Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 1208 Da Qiao came to ask for collaboration

Da Qiao also understood what the elders were trying to say. After all, she was not a child who could not see what was important for her and the villagers, however, she did feel a bit embarrassed when she thought about how she was going to take advantage of the situation.

” I guess so,” Da Qiao could only agree with what the elders of the village were telling her. The situation of the village was indeed not good and they needed more and more money if they wanted to get past this hurdle that was in front of them.

So even if Da Qiao was a bit hesitant she was willing to throw her face to the side and beg Yu Dong to give them a chance to sell their pickles in her mall.

” Then go and talk with her, okay Da Qiao?” Elder Qiao said to her niece as she rubbed her hands anxiously. ” And if you find it a bit difficult then I will tag along with you as well?” Elder Qiao was really tempted after she heard the amount that Yu Dong and the people in her village could earn.

This was a golden opportunity and Elder Qiao did not want to lose it!

Da Qiao thought about it but then she nodded as she felt that they would be showing their sincerity. If they wanted Yu Dong to help them, they should at least visit her properly, right?

” All right, we will head to the Big River Village in the evening,” Da Qiao said to Elder Qiao who nodded.

The elders and Da Qiao discussed a bit more regarding the reselling of their pickles in Yu Dong’s mall before going their separate ways. Though everyone had their own thoughts, they all were clear on one thing and that was ——- they needed to sign the contract!

” Ah someone came from the town to buy vegetables and meat?” Yu Dong was quite surprised when she heard Aunt Wang’s words. She did not think that someone would head down to the village to buy vegetables and meat.

Aunt Wang nodded and then replied, ” Thats right. I told the mer that it was something that could be done but he said that his daughter was giving official exams and needed as much as nutrition.

I thought that if that girl became an official in future she might be helpful for us which is why I allowed that mer to pick some vegetables from the greenhouse while I asked Ye Liu to bring meat from the animal farm.”

Yu Dong frowned but did not refute it as this could indeed be helpful to her as she could form some connections with the high-ranking officials.

However, if the customers continued to flood the village to buy vegetables and meat then it would be troublesome.

She rubbed the space between her brows and then said, ” I guess I will have to limit the amount to be sold to every customer. If this goes on even the greenhouses would turn barren!

“It’s all right Aunt Wang, I will try to limit the supply this way everyone will be able to buy some stock for themselves during the scholar exams,” Yu Dong sighed if she was not wrong then the scholar exams would go on for a month. They would start from the junior ranking exams before moving to the higher ones.

” Limit the supplies? Will that be okay?” Aunt Wang asked Yu Dong. She did not want to offend the high-ranking officials in case they felt upset just because they limited them from buying the stock.

Yu Dong nodded grimly, ” We cannot turn the customers however if we continue to sell without a limit then the reason why we opened the mall would be completely useless. After all, I opened this mall to make sure that the commoners and officials would get their food supplies without any problem but if people keep buying without a limit then it will be troublesome to keep up.”

At the same time, Yu Dong realized that she needed to purchase more land to grow more vegetables and build an animal farm next to it. If this goes on then she would really end up as the first mall owner who couldn’t meet the supply demand.

‘ I really did not expect that the demand for my products would be this high. Even the clothes and shoes are being sold at a really fast pace,’ Yu Dong rubbed her forehead with her fingers before turning to look at Aunt Wang when she saw that the elderly woman still looked worried, she said, ” There is no need to think too much Aunt Wang. We will expand our farm and then increase the supply.

However, I am sure by the time this exam is over everything will go back to normal.”

Aunt Wang nodded. The two of them discussed the production of ice candy as Yu Dong asked Aunt Wang to look for a bunch of women who could make the stick for the ice candy at the same time she asked for a few mers who could help her husbands in making ice candy.

” Miss Yu! The village head of the Big Mountain Village is here, she is asking for you,” Mu Ran came running as she stopped in front of Yu Dong. She was panting slightly as she ran from the Yu house to the greenhouses.

Yu Dong raised her brows. In fact, she was not surprised as she knew that Da Qiao would come looking for her after the success of the mall.

However, she had no reason to refuse Da Qiao as Yu Dong knew that the two of them were acquaintances at best. There was no reason for Da Qiao to trust her blindly.

” I understand,” Yu Dong nodded. Anyway, she was not helping Da Qiao because she wanted to but because she wanted to become the benefactor of the Big Mountain Village at least that way when Ying Nan was ‘purchased’ by her family no one would say a word against her.

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