Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1439: Rebellious

Chapter 1439: Rebellious

Initially, Chakravarti Ghostly King had only seen his son, White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. Just as he was about to capture him, he was astounded to see a person he would never have expected beside Wu Yu. Qin Yunling!

This was no different from having an ugly toad standing next to a beautiful white swan. To see a combination like them in this place was unbelievable.

Although Chakravarti Ghostly King was the Astral Hell master, he wouldn't dare to throw his temper before Qin Yunling.

He greeted deferentially, "I had not expected to see young palace master here. If my shouting at my son offended you, please forgive me."

Qin Yunling answered indifferently, "Just keep your eyes open next time."

"Yes, yes!" Chakravarti Ghostly King was wary of her status. Although she was a junior, he could only accept her reprehension unwillingly.

After which, he turned to Wu Yu and said, "Come back right now! Who's asking you to disturb the young palace master. Don't embarrass me further!"

Seeing how he acted, it was as though Wu Yu was a grosteque and rude figure that would draw the ire of anyone who saw him outside.

Chakravarti Ghostly King stared down dominantly at Wu Yu with his pair of white and black eyes. The way he acted was no different from him berating at a little puppy.

Wu Yu wasn't pleased at all. Although he wasn't White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, he was the one who was receiving all the reprehension. It was him who was being belittled and treated unfairly!

Judging Chakravarti Ghostly King's attitude, he wouldn't have a smooth time ahead if he was taken ahead.

Since he had entered the place, he wouldn't really need the identity of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. Even if he had let the cat out of the bag, it didn't matter. Therefore, he replied, "This wouldn't do. I'm serving under the young palace master now and could be considered as her underling. Even if you are my father, you can't just take me away as you wish!"

Chakravarti Ghostly King was stumped. He had not expected Wu Yu to have the guts to say those words. After a brief moment of silence, he growled angrily, "Rubbish. Stop this nonsense now! Get here right away!"

If Wu Yu continued to resist him, he would probably going to make a move. After all, it wouldn't be difficult for him to capture Wu Yu.

"How could Astral Hell master be so crude to your own child. He's right. I value his abilities and he is currently serving me. Astral Hell master, you couldn't just take my man away." When Chakravarti Ghostly King's anger started boiling, Qin Yunling's words left him completely stunned. Bright Star Ghostly King, who was next to Chakravarti Ghostly King, clarified immediately, "Young palace master, did you make a slip of the tongue...... We are well aware of his capabilities......"

"Definitely not. You guys have belittled him." Qin Yunling smiled at Wu Yu and at least in the aspect of capabilities, she was extremely satisified. Her gaze and attitude left Chakravarti Ghostly King and the rest confused. Both of them couldn't understand it at all? They knew about White-Eyed Ghostly Lord's capabilities like the back of their hands!

"Did you hear that? I won't linger." Using the identity of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, Wu Yu acted a little arrogantly. Regardless on how he saw it, he had a complete fallout with the Chakravarti Ghostly King. Moreover, he had the capabilities to do so now. This was reasonable and in the eyes of Qin Yunling, he would be a rebellious descendant who had to endure shame and humiliation.

"Preposterous!" Bright Star Ghostly King could no longer tolerate it and shouted. However, when he saw the slight shift in eyebrow by Qin Yunling, he lowered his volume immediately.

"Let's go." Qin Yunling wasn't interested to entertain them. After instructing Wu Yu, she turned around and left.

Wu Yu smiled at Chakravarti Ghostly King and said, "In that case, we will part here. May you find the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King for your daughter soon."

When he was done speaking, he turned around decisively before the furious but suppressed Chakravarti Ghostly King.

"White-Eyed Ghostly Lord! Dong Shen Ghostly King told me he found you previously but I lost news of him shortly after." All of a sudden, Wu Yu could hear Chakravarti Ghostly King behind him.

It seemed like when Dong Shen Ghostly King saw Wu Yu, he informed the Chakravarti Ghostly King. However, after he was killed by Wu Yu, he was no longer heard from.

"How would I know? I have not even seen him, how could he have seen me?" Wu Yu answered casually.

Even if Chakravarti Ghostly King was insanely creative, he wouldn't have imagined Wu Yu could kill Dong Shen Ghostly King.

Soon, Wu Yu and Qin Yunling went far away. Chakravarti Ghostly King was so infuriated that he dearly wished to tear apart the surrounding storm!

"This is strange. Why would White-Eyed Ghostly Lord change so drastically over the ten years? His guts have definitely grown to dare to rebutt you!" Bright Star Ghostly King found this unbelievable.

"Something's amiss. He probably had a mysterious experience and he had become more rebellious. For Qin Yunling to have her eyes on her, it's clear that he's more capable now. If he had this resolve earlier, I wouldn't have looked down upon him. It's all too late now." Chakravarti Ghostly King's gaze was eerily creepy. When he saw the leaving backview of Wu Yu, he knew the cracks between the father and son could no longer be amended.

Now that Wu Yu had the backing of Qin Yunling, he would only be more arrogant.

"He's still too immature and there's definitely a day Qin Yunling would leave. Now that he dares to antagonize you, he wouldn't have an easy time in the future."

"I'm just curious. With his capabilities, just what kind of enchanting words did he use to convince Qin Yunling?"

Both of them had lots of unanswered questions in mind.

At this moment, something unexpected occurred!

Regardless if it was Wu Yu or Chakravarti Ghostly King, everyone felt it instantly.

Wu Yu and Qin Yunling turned around abruptly. Chakravarti Ghostly King and Bright Star Ghostly King were about to leave but was instantly attracted by the sudden change.

It was a different sound from the silver daggers slicing through the air. The sound was more gentle and mysterious with a strange atmosphere. At their cultivation realms, they were naturally exceptionally acute to different sounds.

Wu Yu turned around and his eyes lit up in pleasant surprise!

What they saw was a radiant Rainbow Pearl swooping across the two groups! It didn't look quick but in a split second, it was a far distance away.

All four of them, Wu Yu especially, knew what it was! He had one with him right now!


Without needing any prompt, all four of them released their greatest speed at the first instant! Qin Yunling definitely wasn't weak. As for the side of Chakravarti Ghostly King, Wu Yu was slightly surprised. If this was the same as the past, Qin Yunling and him wouldn't stand a chance against the Chakravarti Ghostly King. However, it was apparent that both ghostly kings were greatly restricted. The strength they could exhibit wasn't particularly great. Therefore, they might even not be as quick as Wu Yu!

However, they started moving a little earlier and had the first-mover advantage. Also, the Rainbow Pearl was slightly closer to them!

"That's mine!" Qin Yunling's eyes lit up. As he chased, she shouted in her feminine voice.

This was her warning Chakravarti Ghostly King and the rest. Now that this had shown up before her, she was determined to get it!

Chakravarti Ghostly King was still exceptionally courteous with her previously. However, with the true treasure right before his eyes, he completely ignored Qin Yunling! Just like he had not heard her.

It was natural for Chakravarti Ghostly King to flip in the face of a treasure like this. Moreover, he had thought of a way out. If he got the treasure and could no longer hold on subsequently, he just had to hand it over to Qin Yunling secretly. In that scenario, he would still receive a reward. The key now was to grab it and make this his capital.

Wu Yu could have surpassed Qin Yunling despite starting at the same time by casting Swift Art.

As they were heading in the same direction behind the Rainbow Pearl, all four of them congregated shortly after. Qin Yunling was anxious and shouted, "Astral Hell master, help me to get the treasure and my mother would definitely reward you handsomely!"

Chakravarti Ghostly King still pretended he didn't hear. At the same time, he accelerated. All four of them were extremely close to that Rainbow Pearl.

"Astral Hell master!" Qin Yunling was a little infuriated.

She had overestimated her authority. Not only did Chakravarti Ghostly King not give way but Bright Star Ghostly King, who was at the other side, crossed over to intercept Wu Yu and her. Obviously, the focus was still to stop Qin Yunling.

"White-Eyed Ghostly Lord!" Seeing Bright Star Ghostly King charging across, Qin Yunling naturally wanted Wu Yu to intercept him. She couldn't afford any delays as she was slightly behind Chakravarti Ghostly King currently. Once she allowed him to grab it first, it would be tedious for her to get it eventually.

She wanted Wu Yu to intercept Bright Star Ghostly King who chose to focus to attack her. At this juncture, Wu Yu didn't seem to catch her intention. He made a detour around Bright Star Ghostly King and accelerated further. His target was naturally the same Rainbow Pearl that Chakravarti Ghostly King was chasing. As a result, Qin Yunling was stopped by Bright Star Ghostly King and wouldn't be able to break free any time soon!

This left Qin Yunling fuming and felt as though Wu Yu was the focus while she had similar standing as Bright Star Ghostly King who was used to stop the other person. Now, it was no different from her clearing the space for Wu Yu to chase after the Rainbow Pearl!

"I don't care who you are! You are definitely going to die!" Qin Yunling battled and suppresed Bright Star Ghostly King while cursing. This left Bright Star Ghostly King petrified who could only back off. However, the slight delay made it impossible for both of them to catch up. Now, it was the contest between Wu Yu and the Chakravarti Ghostly King!

"Impossible!" When Bright Star Ghostly King witnessed Wu Yu's astounding speed, he exclaimed and couldn't believe his eyes. Although they were suppressed, Wu Yu seemed to be even quicker than Qin Yunling by a little. What's going on?

Obviously, Chakravarti Ghostly King had the first-mover advantage while Wu Yu caught up from behind. As a result, Wu Yu was still slightly slower. As it stood, Chakravarti Ghostly King was just about to grab that Rainbow Pearl!

Chakravarti Ghostly King was definitely exhilarated currently. Even if he didn't use his eyes, he could tell it wasn't Qin Yunling who was right behind him and it was his son White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. In his world, White-Eyed Ghostly Lord was far from having the capability and guts to compete directly with him!

"It's mine!" Chakravarti Ghostly King revealed a smile and was reaching out to grab the Rainbow Pearl!

Wu Yu closed up swiftly but still hadn't caught up. Moreover, he wasn't confident of locking down the fleeting path of the Rainbow Pearl using the Fulgurating Shadows of his Somersault Cloud. Therefore, the only option left was to disrupt Chakravarti Ghostly King!

Otherwise, if the Rainbow Pearl fell into his hands, it wouldn't be easy to get it again.


Wu Yu threw out a punch from behind. Lasting Blood heavenly rule started gathering and formed a wave of blood mist that swept rapidly towards Chakravarti Ghostly King!

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