I am The Fated Villain

Chapter 732: Became a tool man in a day, gathered in the divine city

Chapter 732: Became a tool man in a day, gathered in the divine city

Reincarnated Heaven Lord had clearly not anticipated that Gu Changge would be so brazen, revealing his existence without asking for his opinion, and even resorting to a fait accompli.(Ed Note, we will change Ancient Heavenly Lord of Reincarnation to Reincarnated Heaven Lord)

Of course, the Reincarnated Heaven Lord had long foreseen that such a day would come. However, he didn’t want to be so passive, feeling like nothing more than a tool in Gu Changge’s hands.

“Why didn’t you talk to me first before that? ” For he was no ordinary person, his emotions and anger remained hidden. Despite his profoundly somber heart, his face swiftly regained its composure, and he asked with a somewhat mild smile.

“My master, I thought this matter would affect the entire Upper Realm’s situation, and your traces would inevitably become known to the world sooner or later, so I thought it best to disclose it earlier,” Gu Changge replied with a smile.

He knew full well that the Reincarnated Heaven Lord must be feeling extremely unhappy. However, while within the territory of the Gu family,he had no choice but to swallow his frustration.

What’s more, Reincarnated Heaven Lord must have studied and comprehended the mysterious runes from the ancestor artifact of the three wells of Absolute Heavenly Extinction during this period of time.

Furthermore, during this time,he must have had a genuine desire to uncover the secret and make it his own.Therefore,he had probably sensed the little tricks he had played.

So even if he had too much dissatisfaction in his heart at this time, he could only swallow his anger and pretend that he got nothing.Even though he felt very unhappy at that moment, he had to hide his anger and act as if he hadn’t gained anything. .𝒎

From the very beginning, Gu Changge had calculated Reincarnated Heaven Lord intentionally, leaving obvious flaws in those runes. Even leading the Gu family, making him cautious and restraining any covetous thoughts, was part of the plan.

The Reincarnated Heaven Lord would naturally think that he was being cautious due to his strength not being enough against him, so using the power of his family to intimidate him. As a result, the Reincarnated Heaven Lord would inevitably underestimate him and eventually consider taking action against him.

Subsequently, he might attempt to lure him away from the Gu Family, maybe even to some ancient universe far from the Upper Realm.

“My disciple, thinking of me in this way, truly warms my heart.” Seeing Gu Changge’s explanation, his expression momentarily faltering, but he quickly regained his composure, appearing genuinely pleased.

Only Reincarnated Heaven Lord himself knew how much he wanted to slap his opportunistic disciple, Gu Changge, to death at this moment. He once ruled over numerous epochs in the Upper Realm, and in the Anciently Immortal Era, he was a renowned powerhouse, feared and respected by all.

How had he fallen to the point of being calculated and used as a tool by others?

At this moment, he could only remind himself to endure it. Patience was crucial for grand schemes. He was deeply intrigued by the many secrets hidden within Gu Changge.

“Master, your understanding of your disciple’s intentions warms my heart,” Gu Changge smiled and continued, “In that case, I will give the order now. In seven days, in the Divine City, you will appear there. At that time, you will discuss the resolution of the Absolute Heavenly Extinction calamity with the various forces of the Upper Realm.”

Upon hearing this, Reincarnated Heaven Lord’s face stiffened once again. He hadn’t expected that Gu Changge had already arranged everything. He had no room to refuse.

Soon, various pieces of information regarding him spread like wildfire, thanks to Gu Changge’s careful arrangements. The news of the Reincarnated Heaven Lord appearing in the Divine City in seven days to discuss how to solve the Absolute Heavenly Extinction scourge with immortal forces caused a tremendous stir.It was like a meteor crashing into the deep sea. .𝒎

Many cultivators who had doubted whether he was still alive now widened their eyes and prepared to head to the Divine City to investigate.

The entire Upper Realm was in an uproar. The Supreme God Clan, the Grand Yu Immortal Dynasty, the Peerless Immortal Dynasty, the Hidden Ancestral Clan, and numerous other hidden immortal forces were all mobilizing. They sent beings at the level of their ancestors or even their deepest reserves, tearing through the fabric of the universe or piloting ancient interstellar warships to descend upon the Divine City. They were eager to meet this mythical figure from the Ancient Immortal Era.

In terms of seniority, Reincarnated Heaven Lord was even older and more ancient than the Ancestor of the Human Ancestor Hall. Only those who truly understood the significance of the Reincarnated Heaven Lord continued existence could comprehend what this meant.

The Upper Realm was filled with excitement and anticipation. Every day, streaks of divine rainbows crisscrossed the skies as they rushed toward the Divine City.

Even the younger generation was equally interested. Despite knowing that the inheritor of the demonic arts likely lurked in the shadows, they had no fear. The Divine City stood tall and majestic, an immortal tower falling into the world, bathed in radiant light and mist.

The Divine City was a mesmerizing sight, with numerous islands and celestial mountains rising and falling, silver waterfalls cascading, and stars dotting the sky. It resembled an ancient and timeless world of its own.

Countless palaces and pavilions were nestled within the city, and even the city gates stood like pillars that could hold up the universe, exuding an aura of ancient grandeur.

There weren’t many cities in the Upper Realm worthy of being called “Divine Cities.” Once, Gu Changge and several other powerhouses had besieged one such Divine City along the path Red-Clothed Demoness took after emerging from the Abyss of Demons. That city had nearly been destroyed in that epic battle, with large sections of its walls collapsing into ruins, countless runes shattered and permanently erased. [Ed note: Abyss of Demons usually called as the prisoner for demons.]

The current Divine City, however, was different. It was adorned with endless runes on its walls, shining brilliantly. Even in broad daylight, it was dazzling, as if it were situated in the depths of the universe.

Within the city, there were world-suppressing artifacts floating above, emitting countless streams of radiance, their aura terrifying and awe-inspiring. Except for those Dao-Building experts, no one dared to act recklessly here.

In recent days, the city gates had been wide open, and numerous ancient warships, flying boats, and dragon carriages had descended upon the city. Almost all the prominent figures of the Upper Realm had gathered here.

Many cultivators were shocked to find that some of the leaders of the Immortal Sects were respectfully accompanying elderly individuals with white hair and clouded eyes. Their reverence was palpable.

This discovery left them astounded and terrified. They realized that these elderly individuals’ cultivations were unfathomable and beyond imagination, even surpassing many Dao-Building experts.

“I didn’t expect the background figures from various Immortal Sects to gradually appear in the world…”

“These might be Remnant Immortals or individuals nearing that realm.”(ED, Remnant Immortal = incomplete immortal)

Countless cultivators within the Divine City were shaken, and their hearts were filled with shock and turmoil.

After the news of Reincarnated Heaven Lord’s imminent appearance spread, no one could remain still any longer.


The void trembled as a massive ancient warship descended from the sky, its banners waving prominently with the words “Supreme God.” It landed deep within the Divine City.[Ed note: Supreme God varies among different belief systems. It typically refers to the highest, most powerful, often the singular deity or divine being and supernatural entity which is above all others] .

The Supreme God Clan’s formidable beings had also arrived.

Standing on the warship was an elegant and dignified golden-haired woman with a breathtakingly beautiful face. Her eyes seemed to radiate two golden suns, exuding a fierce and formidable aura. Every cultivator who met her gaze couldn’t help but bow their heads in reverence.

Princess Jiang Luoshen of the Supreme God Clan had a deep connection with Gu Changge in the Supreme God’s Tomb. Later, she had been captured by Gu Changge and brought into the Demon World, where they had spent some time together.

Although she hadn’t appeared in the Upper Realm for a long time, many cultivators hadn’t forgotten her. After all, she was the audacious woman who dared to scold Gu Changge back then, even though it seemed she had suffered terribly at his hands later on. But this didn’t diminish her unparalleled charm in the eyes of many. Her golden hair flowed smoothly, as if it had a layer of golden light coursing through it. Her perfectly sculpted features exuded an air of cold, aristocratic dignity, as if she looked down upon everything.

Her presence in the Divine City this time caught many cultivators by surprise, especially the younger generation. However, the older generation was more concerned about the elderly woman with golden hair who accompanied Jiang Luoshen.

This elderly woman had a hunched back, occasionally coughed, and held a dried tree branch of an unknown tree in her hand. Although her face appeared kind, there was a terrifying aura emanating from her that made one’s heart race. It was as if she weren’t an ordinary old woman but a ferocious beast with boundless power, capable of tearing the heavens apart with a mere wave of her hand.

Jiang Luoshen carefully supported her as they made their way into the Divine City, followed by numerous powerful experts of the Supreme God Clan.

This scene attracted the attention of many, and they speculated about the identity of the elderly woman. It was the older generation, those with some knowledge of ancient secrets, who had a sudden change in expression and sucked in a cold breath.

Some of them muttered in disbelief, “Could she be that legendary one from the Supreme God Clan…”

In the days that followed, the Peerless Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yu Immortal Dynasty, both immortal dynasties, also had their formidable beings appear.

Although the current Empress of the Peerless Immortal Dynasty, Yue Mingkong, hadn’t shown herself, they had sent a substantial number of powerful representatives.

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