I am The Fated Villain

Chapter 929: Why do you want to kill yourself? He can go to the boundless sea.

Chapter 929: Why do you want to kill yourself? He can go to the boundless sea.

The Yang True Realm, encompassing hundreds of millions of ancient realms, held a vast and mysterious territory. Within the grand mansion, the figures kneeling in reverence were the true rulers of those ancient worlds, wielding control over the lives within.

Anyone emerging from there could effortlessly obliterate a super world. This underscored the true terror embedded in the Extinction Mansion’s background.

Several peerless figures had successfully traversed the path of detachment, with some mighty giants surviving the Three Declines and entering the Virtual Dao Realm. These immortal beings, who had governed an ancient real world for countless eons, now faced the Palace Master’s intentions to intervene in Boundary Hall matters. This move invoked awe among those present, hinting at potential significant future actions from the Extinction Mansion.

“Should the Yang real world exhibit no anomalies, then turn attention to the remaining real worlds. Keep a close watch on movements, particularly from Nine Heavens. If any changes occur with Daoist Immortal Monarch, report promptly,” commanded the Mansion Master.

Despite the Heavenly Sect boasting the title of Heaven-Slaying, its inaction over countless epochs puzzled the Extinction Mansion. The Mansion Master dismissed the Daoist Immortal Monarch’s use of the name “Heaven-Slaying” as a mere ploy to gather followers, expressing contempt for the deceptive approach.

With a mocking sneer, the Mansion Master vanished with a wave of his sleeves, leaving the others feeling relieved. Anxious not to linger, they hurriedly departed, disseminating the news to their respective ancient worlds and remaining vigilant for any sign of an odd number.

Countless years had passed in the Yang realm without encountering a peculiar figure or witnessing the emergence of a new powerhouse on the path of detachment. The rarity of such occurrences underscored the necessity for these strong individuals to possess exceptional luck and defy the constraints of fate to find even a glimmer of hope.

In the usual course of events within the Immortal Domain, it might take a few epochs for an Immortal King to emerge in a party. One could ascend to the rank of Immortal Emperor among a hundred Immortal Kings.

However, out of ten thousand Immortal Emperors, only a rare few would embark on the path of detachment. Only those who had walked this path understood its profound challenges. It went beyond mere perseverance and talent; it required breaking through the shackles of fate, seizing control of one’s destiny, and condensing one’s path.

The imminent events unfolding in the vast sky held little significance for Gu Changge. Whether it was unifying the remaining real worlds or reshaping the Mountains and Seas Mortal World, these were not his objectives. His focus remained on the other two True Ancestors of the original world. If the Mountains and Seas World failed to meet his expectations, he could liquidate everything, reshuffle the elements, and start anew.

Gu Changge was prepared for this and had carefully planned for a long time. Yet, this plan filled him with hope. If everything continued to progress, it promised to yield a different kind of surprise.

The boundless battlefield spanned a vast expanse, comprising numerous dilapidated ancient universes, fallen star fields, desolate mountains and seas, and arid galaxies. Gu Changge led Luo Yanxi towards the border adjacent to the boundless sea beyond.

They encountered various peculiarities and strange creatures lurking in the darkness on their journey. Some of these creatures had found their way there through alternative means. However, Gu Changge paid them no mind, walking past as if they didn’t exist.

These creatures were considered deadly disasters to ordinary people, but they were not foolish—they avoided crossing paths with Gu Changge.

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Luo Yanxi remained silent throughout the journey. She wanted to converse with Gu Changge but sensed that his mood influenced his demeanor. He would be more inclined to talk to her if he were in a good mood.

However, there were times when it seemed like Gu Changge deliberately ignored her, treating her as invisible.

In observing these creatures, Luo Yanxi detected their deep-rooted fear of Gu Changge—an instinct engraved in their souls. This observation fueled her speculation about Gu Changge’s strength. She had a clear but vague understanding.

At the boundary embankment of the boundless battlefield, massive waves continued to rage and beat against the other side, producing earth-shattering rumbles. Ancient realms, one after another, disillusioned and shattered, floated up and down. They emanated majestic power capable of annihilating any living being and reducing it to ashes.

In the distance, blockhouses stood, radiating brilliance. Ancient Dao runes flew out from their surfaces, rushing toward the aftermath, only to be quickly wiped out, able to offset the fluctuations from the other side.

The ancient cultivators responsible for guarding this place were deeply moved by the unfolding scene. They questioned Moon King’s intentions.

“Moon King, what is he planning to do? Is he attempting to cross to the other side of the boundary embankment? Isn’t he afraid of death in that place? Many ancient powerhouses have been buried there. Is she truly unafraid of such a fate?”

They couldn’t help but wonder, unable to comprehend Moon King’s actions.

A trail of bloody footprints stretched out on the boundary dam’s side. The universe was in chaos and darkness, rumbling, with red and blood-like lightning strikes destroying heaven and earth. Moon King, dressed in heavenly white clothes, appeared calm despite the mood on his pale face. Relying on the Immortal King Artifact to protect herself, he walked toward the other side of the boundary barrier.

Her white skirt was stained with blood, and visible wounds, torn by the terrible rules of the Dao, added a shocking element. Initially, she had reached her limit after walking a few dozen steps toward the boundary embankment. Continuing forward would only endanger her life. However, after deliberation and hesitation, Moon King sacrificed the Immortal King’s Artifact and continued her trek, aiming to reach the other side of the boundary barrier.

The vast expanse lay in darkness, yet a faint light pierced through. A hazy full moon hung high, casting a bright and beautiful glow with a gentle light. Strands of immortal, mist-like matter floated from various directions, creating a magnificent scene. However, it was impossible to observe the full moon more clearly on the side of the boundary barrier, let alone explore its origin.

Considering Gu Changge’s attention and orders, Moon King decided to take the risk. Gritting her teeth, she embarked on the journey to the boundary embankment. Despite being an immortal king, the majestic force that crushed her felt like an immortal knife, causing her body to split open, revealing horrific scars with each step. The pressure intensified with every move, and even her Immortal King Artifact now bore visible cracks, suggesting it might not endure much longer.

Despite the considerable distance to the boundary embankment, Moon King wondered if he could reach it. At this moment, he began to grasp the strength of those powerhouses who had left footprints on the boundary embankment—it likely surpassed the level of the Immortal King and touched another realm.

“Is this truly the only path?” Moon King pondered, harboring a sense of unwillingness to remain an Immortal King in the current era.

Despite her slightly lesser talent than her peers, she diligently studied Daoism, aspiring to advance to a higher realm. Yet, his efforts seemed to hit a locked ceiling, impeding progress. Even taking a few steps closer in the tidal flat leading to the boundary embankment became an immense struggle.

“That’s why I want to earn his respect, hoping to safeguard myself before this turbulent era unfolds,” he reflected, feeling a bitter twinge in her heart.

Even the Immortal King Dao fruit seemed to show signs of instability, its cracks betraying the fragility of the position attained through ancestral inheritance and clever maneuvers.

Moon King couldn’t have asked for anything more. Attempting to take a few steps forward, his arms, as white as snow lotus roots, immediately displayed fine scars as if cut by densely packed swords. The remarkable vitality of the Immortal King seemed ineffective, and the rapid loss of vitality surpassed imagination. A soft cry of pain escaped Moon King’s lips. His throat felt a surge of blood.

The Dao-building expert descended like a falling sword, clanging and oppressing down. She couldn’t even turn back, finding it nearly impossible to make the slightest movement. A simple turn might shatter the delicate balance, leading to a catastrophic collapse. Moon King sensed that he had reached a limit. Even the Immortal King’s Artifact teetered on the verge of collapse.

Suddenly, the oppressive pressure vanished, and the imminent terror dissipated like a receding tide. The surroundings calmed, resembling a quiet harbor. Moon King questioned whether it was an illusion or a flashback before his soul collapsed.

“Why are you trying to kill yourself?” a faint voice from the front jolted Moon King back to reality. His consciousness cleared as a slender figure emerged, followed by a young woman who eyed him curiously.

“My lord,” Moon King reacted, swiftly saluting. He had yet to anticipate Gu Changge’s appearance at this place. She believed he would merely send someone to investigate, not expecting him to arrive in person. His words made her face flush with warmth. Kill himself?

He indeed felt overwhelmed. If Gu Changge has not intervened, he might have been crushed and disintegrated by the formidable power of the location, his soul collapsing and shattering. Before this, Moon King had underestimated the restraining power on the boundary embankment, realizing its terrifying nature.

No wonder it could endure the waves of the boundless sea, standing majestic and immortal for countless epochs. Gu Changge didn’t turn around but nodded slightly before shifting his gaze to the side of the boundary barrier.

He hadn’t expected Moon King to risk setting foot there himself. With the strength of a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, going to the boundary embankment was nearly possible. In Gu Changge’s view, his actions were nothing short of courting death—stupid. Perhaps he believed it would earn his respect, but he saw it differently.

Luo Yanxi also shot Moon King a peculiar look, never anticipating encountering an immortal king in this place. Had Gu Changge been slower, she might have met his demise. In the current Immortal Domain, the immortal king who was both handsome and moving resided in the Southern Immortal Domain. Luo Yanxi swiftly deduced Moon King’s identity, noting his reference to Gu Changge as lord.

On the other side of the boundary barrier, the boundless expanse stretched with enormous waves flooding the sky, some crashing and tumbling. Amidst the chaos were numerous ancient worlds, some decayed and others shattered.

Gu Changge paid little attention to Moon King, walking toward the bright moon hidden in the black fog. Upon reaching there, he concluded that it was the land of reincarnation. However, Qing Yi’s choosing to bury the land of reincarnation in the vastness somewhat surprised him.

Was this a precautionary measure, preparing for potential disaster in case the real world of mountains and seas faced devastation?

A golden Dao-building expert materialized beneath Gu Changge’s feet, traversing the boundary dam and extending into the vastness. The terrible coercion of the place had no sway over him. Even the incessant multicolored accurate thunder disappeared in his presence.

Moon King observed this astonishing scene, never anticipating that he would one day leave the Immortal Domain and enter the vastness. However, the hostility and foreboding palpitations sent shivers down his spine.

He comprehended why even Immortal Kings hesitated to cross the vast expanse freely. The thick black fog concealed unknown threats—was it the malevolent gaze of an evil eye or an invisible and fearsome entity silently observing them?

In the bunker, the ancient cultivators responsible for guarding were equally shocked. They hadn’t expected to witness someone crossing the boundary barrier and entering the vastness. Moon King survived and was rescued by a mysterious young man who emerged suddenly, escorting her beyond the Immortal Domain.

It would have been unimaginable if they hadn’t witnessed it with their own eyes.

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