Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1326: Mo Yuji

Chapter 1326: Mo Yuji

Benevolent Immortal City became a little calmer after the Dhrtarastra left.

However, Wu Yu still heard the majority of the people talking about the Dhrtarastra when he wandered around.

"Will there be a ninth grade Mark of an Immortal King this time? Why would the daughter of the Dhrtarastra, Mo Yuji, also participate?"

"That is definitely the case. She probably won't even be interested in an eighth grade Mark of an Immortal King! Someone like her would definitely want the best Mark of an Immortal King possible."

"I'm so envious. That's the daughter of one of the Four Heavenly Kings! The Dhrtarastra is even more revered than the Primeval Mighty Miracle God, the Culmination Honored Sage Great Emperor, the Ruling Sky Manifesting Sage Great Emperor, the other Five Mountains Emperor Lords, the 36 Heavenly Generals that we could only look up to, and the eternal immortal emperors from various places."

"The Sublime Gracious Sky is indeed filled with experts nowadays. After all, even the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor might be here personally. He's a much more frightening character than the Dhrtarastra."

"That's a given. The only ones that are above the Dhrtarastra are the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor and Marshal Tian You, who is in the Great Void Immortal Path.

Over the past few days, Wu Yu had received lots of information regarding the elite immortals across the sky palaces. Even he had to admit that the number of elite immortals in this place was simply beyond imagination. This place was still the territory of immortals. Even immortal beasts were forced to hold a small corner as their territories and were ruled by the sky palaces. For example, the Nine Great Dragon Emperors could be said to be positions in the sky palaces. They were likely slightly higher than the Dhrtarastra.

"The question is still how can I get an Immortal King Token? Those that have Immortal King Tokens currently are acting otherwise and wouldn't dare to reveal their treasure, lest they provoke a calamity. Some have even gone into hiding. As for those that don't have any Immortal King Tokens, they have been wandering around aimlessly, searching for an opportunity to obtain one." Wu Yu was observing the gazes of the people around him. He could roughly tell that most of the people wandering around were searching for Immortal King Tokens. Even though Wu Yu was just a xuan immortal, he was often looked upon as one others would want to try their luck on.

"Those that are in possession of an Immortal King Token are largely staying in immortal cities. Therefore, although the killings are brutal and intense outside the cities, those that truly possess Immortal King Tokens are scarce and few. Although killing is common outside, it is hard to hide subsequently. Therefore, regardless of whether one is in or out of the city, the chances of finding an Immortal King Token aren't high,"said the Full Moon of Nanshan.

Ye Xixi said, "The key is still because those immortal lords are too strong. Those who are confident of standing a chance are at least 5-realm immortal lords or stronger. The most commonly seen are 6-realm and 7-realm immortal lords. These people have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years. At this point, they are beyond what Big Brother Yu can handle and therefore it is hard for us to take the risk as well." Although Wu Yu had the Somersault Cloud, it wasn't omnipotent. If he were targeted, he might be assassinated before he even realized what was happening to him. This was an idea fraught with risk. For many elite immortal lords, assassinating a xuan immortal would just take a blink.

"Genesis Mystical Pills are used as common currency in Benevolent Immortal City, but I only have five pills with me. I can't even afford to rent an inn and therefore can't put a roof over our heads."

Therefore, Wu Yu couldn't settle down. He could only wander around Benevolent Immortal City while searching for clues of Immortal King Tokens.

It would take more than a year to wander every corner of Benevolent Immortal City.

"Strange...." When Wu Yu turned into a street, he suddenly found himself on an empty street in the lively Benevolent Immortal City!

Unsurprisingly, an intense murderous intent locked on to him!

He instantly understood that he was trapped within the autonomous realm of an immortal lord! Only when one was trapped in an autonomous realm would he be separated from the world outside!

This person was about to attack him in the lively market! Wu Yu knew that if a commotion or ruckus was caused by a battle in the lively market, the people involved would be slain by an immortal emperor.

"Wu Yu?" All of a sudden, a sword immortal in a white robe stood on the opposite end of the street. He was holding a razor-sharp longsword and had used spirit designs to mask his appearance. There was a crossed sword symbol across his white robe! Wu Yu understood why this person knew about his name and identity immediately.

Within the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, he had killed someone with the same clothes and even devoured him. From the memories he obtained, he knew that the person was from an assassination group in the 8,000 Sky Palaces known as the Immortal Slayer Palace. The group had extensive reach and strength.

The people from the Immortal Slayer Palace would risk their lives for wealth. Once that person showed up, he locked on to Wu Yu. When he verified Wu Yu's identity, he struck to kill immediately!

At this point, Wu Yu had become widely knowledgeable. He knew that this person was at least a 5-realm immortal lord and wasn't someone he could handle!

He reacted swiftly! Once he recognized the other party, he released the Spirit Chaser Art towards his opponent. Immediately after, he flipped backwards and used the Somersault Cloud to escape the domain of his opponent. Even so, the other party's sword qi tore through the space and left several bloody wounds on Wu Yu within a short period.

Wu Yu appeared in another area!

He was surrounded by people, and they weren't pleased with him suddenly popping out. Wu Yu apologized frantically before concealing himself within the crowd.

He was astonished.

"I've been in the sky palaces for such a short time. Who would be willing to spend a large amount of wealth to hire an assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace to assassinate me?"

The Full Moon of Nanshan answered, "Who else could it be? When you arrived in the sky palaces, the first person you killed was the Ancient Emperor. He isn't around anymore and wouldn't have such wealth. In the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, you only offended the Tian Ming Dragon Lord and utterly embarrassed him. It's definitely him."

Ye Xixi said, "Yeah. This isn't likely to be the decision of the Sky Chariot Dragon King, as they wouldn't be interested in resorting to such means. It seems like the doing of that narrow-minded man."

"It's most likely him."

Moreover, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord would also have the wealth to do so.

"What a sore loser!" Wu Yu scoffed.

"However, the rules of the Immortal Slayer Palace mean they will attempt to murder me constantly despite failure until I lose my life. They might even switch assassins! For them to know I'm in Benevolent Immortal City and identifying me amongst the crowd so quickly... they are indeed frightening." Wu Yu furrowed his brows.

This would mean that he would be constantly under threat moving forward.

"You are a xuan immortal now, so it's definitely easy to spot you. In the entire city, you are probably the only xuan immortal I can see," said the Full Moon of Nanshan.

It was also because of that that it was easier for the Immortal Slayer Palace to find Wu Yu.

"It was a close shave just now. If the assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace finds out about my escape technique, he will definitely act more quickly and more ruthlessly the next time. I'm in the open, while he's in the dark. This is indeed cumbersome."

Wu Yu had not expected to be followed by an assassin when he was here to search for an Immortal King Token. This would make things a lot more complicated and he would be forced to hide himself.

He could also transform into others. However, those he could transform into were only xuan immortals. Moreover, they were all prisoners on death sentences. He would still stick out while wandering Benevolent Immortal City.

Ye Xixi asked, "Big Brother, you can send a message to the three dragon kings, telling them that Tian Ming has employed assassins to kill you. They could then force Tian Ming to retract the order."

Wu Yu thought about it before shaking his head and saying, "Forget it. I don't want her to worry about me. Moreover, Tian Ming would never admit to it. At the very most, the Sky Chariot Dragon King would just reprimand him. Nonetheless, my main concern is still not to let Luo Pin worry about me."

If she knew Wu Yu was being followed by an assassin and might be killed at any time, she would likely be so worried that she wouldn't be able to eat or sleep peacefully.

"Benevolent Immortal City is huge and the situation isn't that dire yet. If I remain in the crowd at all times, he won't dare to make a move. Previously, I wandered into a deserted area and therefore gave him the opportunity to strike."

Where he was currently, people were everywhere. Moreover, all of them were observing their surroundings carefully. It would be impossible for that assassin to make a move again. If he did and caused a commotion, he would die too.

This assassin wouldn't intimidate Wu Yu, and Wu Yu wouldn't waver his determination to obtain an Immortal King Token.

Next, he switched to the other end of Benevolent Immortal City and chose specifically to move within the crowd. Although he drew unfriendly gazes from numerous immortal lords, he was basically safe.

Several days later, he suddenly heard large cheering sounds from ahead. He lifted his head and saw a huge immortal hall in front of him. The signboard was arranged from a large number of bones from ancient immortal beasts into three creepy words: 10,000 Immortals Battlefield.

"What is this place?" asked Ye Xixi.

Wu Yu answered, "Probably a place for immortals to fight. In this place, they wager in battle openly. Moreover, they participate willingly, and it won't be considered as causing a ruckus. Many people even wager on Immortal King Tokens in this place! Obviously, that would be the largest prize. A typical person wouldn't reveal that he has an Immortal King Token. However, this might be a safe place. Within the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield, other than the battlefields, no one is allowed to fight. Moreover, there are many people arranged to patrol the place and control the situation. This might be an asset of some immortal emperor, so no one would dare to cause trouble in this place."

This suggested that he would have an opportunity to get an Immortal King Token if he entered the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield. Moreover, he could also avoid the assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace. First, as long as he did not enter the battlefield to fight, he wouldn't be in any danger. Second, that place was extremely raucous. Immortal lords were everywhere, so it would be even harder for the assassin of the Immortal Slayer Palace to find Wu Yu.

Therefore, Wu Yu decided to enter the place.

Although the 10,000 Immortals Battlefield was gigantic, it was almost filled at this point. Wu Yu had to pay the price of three Genesis Mystical Pills for him to have the right to loiter around and gamble.

The place was colossal and probably fit over 10,000 battlefields. Moreover, each battlefield was surrounded by mountains of people gambling. The spectators could bet on who would win, while those in the battlefield can put up something as wager. Basically, this was similar to the gamble fights Wu Yu had seen in the mortal domain. At the very most, the rules were slightly more complicated.

Wu Yu watched battles between several immortal lords and was impressed by the excitement. However, most of them were largely trying to win more money before the Great Void Immortal Path opened. He hadn't seen anyone who was willing to gamble an Immortal King Token.

Other than individual battles, there were also team battles. Team battles would roughly consist of 10 on each side. Everyone would go in at the same time and changes were occuring at all times. Ups and downs were more frequent, and team battles were more interesting overall.

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