Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1318: Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor

Chapter 1318: Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor

Wu Yu could easily imagine immortal lords from all over the 8,000 Sky Palaces entering the Great Void Immortal Path and battling it out to secure their Marks of an Immortal King.

The numbers would definitely be astronomical.

Only by emerging from the crowd could one become an Immortal King.

An Immortal King was a symbol of honor and would enjoy great respect and authority in the 8,000 Sky Palaces.

Not everyone had elders or seniors that would prepare or gift them a Mark of an Immortal King.

Nonetheless, the precedent for using the Mark of an Immortal King was still to become a 9-realm immortal lord first.

Therefore, the Mark of an Immortal King and the Immortal King Supreme Palace were still a little too far from Wu Yu. For now, they would be his major goals.

The Great Void Immortal Path would basically gather the strongest experts below the Great Void Immortal Realm from all over the sky palaces.

"Where is the Immortal King Supreme Palace?" asked Wu Yu.

He believed it had to be a place that 9-realm immortal lords could reach.

"It isn't too high, it is located on the 5,000th level of heaven, the Sublime Gracious Sky."

5,000th level of heaven... Wu Yu thought about it and knew that ordinary immortal lords could reach that level. He believed he would be able to enter soon if he pushed himself a little further.

Therefore, entering the Sublime Gracious Sky wouldn't be a big issue for now.

Wu Jun's eyes gleaned with passion as he said, "In the past, I wanted to wander the Great Void Immortal Path too. It was just that the timing wasn't right. The Great Void Immortal Path is only opened once every 5,000 years. I couldn't wait further and therefore competed internally within the mystical dragon tribe to obtain my Mark of an Immortal King. The Great Void Immortal Path is truly the place where adventurous heroes gather and compete! It is also the place where higher quality Marks of an Immortal King can be found!"

He had missed the opportunity.

That was indeed a place that could light up one's passion.

Wu Jun looked at Wu Yu and said, "Your future is limitless, you should definitely compete in the Great Void Immortal Path in the future. Do you know that the one ruling the Immortal King Supreme Palace is one of the Five Directional Divine Emperors, the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor? The Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor has been around for a long time, almost as long as the Jade Emperor! He's one of the oldest and strongest immortals in the sky palaces, even stronger than our Nine Great Dragon Emperors.

"It is said that he also forged Marks of an Immortal King personally and deposits them into the Great Void Immortal Path for anyone who has an affinity to it."

Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor!

Regarding the sky palaces, Wu Yu only knew about the highest existence, the Jade Emperor from the Spirit of Heaven Jeweled Hall. He was the ruler of all the sky palaces.

However, there were also countless experts and ancient immortals in the sky palaces.

Now Wu Yu wasn't surprised that the 5,000th level of heaven was named the Sublime Gracious Sky. So it was the territory of the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor.

This title was also filled with dominance.

He didn't know how high the positions of the Five Directional Divine Emperors were. Wu Yu searched his memories and learned about the other four of the Five Directional Divine Emperors. They were the Three Continents, Ten Islands Celestial Dong Hua Great Emperor Lord; the Central Ecliptic Great Yellow Horn Immortal; the Northern Mysterious Spiritual Dipper Empress; and the Southern Guanyin Empress.

Just their titles alone were enough to intimidate others. Moreover, every single one of them was more incredible than the Nine Great Dragon Emperors. Wu Yu even wondered if the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal was close to their level! They were the true rulers of the sky palaces and had held supreme for trillions of years!

A Mark of an Immortal King was truly precious, and this was likely why it was managed by one of the Five Directional Divine Emperors, the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor.

"Before the Great Void Immortal Path opens each time, 100 million Immortal King Tokens are issued. Only those that hold Immortal King Tokens have the right to enter the Great Void Immortal Path when it opens. The competition for the Marks of an Immortal King always starts with the competition for the Immortal King Tokens. There are only 100 million slots, but countless people want them. Therefore, despite them having a price, there isn't a market. If one ever comes up for sale, it would require top end destinable immortal treasures in exchange. Even getting an Immortal King Token is an extremely difficult task," Wu Jun said.

He wasn't anxious, as he was just helping to prepare Wu Yu mentally. If Wu Yu wanted to return to the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm openly in the future, he would definitely have to enter that place.

All of a sudden, Wu Hao received an Immortal Message Talisman. His expression darkened and he said, "Wu Yu, lady luck isn't shining on you."

"Did the Great Void Immortal Path open recently?" Wu Jun asked. He had been a dragon king for a long time and therefore hadn't paid attention to the Great Void Immortal Path. He could only roughly remember that it would open once every 5,000 years.

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "That's not it. There're still 21 years until the Great Void Immortal Path opens. The competition for the Immortal King Tokens are likely to be ending or has ended. Moreover, your current strength isn't sufficient to compete in the Great Void Immortal Path. Therefore, you might need to wait 5,000 years for the next round to enter."

"21 years? If I can get an Immortal King Token within 21 years, will I be able to enter?" asked Wu Yu.

Wu Hao explained, "That's right. However, in the Great Void Immortal Path, 6-realm immortal lords are the norm. However, they are largely cannon fodder and are just in it to broaden their experiences and prepare for the future. Those that have secured Marks of an Immortal King in the Great Void Immortal Path are 99% elite 9-realm immortal lords."

Wu Yu understood that even if he devoured constantly and frenziedly for 21 years, he still wouldn't become a 9-realm immortal lord. However, the Great Void Immortal Path would last for 100 years. In that place, he would have sufficient time to get stronger. Therefore, Wu Hao might feel that Wu Yu was unlucky and would have to wait for 5,000 more years. However, Wu Yu believed that his luck was perfect. If he had to wait for more than 1,000 years, he would probably have to pause his progress for a period.

Snatching an Immortal King Token within 21 years shouldn't be an arduous challenge. Regardless, Wu Yu would head to the Sublime Gracious Sky to assess the situation. He believed that that place would likely be rather lively by now.

"What are your plans?" asked Wu Jun.

Wu Yu answered, "Since I have no other places to visit, I will go take a look at the Sublime Gracious Sky and try my luck. If I make a decision, I will inform everyone through Immortal Message Talismans."

"That works too. If you are lucky, get in first. If luck is really on your side and you get an Immortal King Token, you can cultivate slowly while waiting to become an Immortal King," said Wu Jun. He was still very confident in Wu Yu.

Wu Yu was determined to enter the Great Void Immortal Path this time.

Even 100 years was too long for him.

After all, he wasn't even 100 years old yet.

Wu Yu had basically asked all of the information he wanted. Regarding other matters, he had some understanding as well.

He also had something more important in mind.

When the group returned to the Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Jun gave Wu Yu a large number of Immortal Message Talismans so they could keep in contact at all times.

The Primordial Immortal Empire was now under the limelight. However, Wu Jun understood they had to keep a low profile moving forward. After all, the Sky Chariot Dragon King and others were still nursing a grudge.

The news of Wu Yu defeating Tian Ming had now spread across the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm. All the mystical dragons in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm would likely recognize Wu Yu as someone who had dashed the dreams of the grandson of the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor after he waited for 9,000 years.

Rumor also had it that Wu Yu was the inheritor of a mysterious immortal.

"I will leave you guys alone. Feel free to look for us if you need anything."

When they arrived in the Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Jun and the rest gave Wu Yu and Luo Pin personal space. Wu Yu was also waiting for this moment.

They were in the depths of Qin Yin Peak, shrouded in silent mist.

Luo Pin was a little nervous as she asked, "Seeing that you are in such a hurry, what did you find in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory?"

"I don't know. I got a white dragon scale and then a voice told me to start with the Floating Dreams Sword. I might have to form a blood bond with the Floating Dreams Sword first."

"Alright." Luo Pin sat by his side while waiting silently.

Wu Yu didn't have the mind to check out his other prizes, which included destinable immortal medicines, Immortal Lord Realm techniques, and more. Instead, he searched for that sword at the first instant. It had a snow-white blade like white jade and looked simple and natural. The style was very similar to the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

In fact, they did look like they were a set.

"Destinable immortal treasures are indeed different."

Before he formed the blood bond, it felt extremely heavy in his hands. It was as though every molecule of the Floating Dreams Sword was surrounded by spirit designs. Swinging it casually made Wu Yu feel like he could slice through everything, including Qian Kun Space. Wu Yu had just swung it around casually and the space around him was ripped. It took some time before the fabric of space was mended.

As for mountains, rocks, or rivers, they would be easily split with a single slice.

It was especially sharp.

What did it mean by destiny? Miracles like slicing through the space in the sky palaces was a form of destiny.

This destinable immortal treasure had 500 million spirit designs and was even more frightening than the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons. Other destinable immortal treasures would likely tear from a single slice.

Basking in Luo Pin's gentle gaze, Wu Yu focused on forming a blood bond with the Floating Dreams Sword!

With her by his side, Wu Yu felt especially at ease.

"May you have greater gains from this," Luo Pin thought to herself. She wasn't willing to part with Wu Yu, and the past period was the most blissful time she had ever experienced. However, she still felt that wandering the outside world would fit Wu Yu's personality better.

"You know that I also wish to be as strong as you and wander the world with you. Once, you gave your all to catch up to me. But now, I can no longer catch you."

At the thought of this, although Luo Pin wasn't dejected, she still felt a little regret. For this relationship, she thought it would be great if she could contribute more.

Wu Yu took two days to form a blood bond with the tough Floating Dreams Sword.

The main reason was because the spirit designs within it were too numerous and too complicated. Compared to the Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword, he had 10 times as many spirit designs to understand.

After gaining an understanding of this destinable immortal treasure, he was stumped. This was because its power had exceeded the level Wu Yu had imagined.

This destinable immortal treasure had two variations. The first was known as the Blink Slayer Design. Its uniqueness lied in its speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness.

The other was known as the Great Fissure Qian Kun Design. This was also the source of its compelling slicing ability.

Casually waving the sword could tear through Qian Kun Space. If it was carelessly placed on the ground, it would fall through 2,000 levels of heaven and into the mortal domain, causing misery and sufferings to the living creatures. Therefore, one had to control the Floating Dreams Sword carefully at all times.

It would be easy to use it for ripping through anything.

At the same time, it greatly enhanced Wu Yu's battle strength.

Regardless, the more important thing to Wu Yu for now was what the Floating Dreams Sword could bring to the white dragon scale.

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