I Became A Hit After My Divorce!

Chapter 333 - Chapter 333: Is It Good?

Chapter 333: Is It Good?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Looking at the man who was settling scores with her seriously, the corners of Le Yao’s mouth twitched. She suddenly felt grossed out.

“Let’s go.” After Nangong Jue finished speaking, he naturally reached out and grabbed Le Yao’s hand. He walked straight forward.

Because of the shock just now, Le Yao didn’t notice the other party’s actions. When she was about to shake him off, the other party immediately let go. “Take a break first. We can board the plane in about half an hour.”

Only then did Le Yao realize that they had already arrived at the VIP lounge. The other party’s calm expression made it difficult for her to say anything. She could only go over and sit down on the sofa.

However, the corners of Nangong Jue’s mouth curled up. He held her hand for a moment. The slippery feeling from before seemed to still be in his palm. Only then did he realize that the girl’s hand was so small that his big hand could wrap around it.

An attendant tactfully brought over snacks and coffee. She actually wanted to hit on him, but she was quickly dismissed by Fang Ming.

As a qualified assistant, he had to think well of his boss. The dog boss clearly wanted to woo his wife. He could not let the fancy schlocks outside interfere.

He was really a qualified assistant.

Hei Ying glanced at him and pursed his lips.

Fang Ming pulled the guy out. Why was he standing there like a light bulb?

Le Yao didn’t notice anyone else’s actions at all. Although it wasn’t lunchtime yet, she was indeed a little hungry. The tiramisu cake in front of her looked good. She hurriedly took a small spoon and took a bite. It tasted a little different from her own. This was a little sweet, but it tasted very good. It should be more liked by the children.

“Is it good?” Nangong Jue had sat down beside her with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“It’s alright.” Le Yao narrowed her eyes and glanced at him. “Do you want to try it?” It was actually just a casual question.

“Sure.” Nangong Jue actually agreed directly. Moreover, he stared at her cake with wide eyes.

Le Yao was stunned. She was really just being polite. Besides, if he wanted to eat it, he could just get the attendant to send one over. Why was he staring at me?

“Well…” Le Yao had already dug out a small piece of the small spoon in her hand. She had wanted to eat it herself, but she was a little embarrassed to be stared at like this. “Well…”

Nangong Jue glanced at her and opened his mouth.

The corners of Le Yao’s mouth twitched. She looked at the small spoon in her hand and didn’t know what to do for a moment.

However, Nangong Jue reached out and held Le Yao’s hand. He put the small spoon in his mouth and ate the cake. Only then did he let go and chew for a while. He even licked his tongue.

Le Yao:

This guy was enchanting, Coupled with such actions, he was simply charming,

“It’s not as delicious as your cooking.” Nangong Jue smiled at Le Yao.

“Uh…” Le Yao hurriedly retracted her gaze and felt her ears heat up. She was actually moved just now.

However… was the question about whether it was delicious or not? ‘I used this spoon just now. If you use it now, then should I still use it next?’

“Don’t worry, I don’t despise you.” Nangong Jue seemed to sense Le Yao’s thoughts and added..

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