Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 993  Year of drama ——

993  Year of drama ——

Shen Li sat up in his bed with a grunt, he covered his belly with his hands before turning over and getting down from the bed. He looked at the sky which was glittering with specks of gold that seemed to be burning ambers of flames and could not help but question in his head —— ‘ Who was the idiot outside their door?’

After all, only a fool would knock at someone’s else door when the sun was this high in the sky. They were not even able to get out of the house without swaying because of heat.

So how come someone had the energy to yell at the top of their lungs? More importantly, why were they yelling?

Shen Li walked out of her room and then saw Fang Chi who was also coming out of his room with a crying little Bo. The poor baby just went to sleep but he was awakened rudely by the scream and curses outside causing him to be shocked and scared. n0𝗏𝞮𝐥𝗎𝑆𝒷.𝒸0𝔪

With his hand patting Little Bo’s back, Fang Chi tried to soothe his child but at the same time, a rare flash of anger could be seen on his face. He turned to look at Shen Li and then said, ” Brother Li, can you look after Little Bo? I need to go out and see who is scolding our wife.”

As he handed Little Bo to Shen Li, the latter tried to stop him but Fang Chi said with a smile, ” I am not going outside. I am just going to use the window on the side wall to see who is barking like a dog. There is no need to worry, Grandma Yu and Grandma Fang are outside along with Lang, I will be fine.” With that, he put on his shoes and then rushed out of the house.

” You want to work? What are you working so hard for? To fill the pockets of Yu Dong and her family?” Peng Jing did not think that she was in the wrong. She puffed out her chest and then looked at the villagers with a sympathetic look in her eyes and then scolded them, ” You all say that you have to work hard but you don’t even know that you are being made a fool all because you are foolish like a herd of sheep following their leader without even questioning whether she is in the wrong or right!”

After getting scolded and called foolish for no reason, the mers and the women of the village could not help but be angry.

If this was an intellectual woman like Wu Junfen, they would have listened to her scolding but who was Peng Jing? How dare this alcoholic tell them that they were fools who did not know anything!

” Peng Jing! What’s the matter with you? Last time you made a fuss and refused to sign the contract and now you are making another fuss while yelling nonsense! Has the alcohol reached your head or something?”

” Peng Jing! If you don’t want to live in this village just say so! Why do you have to create havoc every second day of the month? You might not have a job but we do have tons of work left in our farms! You are the one who is disturbing everyone when they are working and now you dare to say that we are foolish ?”

” Exactly! Do you think we don’t have anything good to do? My children were napping but they were disturbed by your screams and yells. Now that they have woken up, you tell me how are they going to work in the fields while being so fussy?”


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