Hero Of Darkness

Chapter 580 The Price to Pay

Chapter 580 The Price to Pay

After distributing the tasks his first 10 doppelgangers had to do… Kahn then moved to the last 5. Unlike the others… these didn’t have any form of physical training to do, rather… it was going to test their minds to the limit.

Kahn wanted to resume his Magic and also the Dimensional Law study for a while and after nearly half a year later… he finally got the chance because now he had peace and wasn’t burdened with the responsibilities of a Sovereign or had to hunt for legendary monsters to protect the borders and the lives of his subjects.

Each one was studying two to three different elements and performing spells, barriers and formations, including the dark magic element ones. Because even now, he was only an Intermediate Rank Magician and hadn’t even surpassed someone like Solomon Elfenheim, the elven mage whose innate abilities he acquired.

Kahn had no genius or experienced master to teach him magic skills or help correct his doubts. Even someone like Ceril wasn’t that big of an expert compared to other saint mages because he too had limited knowledge just like Kahn. Just that he could use multiple elements without any restrictions while others could use 3 to 4 at best.

So all Kahn could do was learn and perfect them through trial and error while figuring out things on his own.

However… the books left by the elven semi-saint mage related to magic and the space law itself were his biggest source of knowledge and guidance, making them adequate for his current situation.

So the remaining five of the doppelgangers were also swarmed with work.

Before becoming a saint, the doppelganger skill was only a SS Rank skill and didn’t allow Kahn to share the mastery and proficiency of any of these skills.

Only after he became a saint did the skill itself reach Saint Rank and because of the world energy Kahn now had access to, this shared connection evolved and now he could use them as his cheat codes.

So it was the time to reap the maximum rewards while covering all important fields and without wasting any more time like he was forced to do before becoming a saint.

At the same time… all these doppelgangers needed a generous amount of mana and world energy to carry out their work. Because whether it was the fighting skills or the magic spells; whether it was the transformation abilities or using the gravity law and the dimension law abilities… they all needed a lot of world energy and mana to perform.

All the doppelgangers only had 70% of Kahn’s physical stats and abilities. But none of them had their own reserves of mana and world energy because they were part of an ability and Kahn was the actual source.

The SS Rank cores he gave them were only useful to extend their activation time but didn’t work as the source of their strength. And even with his current capacity which was double that of a normal saint… Kahn didn’t have even 10% of the quantity that was required.

This was one of the biggest shortcomings of the hack he was using. But thanks to a certain shameless almighty being who didn’t like to leave plotholes… Kahn already had an alternate source available.

Rathnaar’s Core.


Since the First Emperor of Rakos Empire aka Rathnaar Whitlock’s core was bound to his soul already… the doppelgangers could automatically harness the required mana and world energy directly from the Peak Saint’s core.

Hence, it was providing them with inexhaustible reserves so even if they all were not legit saints, practicing these skills was no problem.

Again, the Peak Saint’s core proved itself to be one of Kahn’s biggest assets and helped him bypass many restrictions that would be impossible unless one was at least a 5th stage saint mage.

When Kahn asked the old emperor about how strong his core was and how much energy it held… Rathnaar only scoffed at Kahn as if he was entertaining a newborn.

‘Even if your doppelgangers used it as a source every single day for the next 10 years, they still wouldn’t manage to deplete 30% of the original quantity stored in the core.’

Those were his words. And the hard-to-digest fact was… Kahn could feel through his soul connection with the core that he indeed hadn’t even scratched the surface.

[Just how powerful was a Peak Saint?] wondered Kahn with his mouth agape.

All he knew was that Rathnaar could travel a couple of thousand kilometers of distance in a single second at his peak. And a Demi-God could travel ten thousand kilometers.

Meanwhile Kahn… a First Stage Saint could travel one kilometer distance in a second and that too when he used his several speed-enhancing skills and abilities such as Quicksilver, Jetstream, Sky Overlord and Gravity Law skills such as Attraction and Repulsion to enhance his momentum.

The world was truly vast and Kahn had just come out of the little well he was living in. Even the Vulcan Empire wasn’t comparable to the vast sea of wonders and powerful beings called Vantrea.

After letting out a defeated sigh, Kahn carried on with this arrangement while all the 15 doppelgangers trained and perfected themselves at different corners of this dimensional domain.

And the biggest surprising fact about this whole arrangement was… that all the fifteen doppelgangers shared the same mind as Kahn.

They weren’t some mindless subordinates or proxy replicas. All of them were the real Kahn including the original body and as they practiced everything whether it was fighting moves, magic, space law or the blacksmithing skills…

They were all connected to each other mentally and physically while collectively… they experienced everything at the same time.

One just focused on the particular task while putting everything and everyone else in the background of their mind while performing the given responsibility individually.

But like how nature or energy worked on the law of conservation and equivalent exchange… he too had to play by the same rule.

As for the price Kahn had to pay was something that would…

Completely destroy him.

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