Hero Of Darkness

Chapter 696 The Wwar Cry

Chapter 696 The Wwar Cry


In a massive city filled with the crowd of millions of people from dozen of different species and parts of society, having varying jobs, professions and ways of making a living flooded across the stoned paved streets of this 150 kilometers wide city, going about their daily lives.

At the southern end of this enormously wide city filled with lush plant life that had perfect ensembled within the architecture and topography was a particular estate that spanned 10 kilometers in the perimeter.

However, the atmosphere around this estate was that of a merry celebration as thousands of people adorning weapons and armor along with their families including the young children had gathered in the widespread open spaces as if there was some cultural festival.

There were no guards or soldiers to maintain peace, rather it was the people amassed here who were the ones in charge of making sure that no one caused any form of trouble since everyone present thought of this occasion as a life-turning event.

Among the crowd, were people from different races and species similar to Rakos and Vulcan empire. However, there were many that had never been seen before.

The only familiar amongst the distinctive group were species such as Lamias whose upper body was similar to humans with white and bluish-hued skin. All of them had snake-like tongues and even the iris in their eyes differed. Some Lamias were 5 meters in length since their lower half was nothing but snake tail as they slithered like a cobra.

There were yellow, blue, green and black lamias. And among them, the females had their upper body exposed, even their torsos were covered only with their long hair while the back was without any clothing.

Yet no one looked at these females with lecherous eyes or treated them differently than the rest of the crowd since this was a normal occurrence.

Aside from this group, there were some new Demi-Human species mixed in the crowd.

Many green-bodied Dryads and tall Leshens wearing attires made of green vines and leaves were also present. Just their presence alone reinvigorated the surroundings as people felt a breath of fresh air.

There was also another group of warriors with a body with crocodile-like gray skin but their head was similar to a chameleon with spikey teeth. These individuals with spears in hand resembled a group of tribal men who lived and thrived in deep and muddy forests.

There were over a dozen of such new species including those who had heads of a buffalo but had 6 to 8 horns protruding from their heads and shoulders while some people were made of nothing but white mist.



Tall and monstrous creatures with horns and different colors of furs also trode among this crowd.

Some even resembled giant tigers while some looked like enormous felines as they carried their respective owner on their backs.


Over 50 Pterodactyl-like flying monsters having bodies full of scales and spikes with 4 wings and beak akin to a hawk flew high in the air as they flapped their fleshly wings without any feathers.

This mixed group was enough to let anyone know that these people present here didn’t originate from a single place or shared anything in common. Yet all of them had their eyes glued towards the tall tower at the end of this open place that was surrounded by dozens of 4 to 5 floored buildings.

In reality, these were just the main administration buildings while there were plenty of housing and business settlements such as ration stores, restaurants, trade posts and even fighting colosseums spread in the 10 kilometers region.



Just then, the main tower surrounded by various buildings had a platform extended forward towards the crowd below.

A group of people walked on this platform, adorning different armors and weapons of their own.

A white-haired hybrid, a mage, an assassin, a berserker, an archer, a healer, a tank and finally, a trident warrior appeared at the top of this platform and the crowd turned silent.

Just from their auras alone… everyone could sense that all these 8 individuals were strong Saints.

But soon, all 8 of them parted ways and divided into 2 groups of 4, standing quietly on opposite sides.



Finally, a short white-haired humanoid figure came out of the top of the tall tower and walked forth towards the end of this platform.

After he reached the end of this long platform and gazed down at the crowd of 30 thousand people, the majority of whom were warrior and magic class fighters… the surrounding froze and no one even dared to breathe loudly given the prestige of this person.

“Welcome to my humble settlement.” said this young person who looked like he just entered his 30s.

“Kya!! He’s so handsome. I’m going to marry him!” spoke a white-furred foxkin woman with a bodacious body.

“You bet! He’s mine!” rebuked a yellow lamia girl as her snake tongue swirled around her lips as she salivated in lust after looking at this person standing on the platform.

Just then, someone hushed them and signaled to not make a sound.

The white-haired individual then continued in an authoritative tone.

“Free education for your children. Free living quarters allocated to each of you and your families.

We have already built practicing grounds to hone and perfect your battle skills and spells for each class and profession.

Soon, there will be multiple hospitals built and free medical care will be provided to everyone who is registered as part of our organization.

After we are officially open, there will be work for everyone who can’t use magic including women and the elderly based on their experience and capabilities in the businesses in the settlements we’re to establish.

For those who can use magic or invoked any particular skills… we will provide them with resources and training facilities to increase their strengths and mastery of their skills.” declared this person with long ears.

All the people who heard these words spoken by this saint in the 5 kilometers vicinity had an excited as well as worshipping expression towards the individual who had given them a new life and provided a haven for their families.

“So tell me, Misthos…” spoke this prestigious and domineering figure as his eyes gazed from one end of the crowd to the other.

“What is your profession?!”




Suddenly, the entirety of the crowd chanted together.

Everyone belonging to a fighting profession class started banging their weapons on shields or with other weapons. The mages, enchanters and summoners stomped their staves and scepters on the ground.

While the archers on flying monsters shot their arrows high in the sky that exploded loudly, releasing different elements and colors similar to grand displays of fireworks.

“This isn’t just some settlement of hooligans and a ragtag bunch of outlaws. You’re no longer without a place you belong to.” said the white-haired individual as he raised his right fist high in the air.

Everyone present here looked towards this enigmatic yet oddly reliable figure with vehement eyes as if they were gazing at their life savior.

“This is your sanctuary! This is your new home!” he roared like a lion, his voice reverberating and sending goosebumps to everyone present.

“This is Sparta!”




Chanted more than 30 thousand people collectively spread across the 3 kilometers wide open grounds as they released their War Cry.

Those without weapons and fighting professions started stomping their feet. Even the ground trembled from the vibrations and loud cheers.

“All hail our mighty leader.” screamed thousands of people in joy and excitement as all of them praised their ultimate leader to whom they had pledged their loyalty.

“The Mercenary King!!”

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