I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 992

Chapter 992: A Question with No Right Answer

“Then, what would you like to ask, Senior?”

A fawning smile appeared on Qu Nima’s face as he floated around An Lin.

An Lin thought for a moment before asking, “Are you happy?”

Qu Nima faltered for a moment before replying, “My surname is Qu[1].”

“I know it must be hard for the Void Spirit Tribe to not be accepted by the other living beings of this world. Just the thought of it must be a source of constant distress for you…” An Lin heaved a sympathetic sigh.

“Huh? Distress? Why would we want to be accepted by the living beings of this world? Aren’t they all just food for us? Do you seek acknowledgment from the food you eat?” Qu Nima was perplexed.

An Lin: “…”

Tina: “…”

What the f*ck?! This guy wasn’t even on the same wavelength!

An Lin tried to change his tactic as he adopted a meaningful and heartfelt demeanor. “We’re all highly intelligent living beings of this world, so we should learn to love and cooperate with one another, right?”

Qu Nima stared at An Lin with confusion on his face, as if he was mulling something over.

“That’s right! We should all love one another and create a beautiful world together!” Qu Nima raised his chubby arms and nodded in agreement.

An Lin: “…”

So f*cking fake!

“I need to hear the truth! If you lie to me, I will kill you! You really think there is no need for the Void Spirit Tribe to improve its relationship with the rest of the highly-intelligent beings of this world?” Crushing killing intent erupted from An Lin’s body as he spoke.

“I have a device that can detect whether you’re lying or not, so I hope you can be honest, even if it’s just for your own sake.”

Qu Nima was forced to the brink of tears by this terrifying killing intent.

This was clearly a human mighty figure who was far more powerful than him. What the f*ck was he supposed to say? If he lied, he would be killed, but if he told the truth, it looked like he would be killed anyway!

This was a question with no right answer!

“I… I really do believe that there is no need to establish a good relationship with food…”

Qu Nima shot a glance at An Lin before continuing after discovering that An Lin didn’t seem to be angry.

“Even though we are highly-intelligent life forms, just like the other ten tribes, we have had the mission of eating all of the highly-intelligent beings of this world ever since we came into existence. This is a mantra passed down by our ancestors and something we live by to this very day! We have to make sure to continue this honorable tradition!

“Furthermore, unlike the other ten tribes, we’re spirit bodies, which indicates that we are not the same. Our mission is quite plain and simple, and that is to exterminate the other ten tribes!”

Qu Nima delivered an impassioned speech.

An Lin and Tina looked at each other.

It appeared this predicament was more difficult to resolve than they had thought. This was a clash of ideologies.

An Lin had to change their outlook first.

“Qu Nima, times are different now, and your outlook on this world needs to change!” An Lin spoke in a sincere and earnest manner, “You’ve all also evolved to become different from what you were in the past. Perhaps this evolution was a sign from the heavens?”

“What sign?” Qu Nima was confused.

“A sign that is telling you to abandon your old identities and turn over a new leaf. A sign that you should embrace this world,” Tina answered in an extremely pleasant voice.

Qu Nima turned toward Tina. “And who are you? You said that’s a sign from God and I have to believe you? Who do you think you are to be able to represent God?”

Tina gritted her teeth with rage. Is this hideous big-headed freak sick of living? I’m the f*cking God of Creation, and you’re asking who I think I am?

An Lin was also shocked.

Ignorance really does breed bravery! To think this spirit body is talking to a God of Creation like this!

An Lin was wondering what he would think if he knew Tina’s identity.

An Lin placed a hand on Tina’s arm to prevent her from flaring up in rage before changing the subject with a smile. “Then, what do you think about God’s Spokesperson An Lin rallying up the powerful beings of this world to conquer another world? Why has your Void Spirit Tribe not heeded the call of God’s spokesperson?”

Qu Nima spread his arms with a justified expression. “We have to settle our internal problems before branching out to other things! We will exterminate all of the other highly-intelligent beings of this world before heeding the call of God’s Spokesperson An Lin!”

An Lin’s expression darkened upon hearing this. What bullsh*t logic!

If the Void Spirit Tribe really did succeed in exterminating all of the other highly-intelligent beings of this world, then their army would be gone!

“What if the God of this world were to demand that you coexist peacefully with the other ten tribes and send your forces to conquer another world?” An Lin asked.

Qu Nima’s expression faltered upon hearing this. He was clearly not prepared for such a question.

A look of conflict appeared on his face as he gripped onto his head. “We must obey God’s will, but in doing so, we will be bringing dishonor to our ancestors… Ah! It’s so hard to choose!”

Qu Nima gripped onto his head, and his blue body expanded and contracted over and over again, as if he was on the brink of collapse.

“Hey! Don’t get so tense! I’m just asking a hypothetical question!”

An Lin immediately consoled the big-headed fatso before him.

“What do I do? Do I obey God’s decree, or do I inherit the will of my ancestors?” Qu Nima half-knelt onto the ground, and it was as if his brain had short-circuited.

Tina spoke to An Lin in a low voice, “I initially programmed the Void Spirit Tribe to exterminate the other highly-intelligent beings of this world, so inputting a contrasting command is placing them in an impossible predicament. If I try to force this ideal upon the Void Spirit Tribe, it could destroy this entire race.”

An Lin nodded. “It looks like we can only leave it to Wei Ji to change their minds.”

Tina nodded in agreement. “We’ll have to let him brainwash the Void Spirit Tribe.”

Aside from brainwashing, they couldn’t think of any other way to change the ideology that had been deeply rooted in the minds of the Void Spirit Tribe cultivators.

An Lin patted Qu Nima’s shoulder and injected his divine intent into his body in order to calm him down.

“Qu Nima, I understand your thought process now, and the interview has come to an end.”

“That… that’s it?”

“That’s right.” An Lin nodded.

Qu Nima’s body trembled. Did he just refer to all of the other living creatures of this world as food in front of a human?

Qu Nima immediately broke down in tears. “Senior, what I just said don’t represent my real thoughts! I was just…”

An Lin patted Qu Nima’s shoulder again with a smile. “You don’t need to say anything. I know what you want to say. Now, all you have to do is stick to your ideals. Perhaps you will meet someone in the not too distant future who will change your life. When that time comes, you can make your decision then.”

“This…” Qu Nima stared blankly at the white-robed man before him.

He suddenly felt as if the man before him was impossibly profound, as if he were some mighty figure who had transcended above this world and could even predict the future!

That’s right, he had to be an extraordinary man to be able to say something like this!

An Lin held onto Tina’s hand, and they flew into the air before disappearing from heaven and earth.

The hideous big-headed freak, Qu Nima, was rooted to the spot as he stared in the direction that An Lin had departed toward…

[1] This is a play on words where the question “are you happy?” has the exact same pronunciation as “is your surname Fu?”, hence the unrelated reply.

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