Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1403: Amethyst Eyes

Chapter 1403: Amethyst Eyes

With the identity of the Astral Hell’s prince, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, his movement about the Chakravarti-raja Star and his search for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King would be much easier.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Mo Yuji, and the others could not possibly have a similar advantage.

Wu Yu now returned to the Tianyi White Residence, in order to collect his thoughts and ponder his next step.

Of course, these two ghostly kings would stick to him like a pair of shadows. He could not break character before them, and so had to spend some time performing in-character to avoid rousing their suspicions.

If he used them well, these two ghostly kings could become his weapons and work on his behalf.

Therefore, after returning to the Tianyi White Residence, he assumed the usual behavior, indulging in wine and women, entertainment and dance, and drinking to the point of stupor in order to distract those two.

The Tianyi White Residence was huge, and the two ghostly kings would only leave him alone if he was inside here. That was because the immortal designs here were sufficient, and even ordinary ghostly kings could not enter. It was completely controlled by Wu Yu.

Usually, the two ghostly kings lived at two residences adjacent to the Tianyi White Residence, which were also lavishly furnished.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord lived at the Tianyi White Residence. Besides him, there were hundreds of ghostly immortal concubines. These were all the finest beauties which the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord had scoured from even the other hells. Each of them was an otherworldly beauty, and one could fill one's eyes on their alluring curves, charming manners, slim waists, and pert rumps. The ghostly immortal beauties of hell were already more liberal, and focused on their beauty. In terms of seducing men, the immortal women could not hold a candle to them. These hundreds of beauties each had many charms, their attractiveness exuding from their very core. Their pale skin swaying in tune to the soft music was the height of pleasure.

After taking care of the two ghostly kings, the beauties then turned to Wu Yu. Even without him saying anything, they started to strip, shedding clothing until nary a stitch was left. They piled on Wu Yu with ardor, begging his favor. Each employed their tricks to full effect. Any man would be hard pressed to refuse or control himself.

"Prince, we missed you."

Their honeyed voices and watery eyes wreaked havoc on Wu Yu's brain. After devouring, the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast's Procreate impulse was peaking. Combined with such ecstatic stimulation, it was enough to get one's blood boiling with passion.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord really enjoyed himself! But Wu Yu could not do this. He hurriedly said, "I still have business today. My great void immortal treasure needs refining. Rest first, and I will 'bully' you next time."

"Aw, don't be like that, Prince. We've waited for so long...."


They all looked at Wu Yu with puppy eyes.

"Seems like the Tianyi White Residence is a really troublesome place!"

He was stung that there would be hundreds of eyes begging him for sex when he returned. Luckily, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord had enough influence to just leave without these concubines suspecting anything. He only had to affect sternness, and they would immediately leave. Riled up, Wu Yu went to the cultivation chamber and immediately sealed it with immortal designs. And then he entered the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

When he entered, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord had just come to, and her clothes were still in a disheveled state. She was groggy, and yet much purer than the beauties outside. Naturally, her looks were superior as well, and Wu Yu could not help thinking naughty thoughts as he looked at her, still struggling with his lust. This was the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast's nature. In order to pass on one's legacy, Procreate was necessary to continue living on. It naturally had a great effect on Wu Yu as well, especially when faced with the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

Especially because she was in the appearance of Nangong Wei.

"Are you not satisfied yet...." Seeing Wu Yu stare at her with hungry eyes and maleness oozing from his body, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord felt submissive.

"Far from it." Without another word, Wu Yu used the Spirit Chaser Art on her, sending her down into unconsciousness again. Each time was a chance given to Nangong Wei. Seeing her sink deep down, he felt a little calmer.

"Go on, then. You've been maligned tens of thousands of times for it already anyway." Ming Long laughed raucously.

"Stop your nonsense." Wu Yu frowned.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to find a way to help me be reborn?" Ming Long asked.

Actually, Ming Long's thinking at the onset had been naive. Only after becoming an immortal did Wu Yu realize how difficult the undertaking would be.

Even with all of his memories, he could find no way for now. Besides, he did not know how to retrieve her from the Ruyi Jingu Bang, unless one day he could master the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

"After we leave the Great Void Immortal Path, I'll focus on it for a while."

"Alright. After all, you're super powerful now. I'm not in that much of a rush." Ming Long cackled.


"Oh, do you want me to repay you with my body when that time comes? I definitely won't reject."

"Teasing me?"

"Oh, I'm serious. I'm starting to like you a little," Ming Long said seriously.

"Damn you...." Wu Yu knew that she was bored out of her mind, and her greatest pastime was teasing him.

"Really, I'm not lying. Ever since I watched you and the little female dragon go at it, I was also charmed."


This old hag was really getting out of hand.....

"Haha, compared to me, you're still young. Alright, I won't tease you. Continue being a pious, little boy!"


After calming down, Wu Yu started to think about his next course of action.

"In order to see the Chakravarti-raja Star's changes, I would have to go deep into the star itself. Therefore, I will cultivate and recuperate first, and then enter the inner parts of the star before I make a decision."

After using Immolate, he wanted to recuperate for a while. However, before that, Wu Yu felt a formidable force outside, and he knew that the Chakravarti Ghostly King himself had come knocking.

He hurriedly came out!

The 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King had come as well. From their anxious expressions, they had probably also been given a sound scolding.

Before him was a contingent of roughly a dozen, and they were all ghostly kings! Only one of them was not.

The other ghostly kings were all followers of the Chakravarti Ghostly King, and worked for him. The Amethyst Soul Ghostly King and the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King were part of them, but because they were weaker, they had been assigned to protect the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

In their midst was a black-haired elder, a middle-aged man in black with an imposing manner. He was the Chakravarti Ghostly King. His face was expressionless, and his most distinct feature was his eyes. They were pupil-less, and the right eye was completely black, with no sclera. One black and one white, they formed a dreadful looking countenance.

"Respects to my father." In the identity of the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, Wu Yu had to behave accordingly. He even prepared to engage in his usual prattle after meeting his father.

Even before he knelt, a sound slap was delivered to his face, that spun him three and a half full rounds in the air before he landed on the floor!

"I heard you went to the Yellow Ancient City and killed 10,000 people to refine the Lasting Blood Banner?” the Chakravarti Ghostly King asked coldly.

Wu Yu hurriedly said, "Yes! I was wrong! I realized this and turned back at the last moment, coming back early. Ask the two ghostly king uncles if you don't believe me!"

The Chakravarti Ghostly King looked like he dearly wanted to slap him again. He said, "These are turbulent times. Curb your nonsense. This is a warning. If you cause anymore trouble, be prepared to be locked up for 10,000 years!"

"Father, I wouldn't dare!" Wu Yu was sniveling. This was a time to test his thespian aptitude. Ming Long was sputtering with laughter, but Wu Yu felt that his acting was decent enough. It was at least better than those fawning halfwits back at the Dong Yue Wu palace....

"If you were even half as good as your sister, maybe I wouldn't think you were worthless!" the Chakravarti Ghostly King raged.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord's younger sister was there as well, standing by the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord's side. She had purple eyes and hair, and a willowy figure with ample curves. She was also an attractive girl. Although she was 250,000 years younger than the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, she was very pretty, and a cut above the other beauties at the Tianyi White Residence.

"This wretch, he even fantasized about his own sister many times...." From the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord's memories, he had been dreaming about his sister for a long while. However, she looked down on him. At this time, she did not even spare him a glance, a haughty expression on her face.

"Father, let's go. This place is a waste of time," the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord said thinly.


The Chakravarti Ghostly King shot a parting look at Wu Yu, then left with his group, vanishing in an instant.

The Amethyst Soul Ghostly King and the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King had broken out in cold sweat.

"Young Master is truly wise. If you had cleaned up the Yellow Ancient City, you would definitely have been punished today," the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King said with deep relief.

"Sheesh. I think the master is too biased. Young Master is not that far behind the Amethyst-Eyes, but the master...."

Wu Yu cut across him. "Enough of that. It's my fault for losing to her last time! She's so much younger than I am! But I will definitely show her my prowess next time!"

The 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King looked at each other and laughed heartily.

Wu Yu joined in. Acting skills!

It was quite interesting to act like someone else!

Wu Yu was now preparing to enter the inner part of the star.

He said, "This cannot go on. Father will only have more and more contempt for me. I have to do something to earn his respect! Isn't Father worried about the changes to the Chakravarti-raja Star? I will go into the inner parts of the star. Once I figure out the problem, I will definitely win Father's approval and more! You two, accompany me in!"

"Young Master, are you sure? This is no small task. It might even be dangerous!" The two ghostly kings were worried.

Wu Yu shook his head. "No danger, no challenge. I won't be bullied by the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord! She always scorns me. How can I live through it as the big brother? I must go to the inner part of the star. If you two don't dare, I'll go in myself!"

"That won't do. We had better accompany you." The two ghostly kings shared a look.

Of course, the young master was the young master. Thoughts rolled straight out of his tongue. They were used to it.

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