His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Kaito watched as people went in and out of the dingy bar across the street. Most of them were ordinary individuals, probably just looking to have a good time after long shifts. He did not pay much attention to these people. He was searching for someone whose behaviours indicated that they were nervous. 

He kept waiting. 

He was not a stranger to standing or walking for prolonged periods. Therefore, he was patient and kept watching the bar for over two hours.

Finally, he noticed a short man walking to the bar. 

He did not look suspicious or unusual, but he was showing signs of nervousness as he walked. He looked behind a couple of times, and he hid his shaking hands in his pockets. He looked afraid of something, but he did not turn back. 

He stepped into the bar. 

Kaito waited for five minutes before crossing the street and going into the bar. He did not go directly to the strange man. Instead, he sat at the bar and ordered a cheap beer. He did not drink it, but he held it in his hand to avoid standing out. 

The nervous man was seated in a booth, downing a beer in a glass quickly. 

This informer had been found by one of Kaito's trusted subordinates from the Shadow Brotherhood. He had sent that person to keep an eye on the port and find someone willing to provide information about the destination of the shipping containers. 

There was always an employee willing to provide secret information at a price in almost all companies. The key was finding the right individual.

Drunkards and gamblers were always the most suitable choice because they never said no to more money. However, they were also risky because the probability of betrayal was higher. They might talk about secret deals or even be swayed by more money. 

Of course, that was not to say those seemingly innocent and good people would not sell secret information from their company or even about their friends and family. 

Unfortunately, most of them were usually too nervous about their actions. They would back out a couple of times from the deal and sometimes, fail at the last moment. However, if they got through their fear and moved forward with their betrayal, they would not talk about their actions. 

Their images would collapse if they exposed their actions, so they were usually the best people for colluding on something illegal.

Kaito could not figure out whether the man was the first or second type. Based on his job and his fast drinking, he assumed he was the first type. However, he seemed nervous as if he had never done anything bad in his life. 

The contrast made Kaito a little apprehensive. 

Unfortunately, the port seemed to have a good hold on their employees. No one else was willing to step forward. He had to make do with the strange man, or he would never move forward with the investigation on his uncle.

After the man had drunk a few beers, Kaito approached him. He sat opposite him with a calm and semi-friendly demeanour. 

"Who are you?" The man asked with some fear. 

"Who do you think I am?" Kaito asked casually. 

"It is you?" The man's mouth opened in surprise. 

He had observed all the patrons in the dingy bar with care while drinking because he was afraid that someone would recognise him. Therefore, he had noticed Kaito at the bar with a beer in hand. It did not occur to him that the person he was meeting was already in the bar. 

"Of course, it is me. My eyesight is not that good, so I did not recognise you when I entered." Kaito explained apologetically. 

"It's fine. It's fine. Your friend did not give me any information about you, so I came in blindly. What an unreliable guy!" The man complained as he downed his beer. 

"Don't blame him. In my line of work, privacy is tantamount. If I am exposed, I will end up dead in a ditch." Kaito laughed. 

"I have never thought about the struggles of crime journalists. It is like being a policeman but without a gun to protect yourself. Your life is not simple." The man lamented. 

"Someone has to do the work. The people have a right to know if there is danger lurking in the shadows. What can you tell me about the goods being forwarded through that port? I have not managed to move forward with the investigation." Kaito asked. 

The man's hands shook as he placed his beer on the table.

"You know this betrayal could get me fired." He said.

"I will not mention your name when publishing the expose. And I will compensate you well." Kaito did not lose his temper.

Kaito had expected the man to say those words. The person probably wanted to confirm that he would get paid. With this thought in mind, he opened his coat a little and exposed a wad of cash. The man immediately became less awkward and nervous.

"Fine, I am already here anyway." He had the tone of a generous man. "What exactly do you want to know?" 

"I am mostly interested in the destination of the goods flowing through that port. I have reason to believe that the port is being used to forward illegal items. I cannot turn a blind eye to this type of situation." Kaito had the righteousness of a crime journalist. 

The man bent a little closer over the table and began talking in a low voice. 

"The truth is that the port is a private business. Most of the information on that place is fake. For example, it looks like the items there go to different places after being loaded on ships. But they have only one destination." The man said. 

Kaito frowned. "What do you mean?" 

"Just what I said. According to what I have heard, the freight is intended for a very private island with limited contact with the outside world. Most of the items transported are normal things like food items, clothes, commercial products and equipment." 

"Of course, I cannot rule out the transportation of illegal substances. We are not allowed to look at some shipments. I suspect those have things that should not be seen." The final words were spoken in a conspiratorial whisper.

"Do you know where the specific destination?" 

The man sighed. "I have heard the name, but it sounds fake. I have never heard of such a place outside of the port."

"What is the name?"

"Martial Island."

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