His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


In London, William Springer looked at his phone with excitement. The cause of his happiness was the confirmation that the probe by the international court and Interpol was over. While the case was not dismissed completely, it would probably end up in a forgotten file box somewhere. 

He did not wait for long before logging into that dark website. He had already collected some funds for paying off the person giving her information on Harriet Brown's adoptive daughter. However, he was afraid of the Chairman, so he did not dare act without thinking. 

Now that he was free of those government stalkers, he could proceed with his plan. 

A part of him wondered if it was necessary to kill Harriet Brown's child just because that woman had been the cause of their ultimate exposure. Since he was no longer in danger, it would be better to lay low in case of another probe. 

In truth, he had a small desire to be normal and accept things like that Simon Burke. He wanted to move on with his life. Even though the International Health Alliance could not be revived after the scandal, he could still live a comfortable life. 

However, the thought of not torturing and killing that girl caused his heart to burn in anger, and bitter bile rose into his chest. 

He logged into the site and opened the payment page. 

It was impossible for him to back down and not find his revenge. If he did not punish those who wronged him, he would not be able to sleep at night. And his disease would get worse. If he became sick again, he would be in more danger. 

A long time ago, he did not know that he had a disease. 

As a child, he would find small animals like dogs and cats and beat them up. He enjoyed the sounds they made as they bled and died. Eventually, it did not feel good anymore. He started using his hands to strangle them. 

He liked seeing the desperate struggle and watching life slipping out of them slowly. 

His mother found out about his 'fun times' and freaked out. She sent him to a psychiatric hospital for the insane, and a shrink diagnosed his pathology. That doctor said that he would become a serial killer if he was released from the hospital. 

At the time, the options for treatment of brain problems were limited, but he was deemed too dangerous to release to the public. The doctors agreed that he needed a lobotomy. They did not hope to cure him. They wanted to eliminate the danger. 

A lobotomy would make him mentally dull, and he would be no different than a person without a soul. When William learned about the planned treatment, he was afraid. He had only been about seventeen years old. 

How could he lose his mind and become a fool before his life even began? 

With these thoughts, he planned his escape. He was young and not a hardened criminal, so he could not run from the hospital without difficulty. Furthermore, the security in the place was tight. However, what he was lacking in experience, he made up for it by his willingness to kill anyone who stood in his way. 

After understanding the hospital design, he finally managed to get the head orderly in a hidden corner. He killed him before taking the keys and running from the hospital. 

At the time, he knew he should have run away immediately. However, when he thought of his mother's betrayal of sending him to the nuthouse, the anger in his soul burned bright and strong. He desired revenge. 

It was only after he went back to the house and looked at the fear in her eyes as she died that he felt at peace. He felt calm enough to leave his home and hitchhike across the country. He felt normal for a while. 

During that period, he was able to find a job on a construction site with good pay. He even managed to change his identity and start afresh. 

Of course, the restlessness and desire to kill returned after a while. But he realised that as long as he could kill occasionally, he could live a normal life. Since he was at the bottom of society, he had to make do with hookers and homeless drug addicts.

He did not like being forced to deal with the riffraff because their eyes were often dead. They would not struggle the way he liked, and some even seemed to enjoy it.

He swore then that he would rise to the top and have his choice of fine prey. With this motivation, he enrolled in a high school and completed his education. He joined college and eventually graduated with a business degree. 

He could not find a good job at first, but he ended up working in a casino with some connections to the underworld as a credit management specialist or debt collector. His reputation as an efficient and intelligent credits specialist, who was not afraid to break a few bones, rose. 

His demand increased, and his opportunities expanded until he was discovered by the Chairman many years later. Everything changed, and he became a star. 

However, one thing did not change. 

He needed to kill. 

He needed revenge. 

Since he could not personally kill that b*tch, Harriet Brown, he would make do with her adopted daughter. It was the only way he could stop the hate and anger and recover some normalcy. Otherwise, he was not sure what he would do. 

He opened a chat box with his source and sent a message. 

[Please confirm receipt of the payment.] 

The person must have been online because they only took a few moments before they replied. 

[Payment received. Find attached.]

William Springer's fingers shook as he opened the attached file. He looked at the young woman in the photo, and his excitement rose. She had large and lively eyes. It would be beautiful to see the brightness fading from them. 

He felt it necessary to thank his informant. 

[Pleasure doing business with you.]

[Likewise. If you have other needs, consider giving me the first shot.]

William thought about it for a while before he typed in the chatbox. Since this person seemed reliable, it would not hurt to complete his business with him.

[I would like for this woman to be transported to Europe covertly.]

There was no response for a while. 

[Please read the file before confirming your request. It is not impossible, but the costs will be exponential.] 

With that, the person on the other end went offline. William frowned before opening the file. His eyes widened as he looked at the information. His contact was nothing if not comprehensive. There was no doubt that he was looking at the right person. 

At first, he thought that the information seller had hiked the price because he knew that no one else could fulfil the request. Now, he realised that every pound was worth it. 

The file did not mention anything about Harriet Brown, but it explained that the adoptive daughter was raised by Helen Brown in Japan. William realised that his colleague Simon was right about that mad scientist. Harriet had been guarding against them from the beginning. 

Otherwise, why would she hide her adoptive daughter with her sister? 

William did not find anything unusual about Helen raising the girl because everyone in IHA knew that the sisters were close. The file explained the connection to the affluent Yamazaki family. William found that point suspicious, but not enough to halt his plans to deal with Yamazaki Akira. 

Regardless of how she came into contact with Harriet Brown, she would pay for that woman's sins. Plus, he could not let go after seeing those bright and clean eyes. 

Finally, the file mentioned she was the lover of the feared leader of the Shadow Brotherhood. 

William took in a sharp breath. He knew the Shadow Brotherhood, and he knew that man. He understood why his contact asked him to read the file first. 

If he wanted to deal with Akira, he would have to pay a high price. 

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