Hail the King

Chapter 284: Legendary Emperor

Chapter 284: Legendary Emperor

The chilling night wind blew by, and it was sharp as knives.

The trees in the forests moved like tidal waves, and the roars of monsters sounded regularly…… The Fallen Forest in Moro Mountains was the heaven for all Demon Beasts in the night. It looked magnificent yet it had a ton of hidden dangers.

Fei shook his head.

The mysterious man left on his own will, and he was extremely fast. There was no way that someone can stop him. Fei actually still had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but it looked like he had to wait for tomorrow.

Fei then looked down on the thin book in his hand; its texture felt very strange.

The book was very delicate. It was made from a light yellow fur of some unknown demon beasts, and it was smooth and soft. It was about a meter long and ten centimeters tall if it was fully opened, and it was folded vertically ten times. Actually, it shouldn’t be called a book; it was more like a very long pamphlet.

The long pamphlet was neatly folded together, and the title was sealed onto the cover page using a gold material –

[Warrior Power Condensation and Granular Control – Complete Training Methodology]

Fei’s eyes locked onto the title. This was the notes on power condensation and granular control…… From the look of the book, it was very valuable. “Did that mysterious warrior write this?” Fei thought.

Fei couldn’t wait to open it and read it.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a line of tiny fine prints under the title. It was written using a dark ink. Perhaps due to time, it was blurry and hard to read. But after Fei tried his best, he read: “Presented by Elder Prince Yassin to the king of Zenit.”

After reading this, Fei was shocked.

It was a classified document of Zenit Empire.

What was more shocking was that it was written by Emperor Yassin! Judging from the title “Elder prince” and “King of Zenit” used in the sentence, this was from a long time ago.

To Fei’s knowledge, Zenit Empire was still an affiliated kingdom of Spartax Empire twenty years ago. The king of Zenit didn’t change into the Emperor of Zenit until the appearance of the elder prince of Zenit Yassin. Using his unparalleled individual strength, he defeated hundreds of kingdoms around Zenit and took a huge territory from Spartax Empire.

At that time, the level 3 Spartax Empire was hammered, and it almost collapsed. The remaining royal family alongside the loyalists of Spartax formed a new empire, and it was the level 1 Spartax Empire that everyone knew today.

This was the cause of the hatred between Zenit and Spartax.

They viewed each other as enemies.

For the last twenty years, the two empires had similar strength. Although there wasn’t a full-on war, the frictions and battles never stopped along the border. The goal of the two empires was to eliminate the other party; the old and new grudges and hatred had intensified to a degree that it would only disappear if one empire disappeared.

Elder prince Yassin from twenty years ago was the Emperor Yassin today.

Other than the identity of the emperor, Yassin’s cultivation path was also an unbelievable legend.

Prince Yassin was really average before his twenties. But after he reached his twenties, everything changed. His name was like the sun on a summer day; no one dared to look at it. It only took ten years for a little four-star warrior to grow into a Moon-Class Elite who defeated everyone in hundreds of kingdoms around Zenit. Until today, there were still traveling poets who recite Emperor Yassin’s stories.

In legends, Yassin was a talented genius warrior.

He started with little resources, but he was able to create numerous training techniques and combat techniques. The number one Secret Technique of the royal family [Dragon Fist] was created by him. It was heard that this technique was beyond the level of the star; it was a Moon-Class Technique. Except [Dragon Fist], a lot of the techniques in the empire were created by him. On top of the individual strength, his understanding of techniques and cultivations were very deep. When Yassin was at the peak of his time, he received a comment from the [Supreme Saint of Intelligence] of Azeroth.

“In the era, Yassin represents miracle and domination.”

“Any enemies would need to back off in front of Yassin’s blade.”

A man like Yassin was really on the peak of his time.

Many people believed that Yassin would be the first person in the region to advance to a Sun-Class Lord. However, Yassin had to focus on the administrative duties more after he established the emperor, and he didn’t progress in terms of cultivation like everyone expected. Instead, he got weaker, and his fame slowly died down.

In the most recent sixteen years, Emperor Yassin hasn’t fought with anyone. Slowly, the young warriors forgot his identity as a warrior and just remembered him as an emperor.

Unexpectedly, the king warrior of all warriors who made his enemies back off was about to reach his end due to the hidden injuries and worsened illnesses. The time is merciless, and heroes ages as well!

Fei really didn’t expect this notes [Warrior Power Condensation and Granular Control – Complete Training Methodology] to be written by Emperor Yassin.

Although Fei who was from another universe didn’t completely understand the law of jungle here yet, he knew that notes like this would be a priceless treasure in the empire. Just like the secret techniques in the Wuxia Books, this notes would make the warriors fight and kill for it. Although the notes were written when Yassin was still a prince, it was just before the up-rise of him and was still significant and precious.

The mysterious warrior was able to get something that should be placed in a tightly guarded library in the Royal Palace? This information was enough to make people wonder.

Could it be that he was one of the masters who served the royal family?


Fei felt like things were getting weirder, and he got nowhere thinking about it. He shook his head and opened the notes. He concentrated on the small prints on the second page and read the notes carefully under the silver moonlight.

Soon, Fei was intrigued.

For two hours, Fei stood there with the notes like a statue and wasn’t distracted by things around him. Only the wind fluttered his long black hair.

Fei’s strength was from Diablo World, and it has increased rapidly. Although the power from Diablo World was strong and varietal, most of the utilization techniques and experiences were from Fei’s combats with monsters and enemies; there weren’t complete systems nor theoretical backgrounds. Compared with master warriors on Azeroth Continent like Yassin, Fei lacked in terms of understanding of power and strength.

After reading the notes, it felt like eating a chilled watermelon on a hot summer day. There were many things that Fei didn’t understand before, now he knew what was going on. Although the night was still dark, Fei felt like his future was bright and clear!

“So that……”

Fei was really excited after he read the notes.

He admired Emperor Yassin who he had never met. By reading the notes, the ideas and the thinking processes of the young genius warrior vividly appeared in Fei’s head.



The next day; it was one day from the competition.

Fei returned to Chambord’s campsite before dawn and slept with his beautify fiancée in his arms. He got up when the sun came up. After he had breakfast and talked with the other leaders about the strategies that Chambord was going to use in the competition, he entered Diablo World and tried to level up. This time, the leveling-up speed was a lot slower since Fei tried to practice the techniques he learned from the notes. However, his control and utilization of his barbarian strength skyrocketed.

Four and half hours later, the barbarian character was level 51.

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