Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1400: White-Eyed Ghostly Lord

Chapter 1400: White-Eyed Ghostly Lord

Wu Yu continued moving deeper into the Chakravarti-raja Star by ground.

"The cracks have reached almost the entire star."

The star was similar to a small piece of land in the sky palaces, but the land cracking had never happened in the sky palaces.

The Chakravarti-raja Star was the core of the Astral Hell, and where immortal qi was the densest. If the place was gone, the environment of the entire Astral Hell would decline to perhaps the level of the 3,000th level of heaven. For those in the Astral Hell, this wasn't something great.

It was especially so for the Chakravarti Ghostly King. He was the ruler of this place, and the entire Astral Hell was like his kingdom. Now it was as though the most abundant land in his kingdom was about to be destroyed.

On the Chakravarti-raja Star, other than some citizens, only the army of the Chakravarti Ghostly King was still present. They were patrolling the star and laying immortal designs. At the same time, they restricted access to the large and deep abyss across the star. Most likely, they were trying to seal up the cracks with immortal designs.

Sealing up the cracks using immortal designs was also to prevent others from falling in. If one were engulfed in the lava of the Chakravarti-raja Star, their chances of returning alive would be slim. After all, what made up the Chakravarti-raja Star wasn't ordinary stuff.

Despite the changes to the place, there were still lots of people who felt like the Chakravarti Ghostly King would be able to resolve the issues. After all, the Chakravarti Ghostly King wouldn't abandon this precious land. It was said that over this period, he was leading his troop of ghostly kings and working hard on it.

"These changes likely originated from the interior of the star."

Wu Yu would like to enter the interior of the star. However, the majority of the large cracks were under the control of the Chakravarti Imperial Army. Once he got closer, the soldiers in black and white armor would chase him away.

Wu Yu continued ahead and saw an intact city. This ghostly city was located in the valley and currently wasn't affected much by the changes. It was surrounded by tall mountains in all directions and looked relatively firmer. However, when Wu Yu arrived at the place, he still discovered several ghostly immortals packing their items. In fact, some had even abandoned their shops and were getting ready to leave the Chakravarti-raja Star.

This was just like a page off of armageddon.

"Are you living in this place?" Wu Yu asked someone he met.

"Should I stay and wait for my death?"

However, some were still observing. After all, the more chaotic it got, the greater the rewards one could get. Killings could be seen in all corners of the city. Some even dashed into shops, murdered everyone, and robbed everything inside. Therefore, the majority of the shops had activated immortal designs to seal the place while the owner hid in it to pack their valuables.

On the streets, corpses could be seen everywhere.

It was hell after all. In chaos, corpses were everywhere.

It's not surprising that the number of ghostly immortals was far lower than immortals.

Wu Yu looked across and realized that this ghost immortal city was really huge. However, those that chose to stay behind were only roughly several thousand people. Along the way, he would devour "fresh" corpses that he saw. After all, they were the citizens of the Chakravarti-raja Star, and having their memories would allow Wu Yu to better understand the Chakravarti-raja Star.

"I still have to enter underground to find clues about this," Wu Yu thought to himself.

Standing at the middle of the city, Wu Yu something felt amiss. When he lifted his head, he saw a purplish mist sweep across the sky. Within a split second, the sky of the ghostly immortal city was covered by this cloud of purplish mist!

"This is an immortal design! Is someone trying to seal the city?" Wu Yu was astounded. He was certain that this was an immortal design, and its rank was rather high. Most likely, it was a Void Immortal Design that only experts of Great Void Immortal Realm or Great Void Ghostly Realm could set up.

The elite immortal didn't just seal the sky, but also the ground. With the Somersault Cloud, Wu Yu wasn't very worried. However, it was clear to him that everyone in the city wouldn't be able to leave after the Void Immortal Design sealed the place.

"What's happening?"

"What's this immortal design? Who's sealing the Yellow Ancient City?"

"Which expert is playing this joke on us? We have yet to leave this place!"

Many people came out and looked at the sky with annoyance.

"I know! This is the Amethyst Blood Dream Chaser Immortal design! A Void Immortal Design of the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King!"

The remaining tens of thousands of ghostly immortals stepped out. Everyone was looking at the purplish mist in the sky perplexedly. Within the mist, the forces of evil ran rampant. It looked dreamy and beautiful, but shadows of death were everywhere. Unless one was a 9-realm immortal lord or stronger, one wouldn't try to breach a Void Immortal Design like this.

Wu Yu took a glance across, and among the tens of thousands of people, the strongest was just an 8-realm ghostly lord. Perhaps the strongest experts had already left the place. As for the youngest, there were some infants, and their cultivation levels were naturally low.

When he heard the name “Amethyst Soul Ghostly King” and started trying to recall who he was, Wu Yu suddenly saw a gust of yellow mist underneath the purple mist. The yellow mist was even more creepy, with ivory bones flying within. Yellow raindrops fell from it, and wherever the raindrops fell, large holes would form from corrosion. If it fell on a ghostly immortal, it would reduce one to ashes!

"Ancient Bone and Soul Disintegrating Immortal Design! It must be the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King! The Amethyst Soul Ghostly King and 10,000 Bones Ghostly King are here!" someone screamed. At this moment, it was as though the ghostly immortals had seen the end of the world. Color faded from their faces and they started scampering around in the two immortal designs.

Wu Yu finally recalled both of them. They were two ghostly kings under the Chakravarti Ghostly King. However, it appeared they weren't being valued and weren't within the core circle of the Astral Hell. Instead, they seemed to be tasked with another mission, and that was to protect the son of the Chakravarti Ghostly King, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

The moment Wu Yu recalled the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, he suddenly heard someone screaming in the sky, "Aiya, aiya. Uncle 10,000 Bones, don't kill all of them before me. Stop the rain, quickly! These tens of thousands of people are mine. It's enough to just show them we are here. Hehe."

This was the voice of the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

Wu Yu followed the trail and saw three men within the immortal designs.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King, and the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King.

The Amethyst Soul Ghostly King was a middle-aged scholar. He donned a purple outfit, had long hair, kept a small mustache, and was well-groomed. Purplish mist filled his eyes, and it was as though countless spirits were floating within it.

As for the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King, he looked a lot more hideous. He barely had any flesh and was emaciated. His skeletal structure was unusually thick and huge, and his bones were covered by a thin layer of skin. His eyes seemed to be dangling in his eye sockets and his complexion was as white as a sheet. At this moment, he was cackling and looked as intimidating as could be.

The last one was the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. Although he wasn't a ghostly king, he was the core of the group of three. He was a teenager and had a head of long, black hair tied up in a bun. He looked like a refined man, but his eyes were entirely white, without pupils. This made his expression empty and plain, and one could only tell his emotions from his other features.

"The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord is the son of the Chakravarti Ghostly King, and the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King are tasked to protect him. They follow him wherever he goes. Why are they here?"

Wu Yu was searching through the memories to answer his queries.

As for the other ghostly immortals, they were panicking, hiding and anxious.

Wu Yu finally recalled everything.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord was especially infamous. In the Astral Hell, his name struck fear in many. No one in the Astral Hell dared to offend him. Ever since he was young, he had been causing trouble everywhere and committed all sorts of heinous crimes. He was a known nightmare to the entire Astral Hell, and many would be petrified just from hearing his name.

It was still fine in the past, when the dirty work was done by his henchmen. However, he had grown significantly stronger quickly and became even more domineering recently. As the Chakravarti Ghostly King didn't control him, even ghostly kings would avoid him when they met. If the Astral Hell was an empire, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord would be the crown prince.

"It's hard to have such a bad reputation."

Over the years, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord had done all sorts of imaginably evil deeds. The number of lives that were lost in his hands easily reached the millions. On the Chakravarti-raja Star, it was entirely expected to see ghostly immortals fleeing in fear whenever they heard his name.

At this moment, the rain from the Ancient Bone and Soul Disintegrating Immortal Design stopped. The tens of thousands of people below it weren't in direct life-threatening danger for now. However, they still remained in hiding or were fleeing. It was just that they couldn't find a way out of the boundary of the immortal designs.

Wu Yu felt his heart wrench upon seeing these ghostly immortals, including the old and the weak, scared out of their wits, scrambling, crying, and losing their families and kin. It was especially so for the kids who couldn't even find their parents amidst the chaos.

Above the sky and within the immortal designs, the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord cackled, "Ghostly immortals in the Yellow Ancient City, don't be afraid or nervous. I'm here today with good news for everyone. You guys are really lucky to receive this treatment. This is something that many ghostly immortals can only dream of."

Hearing this, the ghostly immortals couldn't believe what they had heard.

The White-Eyed Ghostly Lord continued, "I have a Great Void Immortal Treasure known as the Lasting Blood Banner. I've thought of increasing its strength recently, but it is still lacking 50,000 vengeful spirits and corpses as sacrifices. Let me do a count. There are roughly 50,000 fortunate friends in the Yellow Ancient City currently. There are only 50,000 slots, but everyone will get a chance to serve me~ With the two immortal designs covering the city, even Immortal Message Talismans won't get out. Therefore, don't get too excited to tell others about the good news. Stay where you are obediently and wait for the precious slots to be handed to you. Haha!"

His eyes were entirely white, without any changes. However, his expressions were exaggerated and he spoke with a wide grin as though he was announcing a piece of great news for the ghostly immortals.

When he was done speaking, many ghostly immortals, who had nowhere to run, slouched to the ground in despair, misery, and fear. Some even broke out crying tragically.

To be turned into vengeful spirits and their corpses used to feed the Lasting Blood Banner.... To be imprisoned for eternity within it, never able to die.... How could this be good news for them....

Despair and horror caged the entire Yellow Ancient City. Now the hysterical laughter of the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord appeared extremely ear-piercing.

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