yao was worse than they thought!

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