Hero Of Darkness

Chapter 543 - The Cruelty

Chapter 543 - The Cruelty

Many of the men behind this old man had tears welled up in their eyes. Hatred, anger, agony… all these emotions were evoked in their minds but no one could muster up the courage to speak and do anything.

All of them were normal people, not someone with magic skills and a fighting class. So just a single slap from these powerful people around them was enough to kill them instantly.

"Arrhh!!" wailed the old man as his palm and fingers were disfigured by the prince's foot.

"You dare shout in front of me?! Looks like you human dumpsters don't deserve any form of kindness from us." declared Rogis as he kept pressuring the old man's hand.

"Everyone… how about we teach these ungrateful bastards some manners?" asked Rogis as he gave an insidious smile towards the group of hundred guests.



Soon, dozens of demi-human guards entered this vast hall, in their hands… hundreds of wooden blunt weapons were revealed to the guests.

"Since we're the ones who run this place… it's natural that we should be the ones who maintain the order and show these trashes what it means to live off on someone's generosity." declared Rogis.

Soon, the soldiers surrounded the group of these men and some of them handed out weapons that included maces, rods and bats to all the guests.

The old man's who had been enduring all this humiliation and pain then understood one thing. That even if he had declined… what was about to happen, was going to happen.

In the following moments, the soldiers pulled up the humans from the group and then threw them towards the guest.

"Ah!!!" wailed a man as a dwarf hit his kneecaps with a mace.

But before he could adjust himself, a fireborne nobleman hit his left ribcage with a wooden bat.

"Argh!" blood gushed out of his mouth. But instead of stopping, more people joined in and started beating up the man.

"No! Your highness, please let us go. We have done nothing wrong." pleaded the old man as he saw other men being dragged out and then get surrounded by these guests with weapons.

Soon, multiple wails and screams echoed in the hall as all the human servants were assaulted with blunt weapons and thoroughly beaten down by these elites of the empire.

But instead of feeling sorry for these people, all of these people who were mercilessly thrashing them had an elated expression as their bodies were getting covered in blood splatters coming out of their victims.

Bones cracked, Jaws were dislocated, shoulders and collarbones shattered. Many of these helpless humans begged to be spared of this torture while their assailants, the ones who displayed decorum and aesthetics to the outside world showed their true monstrous side and kept beating these unarmed people senseless.

The old man then grabbed Rogis' leg and pleaded with tears in his eyes…

"Please… your majesty. Please show us some mercy." spoke the old man as he begged in front of the second prince.

"Majesty… I like the sound of that." spoke Rogis and then squatted in front of the old man.

At the present moment, the entire hall was filled with agonizing screams of all these humans so nobody could hear everything properly.

Rogis then spoke in a hushed tone that was audible only to the old man.

"You know what… there will come a time when I'll get rid of my siblings and become the Crown Prince.

And when I finally take over the throne and become the emperor… 

The first thing I'll do is massacre every single human in this empire.

After that, I'll get rid of these church bastards and that Hero of Fire as well. They are the people who should be serving us firebornes as loyal servants and not act like they're our equals.

And later… I'll put these midgets called dwarves under shackles. The only thing these barbarians are good at is making weapons.

One by one… I will get rid of everyone and then be the sole ruler of this empire." he revealed.

His words then terrified the old man… because of the way things were going on…

It seemed like none of them were getting out of here alive. Otherwise the second prince wouldn't be so carefree to reveal his plan to someone like him.


A loud noise filled the surroundings and shook the floor as a mana bomb explosion suddenly happened in front of the main entrance of this castle.

"Your highness, we're under attack!" shouted the saint fireborne.

"Get everyone out of here!" ordered Rogis.

"My lord, what about these humans?!" he queried hurriedly.

Rogis then looked at the half-dead humans spread across the hall who seemed to be on counting their last breaths.

"Get rid of them! Bury them alive for all I care!" commanded Rogis and soon, all of the guests along with the prince were safely escorted out of the castle.

As for the human punching bags, all of whom were at death's door at this point…

They were gathered like dead bodies and thrown into multiple carriages used to carry prisoners.

Some mages suddenly entered the room and started cleaning off the site since a scandal like this could not be revealed to anyone.

There would be dire consequences even to the second prince's name and reputation if this cruel onslaught was revealed to the masses even if humans were the bottom feeders in their empire.

30 minutes later, in a densely forested region…

After the whole site was cleared off, these carriages with dying and screaming humans were running using desolate streets and hidden pathways. As if this wasn't the first time when something like this happened.

However… suddenly a void crack opened in front of these speeding carriages and one figure clad in a black cloak and hood appeared in front of them.


Seven figures jumped out of the shadows of this newly arrived person, all clad in the same clothes.

As for the man who stood in the way of these vehicles… he looked at these soldiers and released his aura and all the soldiers fainted on the spot.

Kahn then gave his orders to the subordinates…

"Make sure that nobody dies."

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