I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 500: People Are…Complicated

“Maxy! I’m back!” Miraj came flying and landed in Sylvester’s head. “I put the money in the rooms.”

Sylvester wasted no time and rushed back to his room. He had to speak with Aurora immediately, and for that, he needed to be alone. “Good, everything else will slowly happen on its own. For now, we have a more urgent matter.”

They arrived back in the room and locked the door. Miraj went to sleep on the bed while Sylvester sat cross-legged to concentrate and establish a connection with Aurora’s mind.

‘Aurora…I got the message. Have you found Soulbreaker?’ He spoke the moment he felt a connection.

‘Hmm? Ugh, I was sleeping. Yes, I found him, and he’s currently hiding in the Monastery. Why don’t you come and meet him yourself? He’s a bit…paranoid about everything. Perhaps your golden halo and hymns will calm his nerves.’ Aurora sleepily answered.

‘Where did you find him?’ He was curious to know.

‘In the sewer slums. He lived there like a beggar for the past few years, trying to keep himself hidden from prying eyes. I recognized him because I had seen him many times when I was young. Something grave must have happened to him, to have left him in such a vulnerable and broken state, but he won’t tell me anything. He doesn’t even remember who he is, his powers, or me.’ She sounded worried. ‘Try to win him over, Sylvester. His Soul Magic is the strongest in the entire realm.’

Sylvester gritted his teeth while in the room, knowing it was hard to leave the city. ‘I’ll try to get there tonight.’

With that, he stopped talking and stood up from his spot. He looked around the room, contemplating how to exit and re-enter the city while staying perfectly hidden. The disappearance of the money was likely something big enough to draw out the Shadow of Masan. Even if the person didn’t come out, Sylvester believed they were watching everything.

“Chonky, how much weight can you carry while flying?” He asked Miraj, who was playing with a yarn ball on the bed sleepily. “How high can you take me?”

“I don’t know. I never tried to carry you fully,” Miraj replied.

Sylvester sighed and looked at his palms. “To be able to fly, I need to fully master Magnetism. But it will take at least a year or two…And I’m only on the verge of becoming a Grand Wizard at the moment.”

“Chonky, let’s go. Try to fly with me this time.” Sylvester made up his mind as meeting Soulbreaker was very important. He needed as many experts on his side as possible.

Miraj willingly got up and flew behind Sylvester’s back. With his mighty little paws, he grabbed Sylvester’s collar and tried to lift him. He flapped his wings rapidly, creating a minor storm around them.

“Nyaaaaaa!” Miraj gave it his all.


Soon enough, Sylvester’s body rose into the air, though Miraj struggled while doing so. His wings were not big enough to lift something so heavy, even though his paws were strong enough.

“I will try to use elemental air magic through my feet and hands to generate a thrust. It should help you.” Sylvester suggested, as he only needed Miraj to steer him through the air.

Gradually, Sylvester created a downward thrust of invisible air. It instantly turned the room upside down as strong gusts of wind violently swirled around.

“Yes! It’s easier now.” Miraj mumbled triumphantly.

Sylvester opened the window of the room and sat with his legs hanging outside the frame. Miraj didn’t stop flying the entire time, and slowly, Sylvester used his magic to lower himself out. He increased the air intensity as the height was considerable.

“We’ll go above the city walls,” Sylvester said, and with a leap, he fully propelled himself out of the window.


Instantly, they experienced a momentary descent, but soon Sylvester stabilized himself. Miraj found it manageable then and pulled him towards the boundary walls. Their aim was not just to go over it but to reach a height where no guards could spot them.

“This is exhausting,” Miraj complained.

“That’s why I told you to train. You’ll become a lazy fatty, Chonky.” Sylvester scolded. “Now give your best to this.”

Eventually, with clenched fangs and a red face, Miraj pulled Sylvester higher and led him above the boundary wall of the Hundred Castle City. There were no security measures that high in the air as nobody worried about someone flying so high.

Considering that the number of people that could fly in the world was less than the fingers on one hand, Sylvester found himself upon the Monastery soon enough.


Gasping and panting, Miraj finally dropped Sylvester on the Monastery’s terrace. “Haaah…I’m dying.”

Miraj sat down on the ground, spreading his paws and lying like a dead body. His eyes slowly closed, but he didn’t fall asleep.

Sylvester picked Miraj up and placed him on his shoulder before making his way down to the Monastery. He remained careful and avoided any contact. The Monastery wasn’t as dangerous anymore since the clergymen he had killed before were not replaced yet.

As informed by Aurora, he went to the underground chambers that initially led to the secret passage into the Dwarven city. However, the secret pathway had been blocked by now, an attempt by the Emperor to keep it hidden from Aurora.

“You arrived faster than I expected.” Aurora also appeared in the dark underground chamber with a lantern. She had also donned her regular armor and kept her sword at the ready. “He’s kept chained in the second level. Since he doesn’t remember anything, his abilities are dangerous.”

Sylvester nodded and followed her to the lower second level. It was a damp, dark chamber with a few torches on the walls. At the far end of the hall, a man was restrained, his arms and legs shackled to the wall. However, the man didn’t fight or appear to struggle.

“This is him?” Sylvester asked. “I didn’t expect him to look like this.”

The Fourth Guardian, Soulbreaker, looked like a homeless beggar. With a long unkempt black beard and hair, with visibly unhealthy skin on his face and body, displaying signs of dehydration. Despite standing over six feet tall, he appeared as thin as a walking stick.

“Zackmund Koff Xerxes,” Sylvester addressed him by name. “Do you remember that name? It’s yours…”

“NO!” The man yelped suddenly and pulled himself closer to the wall as if he feared Sylvester. “Don’t come close…I didn’t do anything!”

Sylvester smelled all the emotions seeping through him. ‘Sadness to the point of being broken. The hollowness of a suicidal man as well…What the hell broke him to this extent?’

“I am Sylvester Maximilian.” Sylvester used his real name. “I’m known as Lord’s Bard, the Son of Solis. Hear my sermon, and perhaps it will bring you solace.”

Cross-legged, Sylvester sat down before the man. He raised one palm towards Zackmund while keeping the other placed on his chest. Then, as he began to speak, the blissful warm halo appeared once again, captivating not only the man but also Aurora, as she genuinely missed the warmth.

?Holding much fame, Zackmund is your name.

Years of worship, Guardian you became.

Orders Solis once again, must lay claim.

Purging the heathens is your sole aim.?

?Soulbreaker is your title, powerful and grand.

Diminishing is his light; so we must save this land.

I speak his words; for they are holy commands.

Rise—for it was a test you were able to withstand.?

?O’ Lord of Light, remind him of his holy duty.

Recall what was the faith’s radiant beauty.

May his light enlighten your path forever.

May you triumph in our holy endeavor.?

Sylvester finished reciting the hymn and looked at Zackmund’s face. The radiant blue eyes were overflowing with water. The tears became uncontrollable. But even then, there seemed to be no change in his memory.

“T-That was so…beautiful…What are you?” Zackmund asked him.

Sylvester sighed and stood up. “Aurora, his mind seems to be in a state of shock. His memories seem to be blocked by his own unconscious mind. I can’t do much about this, so you must try to find clues about what exactly happened to him in the past.

“The only way to rid him of the trauma is to teach him how to overcome it. Before we know what it is, we can’t do anything.”

Aurora rubbed her forehead in frustration. “Even finding him was a stroke of luck. How do I find people who would know what happened to him? They are either dead or have been promoted to higher positions.”

“Follow the money,” Sylvester replied. “Check how they handled finances during the previous church administration. Since the former Saint Cardinal was corrupt, there must be some leftover traces.”

“What about him in the meantime?” She pointed at Zackmund.

‘Will my old technique work on this sort of hysteria? It did work on the people of Sphinx Town back then.’ Sylvester wondered about what treatment to give him.

“For now, keep him here. I’ll return tomorrow and try to find a healing method. I don’t know much about mind magic, but I know healing.” Sylvester said, approaching Zackmund. The man wasn’t scared of him anymore. “Do you not remember anything about your old life?”

Zackmund looked at him. “Solis bless me?”

‘I don’t see any signs of injury on him. How did he manage to remain hidden?’ Sylvester asked himself.

But, alas, there wasn’t anything he could do for the night. He was content in meeting the man and ensuring nothing was hidden behind the scenes.

“I should return before the castle’s inspection starts. Aurora, do what I asked and feed him well. Even if he doesn’t remember everything, his body still holds the secrets of his abilities. We’ll train him to harness them,” he instructed her and headed out of the underground chamber.

They made their way to the terrace once again, where Miraj attempted to fly while carrying him. Once more, Sylvester created the thrust and pushed himself into the night sky.

“Until we meet again.”


This time their flight went smoother, as the first practice came in handy. Sylvester adjusted the thrust accordingly, depending on the desired altitude.

They made their way to his room’s window. It remained open, just as before, and Sylvester simply dived from the height, crashing into the room since Miraj was unstable after getting tired.


Like a projectile, he rolled into his dark room after the landing and stood up. Soon after, Miraj also dived and slammed himself on Sylvester’s back.

“Maxy, I’m so ti—”

“Who’s there!” Sylvester sensed someone and immediately took a defensive stance.

“So it was you all along?”

Sylvester’s head turned toward the door that instant. In the dark room with lanterns turned off, the area where the entrance was looked pitch black. “Princess?”

“So you are doing all these things?”

The voice approached, and Fernis emerged from the dark shadow, allowing the moonlight from the window to illuminate her cold face. She was in her night robes, with her long hair freely flowing. .

“Why, Jack? Why would you do it?”

“Princess.” Sylvester greeted her with no fear or doubt in his heart. The sword on his waist was clenched tightly in his right palm. “You shouldn’t have come here at this time.”


Fernis began to cry without any change in her cold expression. The tears trickled down her brown skin to her chin.

“I knew, that’s why I came…Jack, will you please promise me something tonight.”

She softly uttered while glancing at his hand on the hilt of the sword. Her eyes held a look of defiance but also acceptance of the situation.

“What promise?” Sylvester inquired, just a moment away from unsheathing his blade.

“Two thousand three hundred and one—Including me, that’s the number of the Mirmasan royal family members, legitimate or not.”

“And?” Sylvester snapped the sword up a little with his thumb.

Instantly her expression changed to that of rage. Veins on her forehead protruded, and she scowled ferociously. Her next words held such vicious growling anger that Sylvester almost struck her.

“This Empire! Please destroy it, and kill everyone from my family—including the concubines and their offspring!”

[500 CHAPTERS YO!!! 5000 More to go…Just kidding.]

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