I Gave Up Being Stronger

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

[You have completed a part of the universe-level Scenario 「Legacy of the Forsaken Queen」.]


Following the quests related to the Carvington and Goldium Families, Cha Jin-Hyeok had realized that the Pisat Family was also involved in this Scenario. The universe-level Scenario was indeed deeply connected to Garbinu and the Seven Great Families.

‘This is unexpected.’

“Bring that map and come to the Pisat Family. I will guide you to the treasure,” Gridel said.

The map was merely a formal item, not used for navigation but rather as a kind of admission ticket.

“I have obtained the map. I will head to the Pisat Family soon,” Jin-Hyeok replied.

“The Pisat family will prepare a warm welcome for you, Chul-Soo. May I take this child with me?”

“Of course.”

Gridel nodded in gratitude and took Acacia, who seemed to have lost all will to live, by the wrist and dragged her along.

“Even someone with such a weak mindset can become a top-ranked Player in Arvis… The Pisat Family must have an excellent support system,” Jin-Hyeok commented.

-LOL! Chul-Soo has no idea what he’s done.

-I would be mentally shattered like Acacia too.

-It would be weirder if she was still sane.

-To have your life’s work and ultimate Skill taken from you and then having to face something even stronger…

“Visiting the Pisat Family is a thrilling prospect. That’s all for today’s livestream!”

Cha Jin-Sol came to Jin-Hyeok with a worried expression. “Oppa, isn’t it a bit dangerous? What if the Pisat Family decides they do not want to give up the treasure and attack you?”

“I’m an honorary citizen of Arvis. Surely, they wouldn’t do that.”

“Did you just smile, thinking they would?”

“No, not at all.” Jin-Hyeok flinched. If the Pisat Family attacked him, he would gain great content for his Eltube channel. It would be shocking for the honor-valuing Pisats to betray their integrity and assault an Arvis citizen bearing an invitation in their home.

“You have not planted any Guardian Trees in Arvis, so you won’t receive any buffs from the Seoul Guardian Tree. You should be more careful about going to the Pisat Family,” Jin-Sol said.

Jin-Hyeok realized it would be a good idea for him to plant Guardian Trees in Arvis too, though he was unsure whether the Arvis officials would allow this.


“Master, I have a favor to ask,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“Go ahead, my disciple. Speak what’s on your mind.” Trituri, who was having the time of his life, was very generous toward Jin-Hyeok. He would go to great lengths to accommodate Jin-Hyeok’s requests.

“I’ve heard that a law was passed just yesterday, stating that only official citizens of Arvis can plant Guardian Trees in the Server. The three empires announced it at once,” Jin-Hyeok said. freёwebnovel.com

“I am aware of it.” Trituri had also received advisories. “High-ranking officials have threatened me not to plant your Guardian Tree in this land.”

Jin-Hyeok was slightly amazed. ‘They’re taking active steps, even though I’m also a citizen of Arvis.’

The Arvis Server highly respected citizenship, so its officials acting this way suggested that they were quite wary of Chul-Soo.

“Do you agree with them, Master?”


“Master, you could grow a much greater Guardian Tree than I can, given your expertise.”

“Of course, that’s expected.” Trituri cleared his throat with a cough. Since he had been enjoying rapid success recently, he was quite pleased with himself.

“I want to see a Guardian Tree greater than Seoul’s. Please show me that you can do it.”

“Hm!” Trituri’s eyes narrowed. He also wanted to plant a Guardian Tree in Arvis. However, he had to maintain his reputation as a master, so it was awkward for him to accept a tree from his disciple and just plant it.

“Please teach me, Master. This is not just for me. If you grow a tree greater than Seoul’s, it will be recorded in history. Many will learn of your achievements and teachings.”

“Okay, but I have a few conditions,” Trituri said.

“Please tell me.”

“The Guardian Tree planted here will be my property.”

“Of course. Who else would it belong to?”

The ownership was irrelevant. Jin-Hyeok would be happy if a Guardian Tree connected to the Seoul Guardian Tree grew in this Server.

“And I will personally cut the branch I want from the Seoul Guardian Tree.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“The cost of growing the Guardian Tree will be billed to you.”

“I will pay ten times the actual cost,” Jin-Hyeok replied.

Trituri twitched. He had not thought it would go this far.

“Considering your efforts, Master, it’s only right for me to take care of you.”

“That’s right.” Trituri heartily laughed. The taste of his prime was indeed sweet.

“However, I do have one request,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“One request?”

“Can you plant the Guardian Tree in Muren?”

“Hm… that place is…”

Located in the Helen Empire, Muren was a notoriously expensive land, second to none.

“I have purchased a mansion there with a large garden, about 1300 square meters in size.”

Trituri was at a loss for words. Even in his prime, he could hardly dream of owning a mansion in the bustling city of Muren.

‘Is this guy flaunting that he’s richer than me?’ Suddenly, Trituri’s mood soured. ‘Should I just decline his offer?’

This was a matter of pride. Moreover, he also had to comply with the empires’ requests. A strong desire to refuse Jin-Hyeok’s request welled up inside Trituri.

“The mansion will be under your name, Master,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“Muren’s land is known for being fertile. Let’s grow the Guardian Tree well.”


In the bustling city of Muren, the mayor smiled brightly. “Muenne, I have good news for you.”

“Good news?”

“Your past mistakes have finally been pardoned. You have received an official document allowing you to return to the Empire’s Order of Paladins.”

Muenne had been expelled from the Order for assaulting a superior who had engaged in corruption and mistreatment of his subordinates. True to her nature as a stickler for rules, she had raised multiple issues through the proper chain of command and acted according to protocol. Unfortunately, her superior was Luifendro, the son of a high councilor.

“Hey, Muenne. Can you stop being so troublesome?” Luifendro had harassed Muenne’s direct subordinates.

“Lady Muenne… We are suffering too much.”

“They’ve ruined my weekly performance review again…”

“He cut our annual leave by finding all sorts of trivial faults.”

“Lady Muenne…”

The steadfast Muenne formally raised these issues again but to no avail.

“Look, Muenne, it’s useless. My dad is the high councilor, you know?”

Luifendro’s misdeeds escalated over time. One day, the situation exploded when he sent a novice Paladin under Muenne’s command to a highly dangerous location, leading to that Paladin’s death. Muenne, who deeply cared for her subordinates, confronted Luifendro.

“Novice Paladins are not supposed to be deployed on the Field, yet you sent one to a top-tier dangerous site. This is wrong!”

“Oh, he died? That’s unfortunate.” Luifendro sneered at her. “That’s why I told you not to mess around, you bitch.”


“You think because you’re good with a spear, you own the world?”


“You’re the one who killed your subordinate. Great job, Muenne.”

“This is your fault, Sir Luifendro.”

“My fault, my fault… Yeah, I’m the one to blame. So, what are you going to do about it?”

“This isn’t right.”

“I can make sure this does not happen again.” Luifendro laughed. “If you sleep with me, I won’t kill any more of your subordinates.”

Unable to bear it any longer, Muenne assaulted Luifendro. If other Paladins had not rushed to intervene, Luifendro could have died. Consequently, Muenne was demoted for assaulting her superior and was put in charge of Muren’s public safety.

The mayor of Muren, one of the few people who knew Muenne’s situation well, was both pleased and regretful that she could return to the Order of Paladins.

“You’re a necessary person for this city’s safety, but…”

It was rare for someone of Muenne’s caliber to oversee the city’s safety. Thanks to her symbolic presence, Muren was regarded as one of the safest cities in Arvis, and the mayor had been able to solidify his position.

“Still, I can’t keep you here just because of my desires. You belong in the Order of Paladins more,” the mayor said.

“Do you need me?”

“Who wouldn’t?”

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“Then please let me continue to take care of this city’s safety.”

“Alright, I will let you go, if that’s what you want for your futu…. Wait, what?”

“I said I will take care of Muren’s safety.”

“You are not going back?”


“Why not?”

“Is that not okay?”

“No, no, it’s okay, but you always wanted to return to the Order of Paladins. That’s your path…”

“Protecting the lives and safety of this city’s residents has turned out to be very fulfilling.”


“I hope you will use your political influence to assist me.”

The mayor felt that Muenne’s tone was somewhat strange as if she were reciting a script.

‘Has she memorized this…’ the mayor wondered.

Muenne continued, “You aim to be the prime minister one day, right?”

In the sacred Helen Empire, the highest figure was the Saint King, but it was mostly a ceremonial role. The prime minister was the actual ruler. Being the mayor of a major city like Muren was a critical step toward becoming prime minister.

“I will assist you from the side,” Muenne said.

“You will? Why?”

“I have come to desire power.”

The mayor was shocked. It was unlike Muenne to say such a thing. Although he had advised her that having power was beneficial, her transformation seemed too rapid.

“For the time being, I will maintain Muren’s safety and help boost your approval rating.”


Trituri had never expected to own such a big mansion in the bustling city of Muren. He realized that if a person lived long enough, their dreams indeed came true.

“This is my house… my house!” Trituri had planted the Guardian Tree in his backyard. His hands were trembling. “I will fulfill my grandfather’s long-held wish…!”

Contrary to his expectations that the empire’s officials could harass him, no one trespassed in his harden. However, someone did come to visit.

“Are you… Lady Muenne?”

“Yes, please take this.” Muenne handed him a bell-shaped item.

“What is this?”

“You can use this to call the captain of the city’s guards.”

“The city’s guard captain… isn’t that you, Lady Muenne?”

“If anything happens, just ring this bell.”

Trituri felt uneasy. The prospect of being able to call the city’s guard captain seemed nice, but essentially, he was summoning one of the Helen Empire’s Seven Paladins as a security guard.

‘Am I that important?’ he thought. He realized that the most significant thing in the world was to succeed. Now, even a person of Muenne’s caliber was offering to protect him.

During the conversation, Muenne cautiously said, “Please speak well of me to Mr. Chul-Soo.”

“Wha?” Trituri looked up, puzzled, but Muenne had already disappeared. “Did she just blush? No, it must be my imagination.”

Trituri hummed a tune and tended to the Guardian Tree.


The Pisat Family, true to its reputation as a family of swordsmasters, was located in the Sword Empire of Swedeen.

“I will soon arrive at the Pisat Family’s mansion. Quite a lot of people here recognize me,” Jin-Hyeok said.

As he walked down a well-maintained boulevard, many citizens of Swedeen rushed to him, asking for autographs, and some followed him around filming.

“I never thought the day would come when I would be recognized like this in Arvis.” Jin-Hyeok was delighted to be gaining fame here as well. “I can see a bridge over there. Across that bridge, do you see that castle? That’s the Pisat Family residence. It looks like a giant fortress.”

Jin-Hyeok crossed the bridge and arrived in front of the main gate. The gate was wide open, and a straight path led inside. On either side of the path, Swordsmen dressed in silver armor stood in formation.

“Raise your swords.”

The Swordsmen drew their swords toward the sky. The swords of the Swordsmen opposite to each other crossed, creating a dense forest of blades.

“Quite impressive! This must be the famed Sword Path. I will pass through it.”

Walking down the path, Jin-Hyeok thought that if even one of them went mad and struck him with their sword, it would make for sensational content. However, no such incident occurred.

‘Too bad.’ Jin-Hyeok reached the family head’s room without any trouble. ‘This is… surprisingly easy.’

Everything was proceeding in an unnaturally smooth way.

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