I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 744 Doomsday On Earth (4)

744 Doomsday On Earth (4)

As the preparations for the impending battle continued, Anna worked alongside Ava and Vimur to ensure a swift and safe evacuation plan. The atmosphere outside the party disappeared almost instantly.

A signal was sent everywhere, and people worldwide prepared themselves for the attack. Earth had been turned into a living weapon, and the wait began. Inside the control centre, Tarik coordinated the Xyran ships’ deployment, ensuring they were strategically positioned for the imminent confrontation with the approaching Precursor fleet. Obviously, there were gaps in their ‘shield’, but Tarik was trying his best not to leave too much space for the Precursor fleet to break through their defence without casualties. “How much time do we have now?” Ashton asked, his eyes fixed on the display.

“Not much,” Tarik replied, glancing at the data streaming in. “They’re making rapid progress and can strike us at any moment.”

Given their situation, they were putting up the best defence they could. Even though everyone knew it would most likely be in vain. If even a single precursor ship got through the barrier, it would spell the end for hundreds of thousands of people, at the very least. The tension in the room escalated as the Precursor fleet closed in. Everyone had donned their gear, preparing for the battle that awaited them. Amongst them, Mazton and Ashton were the only ones who had gone toe-to-toe with Precursors. But since Ashton was 99 per cent sure Kro’Han wasn’t on the ships, it was a source of relief for them.

Essentially, the ships were the only threat to them. As long as they managed to take those ships down, they’d win. However, it was easier said than done, as the shields around those ships could take quite a beating and keep working. So much so that Ashton was worried if they even had enough explosives on Earth to take their shields down. The control room buzzed with activity as the Xyran ships awaited the command to engage. While Tarik focused on having positive first contact with the Precursor ships, Ashton stood at the centre and confidently addressed the team.

He wasn’t feeling all that confident on the inside, but he didn’t need to project his insecurities about the battle onto his soldiers. After all, the morale of an army could either make or break their chances of survival.

“Listen up, everyone. We knew this day might come, and even though it’s earlier than we expected, it’s here,” He spoke with seriousness. “But remember, we’ve faced overwhelming challenges before, and we’ll face this one head-on, too and let the universe know how we obliterated its gods tonight!”

A roar of approval erupted from the crowd. Their weapons were raised as a show of their willpower.

“We’ve got the best minds, the bravest fighters, and the most determined hearts right here in this room,” Ashton continued, his words resonating with each person present. “Kro’Han may think he has caught us off guard, but tonight, we let him know the price of underestimating us.” Ashton’s words filled the room with strength. Thinking about defeat when victory was just as far wasn’t the warriors’ way. Only the weak believed in the possibility of defeat, and Ashton had grained that thought into their heads. “Back when I spent my days in the enclosure when I was called a ‘mutt’… an old man told me something very important,” Ashton mumbled, looking at his fists. “Something I had forgotten long ago…”

“Whenever you think you’re weak, remember this: It’s not the size of the dog in the fight; what matters is the size of the fight in the dog. And GODDAMNIT, WE GOT A LOT OF FIGHT IN US!”

A roar erupted from the crowd, a collective shout of defiance that echoed through the room and worldwide as his words were being live telecasted everywhere. “Tonight, we fight for our future! Tonight, we defy the gods! Tonight, we slay a god! So tell me… WHO ARE YOU!” Ashton roared at the top of his lungs. “Godslayers!”



Ashton could not help but smile as he stared into countless eyes filled with courage to the brim. “Tarik, light up the skies!” “Roger that!” Tarik nodded, his fingers flying across the console as he fed the instructions to the AI aboard the ships. “Prepare for launch. Engage when ready.”

As the Precursor fleet entered the range, the Xyran ships engaged, unleashing a volley of advanced weaponry. The battle unfolded in the vast expanse of space, explosions illuminating the darkness as the two forces clashed.


Meanwhile, Anna, Vimur, and Ava worked tirelessly to oversee the evacuation efforts. The situation’s urgency weighed heavily on them as they ensured the safety of as many people as possible.

Even though they were focused on their tasks, their eyes couldn’t help but glance at the night sky, which had transitioned from a canvas of twinkling stars to a backdrop of countless explosions.

Anna kept staring above as massive explosions bloomed like fiery blossoms, painting the darkness above. Within seconds, the beauty of the stars was replaced by the harsh reality of war.

“This is it, isn’t it?” Ava whispered, “The moment everything changes.”

Anna, torn between the duty to evacuate and the instinct to be by Ashton’s side, didn’t hear what Ava said. “Time is a luxury we can’t afford right now! We need a plan, and we need it now,” Mazton chimed in. “Maybe I should head there-”

“I’ve got something,” Tarik exclaimed as sweat formed on his brow. “It’s not perfect, but it might give us an edge.”

Ashton, not wasting a moment, gave the order. “Do it. Whatever it is, just do it! The way things stand, doing anything is better than doing nothing!”

“It’s a… suicide mission,” Tarik sighed, massaging his temples. “But if we could somehow follow them when they perform a jump, and I get the data from it, I might be After a brief pause, she gently rested her hand on her stomach, recognising there was more at stake than just her life. Moreover, she trusted Ashton and knew he would take care of everything, even if she wasn’t by his side. With that thought in mind, Anna took a deep breath. As the explosions lit up the night, she turned away from the battlefield, focusing on evacuating everyone. ***

“We can’t keep this up much longer!” Tarik exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

At first, many of the Precursor ships found themselves in close proximity, unable to evade the barrage of missiles unleashed by Tarik. However, just as their shields teetered on the brink of collapse, something strange happened. The Precursor ships began a trend of erratic, uncalculated jumps around the Xyran ships.

Given the situation, the Xyran ships, despite their advanced technology, struggled against the unpredictable movements of the Precursor fleet as the ships were randomly disappearing and reappearing everywhere.

Furiously working on the control console, Tarik analysed the data and devised new strategies to counter the elusive enemy, but his strategies were yet to produce any result.

“We need to find a way to predict their jumps,” Ashton sighed as things started looking grim. “We can’t afford to play catch-up anymore.”

“I’m working on it!” Tarik nodded, determined to find a solution. “Give me some time.”

“Time is a luxury we can’t afford right now! We need a plan, and we need it now,” Ashton, not wasting a moment, gave the order. “Do it. Whatever it is, just do it! The way Mazton chimed in. “Maybe I should head there-”

things stand, doing anything is better than doing nothing!”

“I’ve got something,” Tarik exclaimed as sweat formed on his brow. “It’s not perfect, but “It’s a… suicide mission,” Tarik sighed, massaging his temples. “But if we could it might give us an edge.” .𝘤𝘰

somehow follow them when they perform a jump, and I get the data from it, I might be able to map the network they’re using for jumps.” “It’ll be a rough layout. However, it would be better than having nothing,” Tarik continued, “But like I said, the ripple will most likely tear apart anyone who does that-”

“I’ll do it,” Mazton replied with a smirk. New Novel

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