Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1408: Epochal Immortal Design

Chapter 1408: Epochal Immortal Design

Prismatic Thunderball.

Wu Yu naturally had not heard of it before.

But he had heard of epochal immortal designs before.

They were above the Void Immortal Designs, and the highest level of immortal designs. They were the perfect culmination of all, the final, boundless tier that immortal designs could reach. Many epochal immortal designs were created by nature itself, and not even the eternal immortal emperors could replicate them. Each epochal immortal design had a long history.

"It's said that epochal immortal designs have more than 10 billion spirit designs."

Wu Yu believed it. This Prismatic Thunderball before him had to have at least that number of spirit designs, or it would not be that frightening.

And perhaps only the Jade Emperor himself could casually create such a frightening epochal immortal design.

It was a miraculous existence.

Epochal immortal designs were legendary things, and today it was all too clear that they lived up to their reputation.

At least from what Wu Yu could see, this level of sophistication was far beyond what he was. The truism went that there was always a higher mountain. The eternal immortal emperors' epochal immortal design mountains were unreachable for him.

[TN: always a higher mountain meaning there is always someone better.]

Just like the great disparity between longevity and eternal life.

The tenth tier of the Great Void Immortal Realm was as far from the first tier of the eternal immortal emperors as the mortal Dao Querying cultivators were from immortals.

The latter was the difference between 600 years and 1 million years, while the former was the difference between 1 million years and eternity.

After becoming immortal, one's next goal was eternal life, a ceaseless existence just like the Jade Emperor who presided over the heavenly domain, or one of the 36 Heavenly Generals, like Zhao Gongming or Li Qingtian.

Epochal immortal designs made Wu Yu dream a little. Right now, his biggest goal was to become an eternal immortal emperor, and live a carefree life.

Besides, Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, Marshal Tian Peng, Curtain Lifting General, and Eight Division Heavenly Dragon had given him, his brother, his sister, and his lover such epic legacies. What was the story behind that?

Was there some sort of grudge that they needed him to avenge on their behalf?

If there was a duty, Wu Yu would not shirk from it. After all, he knew that all he had was thanks to it.

"What are you dreaming about!" Lost in thought, Wu Yu was brought rudely back by a snide comment from Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

Only she still remained near Wu Yu. The other ghostly kings had started to examine the epochal immortal design on Chakravarti Ghostly King's command.

As for him and Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord, they naturally could not go near, to protect their lives. Only the ghostly kings could barely manage to protect themselves. Those like the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King did not dare to get too close either.

"What is father up to?" With no one to ask, Wu Yu had to turn towards Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord, who was unhappy with him.

"Are you blind? Of course they're studying the epochal immortal design! Who knows why this epochal immortal design suddenly appeared here! It might have been left behind by the Astral Hell ancestors, and hide some great treasure within? Otherwise, why would you be told to keep the secret?"

"Great treasure?" Wu Yu was starting to understand why Chakravarti Ghostly King was so discreet about this. If there was truly some great treasure, he would naturally gain the most if he was close by.

"Father's dream of becoming an eternal devil emperor depends on this." Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord said with emotion.

Wu Yu did not comment more. He guessed that it had something to do with the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. However, the Jade Emperor was clearly also extending the chance to Chakravarti Ghostly King and the others. However, it was still too early to say. There were still nine months before the door to the Astral Hell closed. No one could predict what would happen in the meantime.

"Your luck is real good. Father has been here a few times, and this time he has finally prepared sufficiently. And you came for this one." Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord said churlishly.

Wu Yu laughed. "Thanks to my dear sister. Otherwise I would not have been able to witness this grand spectacle."

"Are you taunting me? Or thanking me?" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was repulsed by his slippery manner.

"Whichever you prefer. I can't be bothered with you. I want to watch this important event carefully."

He was riveted. Although he did not dare to get close, but he could observe. If it was the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, then he guessed that he might be a little better positioned to break it, coming from the sky palaces. An epochal immortal design was indeed incredible, but it was possible that the Jade Emperor had set it to be unraveled specifically by immortal lords.

"Stop!" Just as he began to move, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord shouted.

"Have you lost your mind?" Wu Yu stared at her.

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord sneered: "Father told us not to move. Have you forgotten? Forget it, I said too much. Go as you please. Look as you please. I'll see how long you last."

She was regretting it already. She should not have called him back. That way, Wu Yu would have been kicked out readily enough.

Chakravarti Ghostly King's orders were to be obeyed for now. Wu Yu remained at his original spot. Since he could not wander about, he used the Eyes of Fire and Gold to observe discretely. He watched both the Prismatic Thunderball, as well as Chakravarti Ghostly King and the others conduct their experiments on the epochal immortal design.

"I think it will be very difficult for them."

Wu Yu had watched for a while. He knew that Chakravarti Ghostly King and the others were conducting their tests. But this sort of trial and error was a game of pure luck. If they did not stumble upon the Jade Emperor's thinking, there was no way to break it, and it would all be wasted effort.

He tried his best, but still could not see much. All he could see was that this epochal immortal design could not be approached or unraveled. Those that went near perished. Perhaps only a select few of the immortal lords from the sky palaces could get a little closer.

"But I'm still ahead of Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji. I can walk around this place openly, but they can't even get close to Chakravarti-raja Star."

This was Wu Yu's advantage.

"Your eyes. Did you cultivate some Immortal Lord Realm technique?" Bored, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord noticed the change to Wu Yu's eyes.

"None of your business, is it? Nosy girl. Loser girl." Wu Yu ignored her.

"Screw you!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord fumed. But this was not the time for a battle, and she said hatefully: "Your time of enjoyment will be short-lived. Once we're out of here, wait for me at Tianyi White Residence. The next time, I will rip that mouth of yours apart!"

"Ooh, I'm so scared. Haha. Donkey." Wu Yu laughed.

"What did you call me?" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's purple eyes were starting to turn red.

"You want me to repeat it? You like being called that, do you, donkey?" Wu Yu had helped White-Eyed Ghostly Lord take his revenge. Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's entire body was steaming. She had always been an obedient child in Chakravarti Ghostly King's eyes. If she fought here, and distracted Chakravarti Ghostly King, then she would not be a good child.

And so she resisted.

But her anger and hatred could not be repressed.

The two did not speak much after that. Wu Yu was still dedicating his attention to the Prismatic Thunderball, while Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord didn't want to go looking for trouble either. The look on her face expressed that she was thinking of a way to defeat Wu Yu.

Half a month passed.

As expected, the Chakravarti Ghostly King's best efforts turned up fruitless. In this half a month, they had completed all their attempts they had prepared, and were fairly tired. There were even some ghostly kings who had been wounded and needed recovery time. Chakravarti Ghostly King could only give up for now and announce that they would return to their residence.

This place was a mess of magma, and not conducive to recovery or planning.

"Let's go."

They were all tired, and in no mood to care about the bickering between Wu Yu and Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

After emerging from the ground, they all returned to their respective residences to recover. Chakravarti Ghostly King would inform them again about when they would resume discussions or go in again. Wu Yu had already been added into the group, and would naturally be brought along the next time Chakravarti Ghostly King thought about bringing him. After all, the two ghostly kings with him could also be of some help.

"Go back and think about it. If you have any ideas, tell me at any time!" Chakravarti Ghostly King told them.

"Yes sir!"

He himself was slightly tired. He again warned them to keep the secret, and they separated. Wu Yu had gained a lot this time, and he wanted to return to the Floating Dreams Pagoda to help Nangong Wei along.

The two ghostly kings followed him.

"Wow, actually an epochal immortal design. It's so dangerous. There was one time I almost died. Luckily the master saved me." Amethyst Soul Ghostly King marveled.

"Perhaps there really is a great treasure within? If so, the Hell master will definitely undergo a marvelous transformation and grow much stronger. We will grow by his side too." The two were extremely excited about it.

This time, they too had expended a lot of energy, and needed to rest.

"But we might have a chance to participate, and it's all thanks to the young master. Young master's performance this time round was splendid!"

The two had been given a chance at this time to aggressively praise Wu Yu and suck up to him.

"But the young master should be careful. I saw hatred for you in Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord's eyes. Before long, she will probably come to challenge you."

Wu Yu smiled. "Don't worry, if she comes again, I'll make sure she doesn't leave."

At that time, when there were fewer people around, Wu Yu could be even more freer in his moves, and Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord would be completely outclassed.

However, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord lived up to her word. Just as Wu Yu had returned to Tianyi White Residence, there was already a ruckus at his door, before he could send Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord back down into sleep.

"White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, get your ass out here!" She hollered.

"I was wondering who it was. So it's my dear little sister. So anxious to look for your big brother - good news?" Wu Yu still had to thank her, otherwise he would have drowned in another wave of sexy concubines.

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord stood in the garden, a beautiful woman by her side. This was the ghostly king bodyguard assigned to her, and her name was Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King. She was slightly stronger than both 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and Amethyst Soul Ghostly King, but not the match of the two combined. As they came barging in, the two ghostly kings appeared by Wu Yu's side as well.

"Cut the crap. The humiliation you dished out half a month ago. I'll return it all today!"

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord declared, the Amethyst Hell Shadowy God Starry Sword glittering in her hand. She had waited for too long.

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