I am The Fated Villain

Chapter 899: What year is it? The land where the Nine Heavens are located

Chapter 899: What year is it? The land where the Nine Heavens are located

The immortal realm underwent significant and transformative changes in just a few short years. Throughout the universe, tremendous luck surged, giving rise to numerous geniuses. This development even led many to believe that returning to the most prosperous era of ancient times was conceivable.

The Heavenly Court, extending its rule over the world and the heavens, now encompassed the vast territories of the immortal domain. The upper realm, and foreign lands. This monumental event marked a unique occurrence, distinct from when the Immortal Palace governed the Immortal Domain before the forbidden age.

The surging luck resembled billowing smoke rising to the sky and lingering within the palace. Eventually, it coalesced into the indistinct form of a woman. Majestic and opulent, she bore the semblance of an empress, gazing down upon all living beings.

The path of luck and good fortune is truly miraculous, allowing me to unlock the realms within my heart and recreate the chaos.

The celestial fortunes are boundless, the continuous flow of good fortune, and the birth of prosperity.

Seated in the palace with crossed legs, Yue Mingkong opened her eyes, revealing a profound calmness within them. The once terrifying majesty had dissipated, leaving her with a more magnificent appearance. If a true immortal were to appear at this moment, the aura emanating from her would be overwhelming, compelling them to kneel.

This transformation had nothing to do with strength but was a remarkable change resulting from elevating her life level. The luck from the heavens and myriad domains had now converged and condensed in the Heavenly Court, forming a vast and boundless expanse. Yue Mingkong utilized this convergence to comprehend and catch glimpses of her luck and fortune.

Initially possessing peerless talent, her potential was further enhanced by the liberation from Gu Changge’s suppression, making her brilliance even more dazzling. The path of luck represented a profound stroke of fortune, the envy of even an immortal king. For Yue Mingkong, realizing her path through luck was a momentous achievement, one seldom accomplished throughout ancient and modern times. fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cm

Naturally, from her perspective, her current standing paved the way for her departure from this path. Some cultivators referred to her as the empress, while others hailed her as the queen of heaven. After all, she held the position of Gu Changge’s first and primary wife. Even immortal kings from various races were compelled to treat her respectfully.

This distinguished identity granted her the ability to grasp the power of controlling such majestic and expansive luck. She utilized this insight to delve into the mysteries that unfolded before her.


The void blurred, and a minuscule vortex materialized as Yue Mingkong waved her hand. Within it, myriad mysteries and transformations unfolded. At times, it resembled a bottomless black hole, while at others, it appeared like a vast and endless sea.

She believed a mere thought could spawn a tiny world from the vortex before her—an astonishing power that intrigued and surprised her. Was this the essence of good luck?

If the essence of good luck lies in the direction of the mind and the unraveling of mysteries, does that mean the ability to create a world is within reach?

Yue Mingkong pondered deeply.

Despite her status as the empress, she refrained from meddling in many Heavenly Court affairs, delegating authority to Yin Mei, Ji Qingxuan, Bai Lian’er, and others. This afforded her ample time to explore the realms of luck and good fortune.

Perhaps I can seek Changge’s counsel; he should possess knowledge on this matter.

Yue Mingkong contemplated but eventually shook her head, choosing instead to comprehend it independently. Relying too heavily on Gu Changge’s guidance might foster dependence.

The Dao-building expert of luck.

In the vast and boundless void, Gu Changge sat cross-legged, his gaze spanning the heavens. Observing Yue Mingkong facing a bottleneck, he refrained from assisting and averted his gaze thoughtfully.

If she could unravel this understanding, it would present boundless opportunities for her to amass good fortune.

The vast heavens are undeniably flourishing at this moment.

Gu Changge murmured, casting a glance at Yue Mingkong, Yin Mei, Jiang Chuchu, Wang Ziji, Xiao Ruoyin, Heavenly Maiden Tianlu, as well as the parents and relatives of this life. Observing each immersed in their creations and engaged in their pursuits, their expressions swiftly returned to normal.

He sensed a subtle shift in his state of mind during this period, as if he had become a spectator to the vicissitudes of life—the stars sinking, the moon rising, and time unfolding. However, this was merely a nuanced change of mood. He couldn’t embody the Heavenly Dao-building expert, and the Heavenly Dao-building expert remained nothing more than an extension of Gu Changge.

It’s nearly time.

Rising from his seated position, Gu Changge took a step, and beneath his feet, the lines of the Dao-building expert of time intertwined. In an instant, he vanished from the boundless void.

As Gu Changge departed, the Immortal Domain erupted in a resounding roar, akin to a thunderous ocean threatening to shatter the universe. Immortal kings were immediately alarmed, their complexions shifting dramatically as they exited their caves and materialized in the sky.

This aura emanates from the direction of a foreign land.

Old Immortal King Gu Xuan’s voice trembled slightly as he stood amidst the cosmos, gazing toward the foreign land.

It appears that my lord is poised to launch an assault on the foreign lands, and this day has finally arrived.

In King Luo’s mansion, King Luo appeared with a complex expression. Although tasked by Gu Changge to locate survivors of the Immortal Palace, after numerous years, there was still no news.

Those sent on the mission disappeared inexplicably, leaving him perplexed. Yet, Gu Changge showed no impatience and refrained from mentioning it. After the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the matters of the Immortal Palace were left behind and were no longer a concern.

Is he preparing to attack the foreign lands?

Ming Yi and others, confined in King Luo’s Mansion, wore bitter expressions, a sense of unease and trepidation evident.

For them, these days felt like an eternity, each passing moment a torment. The merging of the immortal domain and the upper realm intensified the laws of heaven and earth, casting a more oppressive environment for foreign creatures. Naturally, they suffered significant consequences, their strength limited to a mere ten percent, allowing them only three or four moves at most.

However, with no updates from the foreign land, they remained confined to King Luo’s mansion, unable to venture elsewhere. When news of Gu Changge’s emergence in the direction of the foreign land reached them, all the clans in the Immortal Domain swiftly reacted.

An immortal king personally took charge, leading the army to the border between the immortal domain and the foreign land. Immortal King Ao Di, brandishing an ancient starry flag, guided hundreds of millions of sea people across the star field. The universe ruptured, stars quivered, and a formidable cosmic tunnel materialized through which the vast army surged.

Immortal King Ao Di’s decisive move left many profoundly shaken, perceiving it as a rare opportunity. This presented a chance to display loyalty and the prospect of ultimately conquering the foreign land, which had been a constant adversary.

Subsequently, Immortal Kings hurriedly mobilized, leading their clans to the frontier of the foreign land.

Of course, Immortal King Ao Di’s actions were prompted by the order of Little Ancestor Ao Ling, emphasizing the importance of aligning with Gu Changge in this era. There was no room for error in following Gu Changge’s footsteps.

Has the long-awaited day finally arrived?

Ni Chen pondered, a member of the Immortal King family, the Wang family. Excitement gleamed in his eyes, anticipating the reorganization of the natural world of mountains and seas. Gu Changge’s expedition to the foreign land signified the impending realization of this day.

Once the mortal world of mountains and seas underwent reorganization, the original power of this world would become more complete. By acquiring the mortal world of mountains and seas, he could streamline a significant portion of his efforts and ascend directly to a level comparable to a genuine spirit.

Now, it’s time for me to commence.

Ni Chen swiftly regained his composure, recognizing that he had fully adapted to Wang Wushang’s body over this period. He had begun making meticulous arrangements, gradually encroaching upon and claiming the surrounding starfields through the celestial expanse he had seized.

Over the past few days, he had contemplated ways to shift that segment of the starry sky into the Wang family’s territory. Utilizing the assistance of the residual souls of ancestors on his body, he seized the body of a true immortal ancestor from the Wang family, refining it into a clone to operate outside.

With this detailed and seamless plan, the two Immortal King ancestors of the Wang family detected nothing unusual. Ni Chen harbored confidence that within ten years, he would gain complete control over the Wang family, simultaneously capturing the two Immortal King ancestors.

When he moved the starry sky avatar to the Wang family’s territory, that would be the moment to unveil his machinations.

Go east!

In the fractured universe, a figure atop a hornet beast continued muttering, gazing eastward while trekking for several years. Passing through numerous worlds and universes, his eyes remained resolute, undeterred by the challenges faced during these years. On the contrary, his determination to locate the Nine Heavens strengthened.

This figure was Qing Feng, who had departed the Floating Realm to pursue the Nine Heavens. Throughout his journey, he encountered various dangers—from fierce beasts hidden deep in the universe to entities comparable to half-step immortal kings. Yet, relying on his innate combat experience, Qing Feng defeated them all.

An innate intuition guided him, assuring him that he would inevitably find the Nine Heavens by continuing in this direction. Suddenly, a thunderous sound reached Qing Feng’s ears, akin to the roar of a mighty river emanating from an invisible source.

Is the Nine Heavens just ahead?

Excitement and joy flickered in Qing Feng’s eyes. His unwavering determination made it difficult to conceal such expressions. As he progressed through this region, the grandeur and profundity of the world became increasingly evident.

Vast stars dotted the cosmic canvas, and ancient trees stretched across the heavens, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. Every branch and leaf seemed to uphold the cosmos. The river of stars, surrounded by chaotic energy, cascaded from the front, growing thicker and more majestic.


Waves splashed, creating formidable ripples in the universe. Each wave resembled the convergence of innumerable small worlds, carrying a momentum akin to a portion of the sky plummeting into the deepest darkness.

Qing Feng advanced a few steps, halting before this colossal galaxy waterfall. The entire universe appeared severed, with stars drifting within the galaxy, surrounded by the sun and the moon, appearing like specks of dust.

Once this galaxy descended into the starry sky, it could instantly submerge countless small worlds.

Is it possible to ascend to Nine Heavens along this Waterfall of the River of Stars?

Qing Feng pondered aloud as he reached this awe-inspiring location. Along his journey, he had engaged in numerous battles. Though his cultivation had not increased, his strength had grown significantly.

Yet here, he sensed a majestic coercion, as if the Dao-building expert’s blade had suddenly pressed down, causing his bones and cells to quiver faintly. He was sure that this was the path to the Nine Heavens.

According to the guidance of the old city lord, reaching beyond the Nine Heavens required the use of the Qingyun Immortal Boat. However, locating the Qingyun Immortal Boat posed a challenge in the vast universe.[Ed note: Qingyun is a Chinese term that conveys the idea of a clear and blue sky.]

“Fellow Daoist, do you seek to ascend?”

Suddenly, an ancient and weathered voice resounded, seemingly materializing out of thin air. If ordinary individuals heard this voice, they would undoubtedly be astonished.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cm.

After all, there was no sign of life here, and even a true immortal would struggle to penetrate such depths. However, Qing Feng remained composed, displaying no surprise, as if he had visited this place before.

Gazing at the galaxy before him, the voice emerged from within.

“Why not reveal yourself, Fellow Daoist, and cease hiding in the shadows?” Qing Feng inquired.

In the next moment, a tremendous and formidable force manifested ahead.


The expansive galaxy, hanging down from the zenith of the universe, now revealed an immense and incomparable gap. The majestic aura gradually unfolded, showing an unmistakable form.

Dragon head, turtle body, snake tail!

A Xuanwu of incomprehensible proportions emerged. Its vast body seemed to span a million miles, and as it shifted, the sky turned upside down, causing the entire universe to tremble.

This ancient Xuanwu shone as bright as the moon, adorned with a flying boat resembling a blue cloud. Thick black immortal iron chains securely bound its body, tethering the blue-green flying boat to it. Positioned within the starry waterfall. It appeared as if it had just awakened, fixing its star-like eyes upon Qing Feng and emanating a terrifying coercion.

“Fellow Daoist, are you bound for the Nine Heavens?” it spoke, its voice resonating with such strength and depth that it shook heaven and earth.

Qing Feng gazed upon the creature resembling the legendary Xuanwu, deeply shocked by the encounter.

Simultaneously, on a magnificent and boundless suspended continent, numerous palaces and pavilions adorned the landscape, exuding an ancient grandeur. Ancient fierce beasts, savage birds and beasts, primitive forests, majestic mountains, and old palaces contributed to the breathtaking scenery.

The Chaos Immortal Waterfall descended among the peaks, shrouded in immortal mist and interwoven with immortal lights. A myriad of colors and rays filled the air, creating a spectacle resembling a pure land beyond the worldly realm—a terrestrial paradise.

Creatures in this realm possessed an ethereal charm entirely distinct from those outside. Immortal medicines and divine springs, rare in the world, adorned the landscape.

Purple rocks stood tall, smooth cliff walls, lush grassy squares, and the breath of ginseng permeated the surroundings. A lone Qilin rested beneath a bluestone, a silver waterfall cascaded, and the fragrance of ancient medicine lingered in the air.

“Master, it appears the old tortoise has brought guests after many epochs. No living beings have set foot here in ages. Unexpectedly, strangers have arrived,” remarked a middle-aged man in white clothes seated cross-legged on the edge of an ancient cliff. A chessboard lay before him, surrounded by a mysterious aura, as if enveloped by billions of stars, manifesting boundless immortal spirit. He bore the semblance of a genuine ancient immortal.

The speaker at this moment was a young boy clad in a Daoist robe, seated across from the middle-aged man in white. He gave the impression of youthfulness with red lips, white teeth, and delicate features. Yet, his actual age spanned countless epochs.

Oh, what year is it?

The middle-aged man, seemingly absorbed in the chessboard before him, hadn’t made a single move for an eternity. His attention only shifted upon hearing the words.

“Reporting to the master, it is now 980 billion years in the Nine Heavens Calendar, and the third calamity has not yet begun. The Heavenly Sect is under the control of Daoist Eternal Life. The exact time is unknown,” respectfully replied the little boy.

“The visitor is a guest; go and welcome him.”

The middle-aged man nodded slightly upon hearing this, but his primary focus remained on the chessboard as if he had been engrossed in it for countless years.

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