I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 506 Mission: Annihilation (3)

It was a strange night for the citizens of Lycania. Thousands of skeletons poured out of portals and ran rampant throughout the kingdom in search of something unbeknownst to the crowd.

Thanks to Ashton’s well-known reputation, everyone stayed calm, knowing the skeletons weren’t there to harm them.

While the skeletons were busy, Ashton decided to wrap up some loose plans. One of which was related to Beelzebub’s decision. The most effective way to cover military losses was to induct someone or something new into the forces.

The new addition could be anything between a new technology or an unnatural godly being helping them. At the moment, pursuing the tech route was a waste of time.

Ashton had given Nirvana a month before he would return to kick their asses into the afterlife. A better path of the month was over, and it would take the skeletons another week or so to find a suitable torso replacement for the Lizardman.

Since time was running out of hand, Ashton decided to visit Beelzebub sooner than expected. However, it wasn’t a desperate move. After all, he finally had his [Ghosts] and the other mercenaries to help him overthrow Nirvana.

Sure, he might take some losses if he proceeded on that route. But with the ship, Lord Testickle provided him, getting rid of their forces would be a piece of cake.

“No, killing them so mercifully won’t satisfy me.” Ashton immediately threw that plan out of his head, “I need them to feel the desperation their reckless actions caused to my family and me. Giving them a quick death is out of options.”

[Look, Ashton, I have told you this before and will give it to you again. Revenge might do you some good, but sadism will not accomplish anything. You are free to do as you please, though remember, Phantom did as he pleased, and now look at him.]

“Karma is a bitch,” Ashton smirked, “I’m not deluded enough to think one day she won’t come after me. But unlike these bastards, I’ll welcome her with open arms and tell her to try her best because I ain’t backing down.”

In his thousands of years of existence, Astaroth had never taken a lunatic’s words seriously. However, Ashton’s words and resolve made him feel fear, even though nothing he said was directed at him.

A being who instilled fear in the heart of his enemies with a simple glance was intimidated by a pipsqueak. If a Xyran heard such a ridiculous thing, they’d die laughing.

The great General Astaroth was intimidated by the words of a lowly human? Just the thought made Astaroth cringe.

[Oh, fuck it! I like your resolve more than the universal law of karma. As you said, we’ll deal with the witch when she arrives. For now, it’s time to wreck those smelly bastards!] .

Ashton smiled. But the happy moment was tainted by his father’s last words.

‘How can I not trust Asta when we have been through so much together?’ Ashton thought, ‘Maybe, dad was wrong just this once? *Sigh* It’s not the right time to think about it. I’ll cross that bridge when I have to.’


The subtle clang of shackles could be heard as soon as Ashton entered Raphael’s domain. Beelzebub remained there, holding the same position as the last time Ashton entered the domain.

However, Beelzebub no longer had the fiery eyes of a rebel. Instead, it seemed he had finally come to terms with his abnormal defeat by Ashton’s hands.

“Huh, I’m not even surprised anymore,” Beelzebub mumbled, sporting a sad smile.

“What are you on about?” Ashton replied, squatting down to the Xyran’s level.

“Your power levels have risen once again.” He replied, “No matter how I see it, such a rapid increase in strength is incomprehensible. I can’t recall when I met someone like you.”

“He’s part Precursor; what else did you expect?” Astaroth appeared next to Ashton, using Raphael’s potency.

“You found a great body to leech off of, Astaroth.” Beelzebub smiled.

For the first time since Ashton had learned about their relations, he had seen Beelzebub and Astaroth share a moment without hostility. Weirdly enough, he didn’t feel excluded from the group either.

At that moment, Ashton could guess the path Beelzebub had chosen to walk on. But for now, he could let the two Xyrans have a moment to themselves.

“Let’s skip the bullshit,” Astaroth broke the silence, “have you made your decision or not?”

Another bout of silence followed Astaroth’s question. With each passing moment, Ashton got fidgety on the inside and Having Beelzebub inside Raphael restricted Ashton from using the Mournblade’s full potential.

It also played a part in Ashton ushering Beelzebub towards making the desired decision. After all, without Beelzebub’s consent, no one could alter the Xyran’s genes and turn him into a puppet.

“It’s not like I’m gaining anything by staying inside.” Beelzebub shook his head, “However, being trapped here did give me enough time to think about my wrongdoings. As much as I would like you to forgive, I don’t see that happening.”

He continued, “But being the self-centred bastard I am, I can’t help but ask for your forgiveness.”

“You know, these earthlings have a saying that piqued my interest.” Astaroth calmly replied, “Learn to forgive and forget. While I agree with the first half of the quote, the latter part is complete bullshit.”

Ashton said nothing, allowing the two brothers to sort out their differences. But even then, he could see Astaroth’s true personality peeking through his words.

“I can forgive you, but I’ll never forget what you did to us, to Lucifer. Hell, even now, I want to rip off that cocky smile you gave while you framed me for a crime that I never committed!

“You took everything from me! EVERYTHING! Let’s… forget about it. I thought I was ready, but I overestimated myself.” Astaroth finished speaking to Beelzebub and turned to Ashton, “Do what you have to. I… need a moment to myself.”

With that, he disappeared just like he had appeared before them. However, at that moment, Asta’s words profoundly affected Ashton, and the wheels in his head began to turn against Beelzebub.

“What’s it going to be?” Ashton mumbled as coldly as he could, “Freedom or prison?”



Ashton didn’t even wait for Beelzebub to finish and dug his teeth into his neck. Within moments Beelzebub was flailing his hands in pain, just like Ashton had planned. But the chains ensured that the Xyran couldn’t do a thing as his genes were altered… for the worst.

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