Hero Of Darkness

Chapter 566 - Questionable Manners

Chapter 566 - Questionable Manners

The second stage saint halfbreed orc threatened openly in front of over 500 people who were just close to the main door. However, his words echoed in the surroundings and all those who were listening from in the building and windows also heard his words.

"Mikaela, looks like he really doesn't know the gravity of the situation.

If we visited some other saint blacksmith, they'd leave whatever they're doing and welcome us with open arms just to gain lord Axel's favor with worshipping eyes.

How dare this old fart not show us any respect?" said Tamak, the halfbreed orc warrior with a battleaxe on his back and slightly released his saint pressure.

Tamak was a second stage saint unlike most of their group and his overbearing pressure instantly put the onlookers in a kneeling position.

Jugram himself was forced to kneel on the ground because he was currently limiting his strength and rank. Otherwise, he alone was enough to take down half of this group if he used the Hell Domain in his true Diablos form.

[These fuckers… looks like they're used to being treated like royalty.] said Kahn who listened to the threat loud and clear.

[Kid… if you can't even handle this small matter, then I will have to rethink our arrangement.

Didn't you say you'll look after the security and whatever problems that come my way?] patronized Throk who was carefully carrying his work.

Someone like Throk … he cared more about his craft than some rich guy visiting him when he was completely immersed in forging.

Suddenly, Rathnaar spoke in Kahn's mind…

[What do you think their sudden visit means? I don't think they're here to hire the old man.

For a Hero's party… reputation and outer appearance to the public matter a lot as it reflects on their image and also the church.

Someone like them… they have to be polite and appear respectful towards someone like the dwarf blacksmith who is one of the top 5 in the whole empire.

And I feel like they're intentionally causing trouble to test the waters.]

"What do you mean?" asked Kahn.

[They're here to see if Throk truly has the backing from one of the imperial scions. I think the church must have sent them.

Because the imperial clan wouldn't interfere in this matter unless the emperor himself ordered them.]

"You mean they're suspicious about something?" asked Kahn.

[Yes. But we also have an opportunity here.]

"To do what?"

[Create more confusion.] replied the peak saint.

Rathnaar then came up with a scheme and told Kahn how to approach this matter that would help him deliver upon his agreement with Throk and also avoid trouble in the long run.


Right at the entrance of the main company headquarters, Tamak's tyrannical aura was suppressing Jugram, the head of security of the company since he was hiding his levels because of the order from his master.

"Looks like he really takes us for nobodies. 

Volka, send him a greeting message." spoke Tamak as he gazed at the blue wolfkin saint archer who announced their party's arrival a few minutes ago.

He nocked an arrow on his epic rank bow and aimed at the arc of the main wide door that was 5 meters tall.

"Are you out of your mind?! You want to attack our company's building?!" shouted Jugram as he grabbed the hilt of his giantsword.

"Huh? A human who isn't even a semi-saint dares to talk back to us? Should we show you your place?" said Edna in a threatening tone as she activated her scepter, ready to attack if Jugram even moved a muscle.

And right before everyone, the archer shot the charged arrow attack skill.


An insurmountable wave of pressure suddenly filled the company grounds and those who were subjected to fall to their knees under his saint pressure suddenly felt free.

As for the arrow shot by the archer… it froze midair before it even hit the arch of the door.

And this time… apart from 2 members, it was the entire hero's party who were subjugated to kneel on the ground instantly as a killing intent filled with bloodlust suddenly attacked their bodies under horrifying saint pressure.


Suddenly, a figure who released an aura many times stronger than them appeared in between Jugram and the Hero's party.

A waist-length silver-haired man with a ripped and lean exposed upper body came into everyone's sight.

This figure had glowing red eyes and his entire right arm was black from shoulder to his fingers. This individual had a curved blade on the left side of his waist whose sheath glowed red while three more black ones on his right side of the waist appeared to be epic rank curved blades themselves.

This figure… was Omega in his human/hybrid form.

He was currently using Gravity Imprisonment and Bloodlust skills. The former instantly trapped and froze weaker enemies in 5 kilometers radius and the latter was nothing but his pure murderous aura and killing intent that put his enemies in a fearful state for one hour as long as they were weaker than him.

By using just two skills on these new guests, Omega instantly decommissioned 6 out of 8 members of the hero's party.

However… the aura he emitted was many times stronger than himself.

To his tyrannical figure and strength… there was only Axel and another figure behind him who could stand straight.

"Do you not have manners? Is that how you behave when you're on someone else's territory?

Can you bear the consequences of this grave transgression against master Oakenshield?" he asked in a grim tone as he kept increasing his bloodlust.

"This isn't some carnival and parade where commoners are happy to get a glimpse of you.

A bunch of weak brats that I can kill in a second acting all high and mighty in the domain I'm tasked to protect…" he spoke without showing a single sign of respect or fear as if he didn't care if this was the renowned Hero's party or a group of street beggars.

Just then… Axel, who had assessed the strength of this samurai swordsman, shouted in surprise with his eyes wide open…

"A 3rd stage saint!"

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